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Are all 1.5 Billion Muslims terrorists? Entire world says No. Lots of honest Americans and Jews also say, No?

Insane is a Non-Muslim and probably a troll. They have devised a systematic method of making a stupid statement about Muslims, then all trolls keep ridiculing Muslims. This is being done here.

Americans and Jews of Israel have systematically cornered Muslims by denyig to sell them most war ammunition to fight wars against their enemies so Israel can keep killing Palestinians to get their lands easily and Muslims remain unable to fight back effectively. In past 62 years ever since Jews occupied Palestine by terrorizing Muslims with systematic bomb blasting in Palestine to make them flee for their life and then occupied their homes and lands, Israel has killed over million men, women and children. America

keep supplies latest ammunition to Jews to kill Palestinians to have more lands vacated, blocked every discussion in UNO that Muslims tried to raise on Palestine issue.

Muslims can not fight Israel having American F-16, tanks and sofiticated night visions guns and all kinds of ammunition that Palestinians can not get from any where. They got cornered, so they started suicide bombing to fight to Israelies knowing that Israelies will kill them all , so they decided to kill themselves by killing several Jews with them.

No one loves to kill himself. Muslims never used this method to fight before. Israel has made them terrorists by killing them systematically. Now entire western press owned by Zionsts & Jews defame Muslims in the entire world labeling all 1.5 billion Muslims as terrorists though only desparate Palestinians and some Arabs resorted to suicide bombing to fight back with Israelies. They attacked New York because USA has always been supplying them ammunition to kill Muslims and use UNO against them. Only 19 Arabs killed themselves to destroy twin towers and all 1.5 billions are labeled as terrorist. All Muslim leaders have condoned over and over that suicide bombing is haram. Israelies have never condoned the killing of Palestinians. Muslims will stop using suicide bombing if justice is done to Muslims and America stop attacking Muslim countries, destroying their countries occupying their lands.

Is it human? No. It is the lowest form of atrocity against Muslims. Desparate people take desparate measures when they are cornered and killed systematically.

Shame of all who call all 1.5 billion Muslims terrorists.


for Devil's Advocate.

Though I know I can't win with Devi's Advocate. I am giving the fact today and about past also. Islam was not spread by sword. It is false accusation. Muslims always offered Islam to the rulers of

Non-Muslim countries and asked for permission to preach Islam in their lands. Muslims went to fight with only those rulers who refused to give permission to preach. Many of them killed the Muslim emissaries who delivered message of Islam sent by Prophet Mohammad and later from his successors. Message was also sent to the religious rulers of Palestine and Egypt. Both countries were headed by Christian Patriarchs. Both welcomed Muslim leaders because they knew Prophesies of Prophet Moses and Jesus in Bible that a person named (Ahmad)Mohammad from amongst your brethren will announce as Prophet in 7th century. Lots of Jews had arrived hundred before and settled in Madina (Arabia) hoping that the last Prophet may be born in their families. God made Prophet

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Americans learn what their wicked media teaches! They just can't realize that Terrorist attacks are not conducted with vacant intention! The leaders of those Terrorist organizations conveyed a message to all the countries contributing troops to fight Afghanistan and Iraq that withdraw your men or we will ruin your country just like they are devastating ours. Still they're squandering trillions of $ trying to achieve nothing but increasing number of casualties and other futility.

    They're helping Israel ever since its demarcation because they think JEWS are the chosen people of GOD LMFAO! People who have been maltreated throughout the ages are the chosen people!

    *Rolling Eyes*

    Did anyone even ponder that why Terrorists choose America?! The greatest contributor to Israel and wasting Muslims with the so called working title "War on Terror"

  • Fatima
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Wow! That was just too much for me to read this early in the morning.


    Correction: Muslims population in the world according to the 2010 Statistic is 1.65 Billion people.

    And no, not all 1.65 Billion Muslims are terrorists. But there are a very small percentage who are. That includes those who take matters into their own hands in the name of revenge and start taking the lives of innocent ones. And are the rest of the world, be it Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, etc saints? No, there are indeed some terrorists in that population as well.

    Terrorism is defined as the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.There is no indication of what religion the group is, there is no need to because everyone knows what is terrorism yet some take the easy way out to tag Muslims as terrorists, perhaps to satisfy their own propaganda!

    Dear brother, I hope you will make an effort to watch 'Fair Game' a 2010 movie starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn about the truth behind the Iraq war led by Bush. I hope it would open the worlds eye on who actually is the biggest terrorist. Ironically, the movie was produced in US. So you see, not all Muslims are as pictured by the shallow minds of some and not all westerners are culprits in the anti-Muslim propaganda.

    Sigh. I've had my say. Where's my coffee? I need my caffeine fix now...

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