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Kelsey M asked in PetsBirds · 1 decade ago

I just got my parakeet and im a nervous reck!!!!?

I just got a parakeet(a budgie) for christmas and its yellow and green with blue on its face

That means its a male i believe. So its been 1 day and everytime i get near the cage it walks into this corner farthest away from me:(

When im sitting in my room on my laptop it started to chirp and flapp its wings so i thought it was getting used to me. But 5 seconds later its dead silent!!!!

How long will it take until it gets used to me? When he gets used to me how do i give him a bath/shower?

and when should i teach him to talk??!?!

NEED ALOT OF HELP. i dont wanna screw anything up

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey :)

    Just leave him to settle in for a day or two, im in the exact same position but I've had a budgie before :) Let him settle in for a little then practice trying to get him on your hand/finger. You need patience and persistance. Get your hand or finger, whichever is most comfortable and place it just above his feet. Then slowly raise your finger and he will have no choice but to step on. Then bring him closer to you and talk to him - I'm going through this with my budgie as we speak. About the whole, chirping and then stopping, its completely normal :) You need to really stop stressing because if you stress so will the bird.

    Don't look scared or give in, like I said you have to be firm and let him know that he needs to get used to it. It should take about a week for him to get settled in completely. Don't worry, and when you first try to hold him ( In the cage ) dont worry when he flaps around like a mong hehe, he's just a little scared. If you want to give him a bath ( dont give him a shower ) once he's settled in and can fly around the room, hold him and put a small tub on the floor ( long width, short height ) and fill it up with cool ( not cold not hot, in the middle, and dont do it in the winter because its too cold ) water and lower him next to it. If he wants to use it, he will. Also you can buy cheap baths that cling onto the outside of the cage so they can visit it when they want :)

    My budgie Peter had one and he loved it. Talk to him ALL the time, expecially when he talks :) If you want to teach him to talk feel free, just keep on repeating what you want him to say - it helps if they start with ch because they can pronounce this better - thats why my budgie now is called Charlie :')

    Good luck! And remember, stay persistant :')

    Source(s): 13 YEAR OLD BUDGIE OWNER :')
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Just be patient and go about your normal activities for at least a week while he gets used to his surroundings. When you see he isn't as afraid of your you;ll know it's okay to move onto taming him. Each bird has a different personality---some settle down faster than other (example: 1 week instead of 4) there's no way of telling. When you say "blue on his face" are you referring to the area above the beak before the feathers of the head start that also includes the nostrils? This is called the cere, pronounced sear (like to sear meat in a pan). And yes, in males it's blue.

    Keep the water dish full plus place a bowl (small heavy crock-style that won't tip) on the floor if you like and when he's ready he'll give himself a shower. Just give your bird time to settle in---he's more stressed than you right now lol.

    Source(s): Tips for taming when your bird is ready:
  • 1 decade ago

    The first thing you need to do is relax. The bird is not a robot or plaything that you can get to do whatever you want whenever you want. The best way to think about it is that the bird owns us, or more accurately, our hearts. Birds are alot like some people in that they take time to get to know us. Open up the cage door and let HIM get used to you ON HIS TERMS, NOT YOURS. Be patient and let your new feathered friend get to know YOU not the other way around. Approach him slowly and again USE Patience.

  • 1 decade ago


    I love Birds have 4 parakeets myself and a cockatiel. Now parakeets don't really talk i have found that it really hard to make them talk, now parrots can be easily trained.

    If you want to be able to touch your parakeet you have to constantly put your hand in the case so that it losses the fear of human contact. do this every day , don't try to touch him jut place your hand in the cage. After a wile he will get use to your had and be less afraid of being touched ... i have had my parakeets for over 6 months now and there just getting the hang of me touching them but i worked very had to make this happen. Also a good idea is to get him a little gym and let him out of his cage this helps so much with bonding with your parakeet ( if he bites grab him with a towel or cloth to get him out of the cage) be careful that no doors or windows are open if his wings are not clipped and even if they are be careful with open windows and doors.

    Suggestion get parakeets for dummies this book helped me so much with my parakeets i also got one for cockatiel and they help so much

    Good luck !!!! feel free to contact me if you have more questions i can talk about this all day lol and of course if you find my answer helpful

    Source(s): Personal experiance
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