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Lv 6
Rasa asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why does it feel like nobody brings up the obvious?

In a country where this has happened:

1) Selling a war to the American people as costing 50 billion dollars and taking a couple months when it took 750 billion dollars, 7 years and hundreds of thousands of lives, including thousands of American lives.

2) Not properly outfitting the troops with body armor

3) premising the entire war on illogical, nonsensical information

4) Not having a post-war strategy

5) Torturing people in secret

6) Monitoring US citizens in secret

7) Mismanagement of the veteran's healthcare and more

What have we done to make sure this doesn't happen again? It's not about ideology, it's about a colossal failure of our intelligence agencies, public apparatuses and the American public in general to not be misled.

What's different now that would prevent it from happening again?


@gws: thanks for reinforcing my point. What have we done to prevent this from happening again?

Update 2:

@gws: you also reinforce my other point: people are too busy being ideological and trying to either blame Bush or make him seem less terrible to see the OBVIOUS: the entire system that allowed it to happen still exists. Bush didn't orchestrate the lie and bungled intelligence himself. The entire system was along for the ride.

Update 3:

1) Bush said the war in Iraq would cost 50-60 billion dollars.

2) They weren't fitted properly with the correct armor. That's just a fact. look it up.

3) If I punch you, does it make sense to attack your neighbor? No. You attack the one who attacked you; you don't make up illogical reasons to attack someone else, even if you hate them (for example, the idea that Saddam was buying yellowcake from Africa to make a bomb... why would he do that when he already had the stuff to make a bomb and that African nation would not be able to ship it to Iraq anyway, much less covertly)

5) The presence of evil is not a justification of our doing it. Other countries also do Communism, so why don't we? Other countries behead their own people, so why don't we?

6) see 5

7) Veteran Healthcare is mismanaged. It always has been, really.

The point: instead of playing politics, why don't we stop to think about "Hey. This is kind of bad that our intelligence agencies could so badly estimate the cost of

Update 4:

People have debated who is to blame and how much blame we can shove onto former President Bush. I don't hear as much about how not to let this happen again, what's intrinsically wrong about the structure of the executive branch to allow for such a colossal failure of intelligence gathering, and why weren't the American people awake enough to know what was happening?

I opposed the war because I knew things about it. Other people didn't because they didn't know anything about it.

Btw, I'm talking about Iraq, not Afghanistan.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it is because of political reasons.

  • That's a tough egg to crack.

    With all the partisan divisiveness and us vs. them dichotomies at play coupled with distractions at home and abroad, who has the time or the focus necessary to hold millionaire politicians accountable to the majority of peasant working class stiffs and our other than tax loophole demands?

    Our concerns only get paid lip-service during election cycles and even then, we're told whatever is pre-tested, pre-screened or pre-trial-balloon-tested to determine exactly how to frame an issue to either distract voters away from more serious issues or to re-brand a non-issue "distraction" sufficiently polarizing to keep the difficult political issues off the front page and out of the minds of potential voters.

    One can't force voters to become more involved or to become sufficiently wealthy so that politicians will listen to our collective concerns if we become wealthy enough to donate a sufficient quantity of money to grab the attention of our so-called representatives who control and manipulate government affairs on "our" behalf.

    It's a long shot, but if every single individual became an incorporated corporation and since corporations appear to have more rights or privileges, than actual living breathing people, maybe the government would be forced to pay attention to our needs if everyone were seen as a corporate entity in need of corporate welfare and special tax break incentives, like those other "person-hoods", corporate entities with more personal rights than an actual person has ever been granted.

    Source(s): Observation
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) It's like when you jump in a hole expecting that there will be a ladder, but then find out that there is no ladder. Then you don't know what to do

    2) We didn't think we need it

    3) When is war ever logical?

    4) The think the current war strategy is more important

    5) That's never been done before...

    6) We got tired of monitoring them in public

    7) We mismanage everything, why should people who risked their lives to protect our freedoms get special privileges?

    You think this was unintentional?

  • Calico
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Aggressive countries ( USA being the big gorilla) needs to brainwash its population in believing how good they are for the rest of the world.. When in fact world domination for economic reasons is the only agenda.

    People are easily duped by the media, religion, and corrupt politicians in maintaining the poor countries submitted and as slaves. International corporations are the real power behind the mega scam.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    1) I've never heard that it cost 50billion...and hundreds of thousands? More like a hundred thousand..if that.

    2) Um, everyone, including field doctors, pilots, and supply sellers(forget the actual name of them) are fitted with body armor.

    3) Illogical and nonsensical information? We were attacked. We retaliated.

    4) I'll give you that one.

    5) Only difference between us and them is they boast about it.

    6) They've been doing that for years/

    7) Um, what?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    8 Bush and Cheney Charged with War Crimes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    “Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors…

    “Other countries possess weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles. With Saddam, there is one big difference: He has used them. Not once, but repeatedly. Unleashing chemical weapons against Iranian troops during a decade-long war. Not only against soldiers, but against civilians, firing Scud missiles at the citizens of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Iran. And not only against a foreign enemy, but even against his own people, gassing Kurdish civilians in Northern Iraq.

    ”The international community had little doubt then, and I have no doubt today, that left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will use these terrible weapons again. "

    Speech from the Oval Office by President William Clinton, explaining his attack on Iraq

    reported by The Associated Press

    Wednesday, December 16, 1998

    Bill Clinton was impeached on December 19, 1998.

    President Clinton orders attack on Iraq in 1998

    Do a google video search on "democrat wmd" to see how many Democrats insisted that Saddam had WMD, all the way back to Al Gore in 1992.


    Gore To Bush: You Ignored Saddam's Terrorist Ties!

    Al Gore lashes out face-to-face at President Bush, Sr. in 1992, accusing him of failing to act on Saddam's nuclear weapons and WMD programs.

    BUSH LIED!- with groovy photo of Slick and Hillary as Eurotrash

  • 1 decade ago

    where have you been for the last ten years ? all of that has been debated ad infinitum...

  • 1 decade ago

    Joe Biden, is that you

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