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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureOther - Society & Culture · 1 decade ago

Why do women hate video games?

I have noticed that women hate video games.They say they are childish and toys.I even heard a women say that she doesn't let her husband play video games.Why is it that women hate video games so much?I don't expect women to want to play video games, but what makes you hate them?Men don't care when women watch those shitty reality shoes and/or soap opera's.And if women don't watch those they obsess over celebrities and love shopping.We don't say anything.But i have talked to guys that said they're girlfriend broke up with them because they played video games.Why is that?I mainly notice it's women over 25.My girlfriend doesn't care that i play (though i'm a young kid.I'm 13.).But all of adults i talk to that play video games say that all of the women they meet hate it.Can everyone give me some insight?I want opinions from anyone.Especially women who hate video games.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The games are a distraction for their men. It is annoying to be around a group of gamers who always talk about their games, too. I would almost rather listen to old people talk about their aches and pains. At least those are real.

    Women have their own silly things to obsess over. Games and reality shows are substitutes for social interaction. Games don't reject you. Neither will Who wants to Survive to be a Cake Master Bachelor.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't obsess over "celebrities" or love shopping, in fact I hate going into to stores and barely shop on amazon. As for video games, I love them. The mindless ones and the creative ones are the best. I'm not big on first-person shooter stuff but my brother was playing halo once and I got sucked in. And if MMORPGs count as video games then those are cool too. Yet I'm still a little girly.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a woman and I like video games.

    I think it's first of all, the fact that video games are geared more towards men oftentimes. Many are about killing/shooting/violence and women are less into that than men. Also, men can be more introverted than women in general and women want to get out more and socialize. Women would rather go shopping generally because of the nurture instinct. Men want to kill stuff in video games because they can't in real life cuz society won't let them but they need to release their hunting instinct.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, Not all women hate video games. Second, guys do too say things about our shows, and shopping, and celebs. Third, if your only 13 you don't need to be using bad language. No one takes you seriously when you do. Its a nasty habbit. Fourth, women who do hate video games most likey don't like them because their boyfriend never spends time with her cause he is always playing video games, or all their kids what to do is play video games. They should be out playing and being active.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry kiddo but this grown mother of two teenagers loves them. I got a DS for Christmas when they first came out, play 360 & Wii. I'm not big on Guitar Hero but for some reason I'm really good at it.

    BTW I HATE soaps.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because women get mad when men do stuff they like for example my gf gets pissed off when shes cleaning up and when i'm watching espn sportscenter it's just being a sucky life form called a human.

  • 1 decade ago

    Real girls do love them! me being one of them.

    I have lots of video games. my favorite franchise is the zelda series

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because it's one more thing that can divert a man's attention from his domestic duties or from paying sufficient attention to his wife/girlfriend.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because they aren't good at playing them. women are best at making me sandwiches and cleaning up after im done eating.

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