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Bill S
Lv 4
Bill S asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsCancer · 1 decade ago

Did you know that marijuana kills cancer cells?

Did you know that marijuana kills cancer cells? It actually causes them to eat themselves in a process called "autophage".


THC (marijuana) helps cure cancer says Harvard study


Marijuana Chemical May Fight Brain Cancer

Active Component In Marijuana Targets Aggressive Brain Cancer Cells, Study Says


Did you know the government knew about it in 1974?

Did you know that the cannabinoid receptor is the most prevalent cellular receptor in our brains?

This mystery began to unravel in 1964, when tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the main psychoactive chemical in cannabis was isolated and synthesized by Raphael Mechoulam and colleagues in Israel. Subsequently, in 1988, Allyn Howlett and colleagues discovered the cannabinoid receptor in the brain. This receptor called CB1was a precise match for the unique chemicals called cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant (phytocannabinoids). This initial discovery led to scientists hypothesizing that humans are "wired" for cannabis. The CB1receptors have been found in the brain in areas that control the coordination of movement, emotions, memory, reduction of pain, reward systems, and reproduction, yet are almost absent in the brain stem (which affects our vital functions such as breathing). It appears that cannabinoid receptors, which modulate other neurotransmitter function in a retrograde “on demand” fashion are present in far higher concentrations in the brain than any other receptor. While the CB1 receptors are primarily found in the central nervous system, a second type, CB2, discovered in 1993, are found primarily in the immune system, GI tract, liver, spleen, kidney, bones, heart, and peripheral nervous system. In fact, the CB2 receptor appears to be up-regulated whenever there is tissue pathology.

What do you think about this?

Is it true?

Did the government know?

What do you think about that?

Did you know that the government actually has the patent on medical marijuana... for use in fighting diseases such as cancer, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and more?

And yet they repeatedly say that there is "no medical use" for marijuana.

Look it up. U.S. Patent #6630507



Why the hostility?

You can gripe all you want. You can call me a liar all you want, but I I don't think you have done the slightest bit of investigation into the subject. Did you follow any of the links I listed above?

"Has nothing to do with cancer".........

There have been MANY studies recently that show that THC kills cancerous cells in both rats and humans. I listed a couple of links above... did you look at them? Or did you just to conclusions because you think you know what you're talking about??

Did you go to the U.S. Patent office website and put in the # for the patent that the government has on medical marijuana... for use in fighting diseases such as cancer, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and more?

Did you look at the link to the Harvard study?

Also google: "Spain study cannabis cancer tumors"

And as far as pot smokers getting cancer goes, I never said that if you smoke marijuana you will not get cancer. They don't do the

Update 2:


And what would those "dangers of marijuana" be??

Like the fact that there has never been ONE death attributed to marijuana overdose?? Unlike that thousands of deaths every year attributed to overdose of prescription pharmaceuticals????

You people are 2 things.... CLUELESS....and CLOSED-MINDED.

Update 3:

Continuation of the note to denise above:

They don't do the studies by giving cancerous mice a joint to smoke. They get the mice to ingest copious amounts of the oil of the cannabis plant. AND IT REDUCES THE SIZE OF THEIR TUMORS.

Update 4:

And Denise...

Maybe I'm asking the question over and over to get close-minded people to pay attention, so that maybe they will actually look into what I'm saying to discover that it is true... rather than dismissing it thinking that they know everything there is to know about the world.

Update 5:


#1 Smoking a joint here or there is not going to cure cancer. The people who have had results extract the oil from the cannabis plant and ingest it. Smoking it introduces carcinogens that might not be so good for someone with cancer.

All these studies are new. Even if the government wanted to legalize it for cancer patients, they'd have to spend millions of dollars and years and years of research before they would say it could be safely used... meantime thousands/millions die.

They've known about it's cancer-killing abilities since the 1970's... and they haven't done anything about it yet.

The government doesn't care if you long as they get their money.

Update 6:

Bullet Tooth Tony...

FINALLY! A voice of reason in the wilderness!

Update 7:


What did I say that was untrue?

You said, "But so far there is no actual proof that marijuana is in any way effective against cancer." I didn't say those words. I said, "marijuana kills cancer cells", and it does. In study after study. You can look it up on the internet, and I've provided just a few links. There are many more out there. Also google: Endocannibinoid system

You said, "The researchers do not claim their findings as conclusive proof; yet you feel able to make that claim for them". Where did I say anything about proof? You're putting words into my mouth. I simply stated what the article about the study said... and then gave a link to the article.

You're acting as if I said, "Smoke a joint and you're cancer will be cured!!!" I never said anything like that. I simply copied the headline of the article I was using as a source, and then gave the link to the article.

I just find it interesting that mj might help us find a cure for cancer one day,

Update 8:

I just find it interesting that mj might help us find a cure for cancer one day, and wanted to share the links with people so maybe medical mj would get a better rap. If you look at the government's patent on medical mj, I gave the number so anyone could look it up, it appears than cannabinoids are useful for treating a host of diseases (cancer, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and more).

And btw, the people I'm answering back to have been saying things like "marijuana has nothing to do with cancer" .... when it does.

Or saying things like, "if that were true anyone who smokes mj wouldn't get cancer".... and that is not true either. It is entirely possible that large amounts of THC could fight cancer growth when smoking a joint or two here or there might not do anything.

Or they're calling me names like long-haired, liberal freak... when I'm a short-haired, conservative normal human being.

Update 9:

Denise: You obviously don't know how our government works. Laws are not passed based on logic or common sense or what the people want... they are passed based on who pays their lobbyist the most.

The medical/pharmaceutical industry makes much more money treating disease than they do curing them. Big Pharma has one of the biggest lobbies in D.C. They make billions selling drugs to people to reduce symptoms... rather than cure diseases.

The tobacco industry also lobbies against medical mj.

So do the bar owners.

And the prison-industrial complex.

And all the funding for the "war on drugs".

All this money is flowing in one direction... lining the pockets of powerful people... who don't want to see the status quo changed.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're assuming that you can reach close-minded people. That's a naive assumption. If they could be reached and used rational reasoning and logic, they wouldn't be close-minded people in the first place. What makes them close-minded people is the fact that they won't listen to you or agree with what you are saying, no matter how many studies or sources you present before them. I wouldn't waste my time if I were you. Evolution will eventually weed them out as the generations are becoming more open-minded every 10 years or so.

    And yes I did know that. Below are some more sources for you to use in your futile mission.,, and do not look like credible websites. So in the future, you may want to link to more well-known media sites like ScienceDaily, CBS, WashingtonPost, etc.

    If you don't, then people will accuse your sources of not being credible enough and will say that anybody with $10 can register a domain name and put up a website

    Source(s): Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows Active Ingredient in Marijuana Kills Brain Cancer Cells Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection Marijuana might cause new cell growth in the brain "A synthetic chemical similar to the active ingredient in marijuana makes new cells grow in rat brains. What is more, in rats this cell growth appears to be linked with reducing anxiety and depression. The results suggest that marijuana, or its derivatives, could actually be good for the brain."
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have asked this so called question a few times before and repeatedly asking a question is against Yahoo’s rules and this one is more of a rant anyway.

    If marijuana actually killed the cells involved with more than 200 different diseases called cancer that would mean chronic marijuana users would never get cancer and they do. Marijuana does not stop cancer, it does not cause cancer - it has nothing to do with cancer.

    EDIT: I never claimed to nor do I think I know everything. Nor am I closed minded to marijuana I grew up near the ocean of southern California and was a teenager during the 1970s. I also lived in Alaska where it was legal to grow up to 3 plants per person. I have smoked and consumed my fair share. I have also encouraged my father who has MS to use it to help relieve his symptoms which is legal here in California.

    Studies are just that studies there is nothing in your links that proves anything. I work in the industry that does pay attention and I am not the one who is closed minded. If you want to promote your views that is fine, create a blog or something, but exporting a question and answer format is not the way to do it.

    How does the government get money if people die? The majority of cancer patients have Medicare which pay s 10 times more money in the last 30 days of a cancer patient’s life than what is spent over their entire lifetime – in other words billions are lost every year.

    Source(s): I am a cancer registrar and a child of the 70s.
  • 4 years ago

    Weed Kills Cancer Cells

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Does Marijuana Kill Cancer

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You have asked this same question and variations on it several times in the Cancer section, and have today become abusive towards those cancer professionals and patients who dispute any detail of your claims. I'll repeat what I said in my last answer to you (identical question): What you are linking to are reports of studies, not proof - and in most cases they are links to media reports of those studies, rather than any kind of scientific report. Studies are just that - studies; they suggest possibilities for further research, they do not claim to be proof. And I think some of the research into cannabinoids and cancer certainly merits further research. But so far there is no actual proof that marijuana is in any way effective against cancer. The research in one of your links, that carried out at Complutense University in Madrid and the University hospital of Tenerife is particularly interesting, and had some promising results; but as I pointed out to you before, this research was into into the use of chemical cannabinoids to help treat ONE particular sub-type of ONE type of cancer, and was an extremely small study involving only 9 patients. The researchers do not claim their findings as conclusive proof; yet you feel able to make that claim for them And again, here's no suggestion in any of this research that marijuana can either treat or prevent cancer; the research has been done using man-made chemicals that mimic the compounds found in cannabis, rather than unpurified marijuana. If you were presenting these studies as interesting research and possible evidence, that would be a valid point. But you're claiming them as proof positive, insulting those who point to the lack of conclusive evidence , and insisting that the claims you make are the truth.

  • lo_mcg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You've asked questions along these lines before, and I replied to you at length once before.

    This time I just want to point out that what you are linking to are reports of studies, not proof - and in most cases they are links to media reports of those studies, rather than any kind of scientific report.

    Studies are just that - studies; they suggest possibilities for further research, they do not claim to be proof. And I think some of the research into cannabinoids and cancer certainly merits further research.

    But so far there is no actual proof that marijuana is in any way effective against cancer.

    The research in one of your links, that carried out at Complutense University in Madrid and the University hospital of Tenerife is particularly interesting, and had some promising results; but as I pointed out to you before, this research was into into the use of chemical cannabinoids to help treat ONE particular sub-type of ONE type of cancer, and was an extremely small study involving only 9 patients.

    The researchers do not claim their findings as conclusive proof; yet you feel able to make that claim for them

    And again, here's no suggestion in any of this research that marijuana can either treat or prevent cancer; the research has been done using man-made chemicals that mimic the compounds found in cannabis, rather than unpurified marijuana.

    If you were presenting these studies as interesting research and possible evidence, that would be a valid point. But you're claiming them as proof positive, calling all those who point to the lack of conclusive evidence 'clueless and closed-minded' and insisting that the claims you make are the truth.

    Coming onto a cancer forum and insulting people who have or have had cancer - many of whom will have investigated this along with other possibilities when they were frantically researching treatments after their terrifying diagnosis - is a tad insensitive, don't you think? Maybe you could try another approach

  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't know that but I have read that THC is a mixed bag. I heard that it raises the chance of getting cancer but I could be wrong there. It obviously helps cancer patients with their pain and is a far better drug than the pharma drugs being pedaled. I have my reservations about drugs. I think drugged out people are part of the agenda to keep us "down and out" but I'm also for legalizing all drugs and decriminalizing addiction. The war on drugs is a farce and people ensared by addiction need help, not jail. Criminalizing pot smoking is just another way the police state gets to control us. And it's wrong. I do agree that unlike most drugs, there's a medicinal quality to pot and it's not as addictive as alcohol, coke, crack, meth or heroin. Alcohol is the most dangerous drug out there. It's destroyed more families than all the other drugs combined. And it's legal.

  • 1 decade ago

    If what you say is true why aren't doctors reccomending Americans go to Amsterdam and they can smoke as much pot as they want and cure their cancer. I highly doubt our Government would hide this fact if it were true and I don't believe U.S. Medical Companies or Marijuana supporters would hide such a fact. Not only that but don't some states now allow medical marijuana for cancer patients. If I remember correctly they give it to them for pain, if this were true this would cure their cancer and they would no longer need to use it for pain. Sometimes common sense is a good thing to have, also try reading counter arguements for such studies.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    In Tenerife you are able to do any such thing you feel like any day of the entire year thanks to its weather, organic environments and tourist infrastructure designed for enjoyment for all your household which means this place is the right area for an excellent holiday and with hotelbye you can get it. In Tenerife are lots of points waiting for you yourself to discover and one particular is in the south west coast of Tenerife. A place that's a magnificent location for seeing whales free in the ocean. As much as 26 species are located just off the shore, including baleen whales, monster whales, dolphins, pilot whales and even blue whales. In Tenerife you will even see The Teide National Park. At 3,718 metres, Teide volcano is Spain's highest peak and their two ecosystems make the climb an event filled with contrasts.

  • Howdy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


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