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"Christians silenced, persecuted and martyred Atheists for nearly two millennia"?

I've seen statements like this on this forum repeatedly. Perhaps someone can show me some evidence of this persecution on such a level that it seems to bring fear to some in the 21st century. Its like saying "atheists will go on to massive manslaughter like Stalin or Mao!" which is a lot more recent. Any thoughts?


Dark Atheist: The crusades, inquisition and witch hunts do not involve atheists. What were the "body counts" as it were? Real evidence?

Yes, Stalin was a dictator. Thats kind of the point. He was also an atheist. Many of the things attributed to Christians were also done in the name of power, acting inconsistently with the teachings of Christ at that!

Update 2:

Keith ... You perhaps would like to brush up on history.

Wikipedia is not considered a reputable source at most colleges for one must assume good reasons.

18 Answers

  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's the kind of fantasy dreamed up over a sustained intake of sedative hypnotic.

    The Crusades were organized to stop the take-over of Europe by Muslim theocrats. If there were any atheists in Europe in the 13th century, they would have joined the Christian armies.

    The Inquisition was the restriction of a pogrom by Spanish nationalists to exact retribution for hundreds of years of Muslim conquest, imposing the rule of law and defense lawyers to give dissidents a fair trial. Again, any atheist wanting religious freedom would have been in the cheering section for the inquisitors and against the nationalists.

    All this was small change compared to the massive anti-Christian murder campaigns by National Socialists and International Socialists in Germany, the USSR, China, Cuba, Cambodia, etc. Men like Stalin and Mao were not isolated communist leaders, but leaders of explicitly atheist regimes bent on stamping out religion, and they killed some 150 million victims (see link).

    The atheists will never give you facts and figures because they are in denial.



  • 1 decade ago

    Blasphemy (up to and including atheism) was illegal in the UK until the 19th century - you'd face imprisonment/corporal punishment in England/Wales and the death penalty in Scotland. As well as what everyone else has mentioned - Inquisition, Crusades etc.

    You're right that this shouldn't bring fear to anyone in the 21st century, (there are nutters who want a return to this but they're marginal) but it makes it friggin' annoying when Christians endlessly whine that they're being 'persecuted' whenever someone disagrees with them.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    How approximately those human beings godless hell-sure heathens who say "Christians that burn down abortion clinics are in actuality enjoyed ones terrorists?">>> I tell them to get some attitude...Christianity would not enable for homicide so despite if a bomber is claiming to be Christian you will see that their ideals are way out of line from what Jesus not point out the reality they dont savour the help of the vast majority of Christians accessible.. How do you take care of the persecution of atheists who ask for evidence whilst discussing creationism?>>> I wouldnt call it persecution in any respect, its a query..advent isnt meant to grant a scientific rationalization..that's meant as an occasion who's to blame for what we see..not how He did it..that's for technological understanding to locate. How do you take care of the persecution of being greeted with "satisfied holiday journeys" that's all inclusive extremely than "Merry Christmas?" i don't care..i will nonetheless say Merry Christmas..If it offends everybody they are going to recover from it.. you recognize how we ask "what's misguided with 2 consensual electorate marrying regardless of their intercourse?" that isn't what marriage is defined to be...end bitching over the be conscious and come again to combating for the advantages..THAT I have not got any probem with...

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In 1933 no less a persecutor than Adolph Hitler claimed to have "stamped atheism out".

    Oh I'm sorry, the little Austrian was disowned by modern Christians and retroactively labelled an atheist, I forgot!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've seen plenty of statements by Christians on tis site saying they want the USA to be a theocracy and they'd imprison or kick out all atheists or religions.

    It has happened in the past and there are people who want the dark ages again.

    The steps from religion to violence are perfectly logical (in the mind of a theist, not in a logical mind) and not at all from atheism.

  • 1 decade ago

    How do you think Christianity became so widespread in the first place?

    The inquisitions and the crusades. Maybe you should do a little research on your own religion.

  • ed f
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    People who are disagreed with sometimes have a complex, and may feel like they have been persecuted.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How can you 'martyr' an Atheist? To martyr one they would have to have a belief of some sort, for which they were killed. Since atheists don't believe, they really wouldn't be dying for 'something'. Gotta get a belief into them, THEN we can martyr them to our heart's content.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Christians often mistake being laughed at and criticized for being persecuted, they don't have a clue what persecution really is.

  • 1 decade ago

    How many times must we remind you that Mao and Stalin were dictators?

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