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Am i in early labour?

I've started with contractions about 2 hrs ago which have gotten to be 10 mins apart lasting between 30 - 60 secs. It starts in my lower back thn moves round to my lower abdomen and tightens my tummy. Its not mega painful just a little, so am unsure whether its real or just braxton hicks? As every1 always says how painful contractions are? Pls help! (I'm due on sunday 9th jan and its my 1st baby)

6 Answers

  • It sounds to me like real contractions, at least like what mine feel like. I feel braxton hicks on the top of my belly, while the real contractions are on the bottom of my belly, wrapping around from my lower back. Try drinking a big glass or two of water and laying down, if they dont go away, they are probably real contractions. If they dont go away, get up and walk around and if they get closer and more intense, they are definilty real contractions. Good luck, you're almost there!

    Source(s): 37 weeks, due 1/29/11, 3 cm dialated and 70% effaced!
  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like labor has started!

    Remember the 4-1-1 rule

    Early contractions will start out uncomfortable and the closer they get the more painful they will get - it could be a few hours before you see 4 minutes apart but walking will help progress things

  • 1 decade ago

    If they are coming at regular intervals then you are in labour, have your waters broke? the first stage of labour is not painful, my daughter went into labour at 37 weeks and she said the complete labour was not as painful as monthly cramps, she had mild pains and then she wanted to push, the same happened with her second labour. Call the hospital.

  • 1 decade ago

    its possible but it can stop and start at any time and could also be braxton hicks, keep timing them if they become stronger or more regular let your midwife know. good luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You could be.

    Best to contact your doctor or local hospital just to be on the safe side.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    not there

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