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Santana D asked in SportsBoxing · 1 decade ago

How low can this Boxing Forum go?

I was just notified by loc_ness that there was someone claiming to be my husband, the late "Santana D" This forum was therapeutic for my husband during his fight against a terrible, terrible disease. I reached out to several people here during that time and was met with nothing but respect and kindness. Imitation is greatest form of flattery but not in this case, this person wrote on their page "For those who thought I was dead I apologize for misleading you." and "I lost my password" I wish it were as simple as that, I wish I could tell his children "Sorry, Daddy's not dead, he was just misleading us." I wish that every morning when I wake up this nightmare would all be "Misleading" and I could just hold him and talk to him for just one second. You dishonor my husband and his memory and you should be ashamed of yourself for casting yourself in his light. To those of you who were my husbands friends, why would you answer this fools questions and allow him into your lives? "Santana" so admired you. For those who think that I'm not who I say I am and that I'm some pathetic fool using my husbands avatar, check the profile, I have not forgotten my husbands password. His questions and answers are indeed intact. To those who come here and are new I apologize to you for having to read this but this forum was so much more than a hobby for my husband, this was his escape his way to get away from his pain and suffering and in the months and years since my husbands passing I come here occasionally to read over some of the new questions and answers and I sometimes email some of his friends, just the other day I emailed blogbaba to let him now that "Santana's" trainer has joined the forum ElGuapo, but he too was turned off by what this forum has become. There are so many of you that mean well but unfortunately there are a few that ruin it. As of today I will never come to site again to remember my husband, I have many, many wonderful memories of him and his beautiful face and smile and his incredible boxing mind, I'm just sorry that some shallow little person had to ruin it.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mrs Santana,

    Your husband was the very best of all time on this forum and always exhibited a lot of class and humility even though he was so brilliant when it came to boxing and I'm quite certain in other areas as well. He was a good man and is missed by all that knew him. I am a cancer survivor (had advanced form in 1996) and know and have seen first hand how terrible this disease is and what it does to families and I am so sorry for all that he and your family had to endure. What has happened lately has been a disgrace to the memory of the man. I did answer that fools question and later deleted it and feel terrible about it as I definetly know better. I considered your husband a friend and learned so much from him and I will promise to do all I can to try and stop these people from being so disrespectful to his memory. Thank you so much for doing the right thing and for allowing me to say a few words on his behalf. God Bless you always.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mrs. Santana D, I'm sorry to see that this has happened in this forum. I can only imagine how much it hurt for you to come here and see this. Unfortunately some people have no limits in how disrespectful they can be. I wasn't here when your husband was around but from reading a few of his answers and what others have said about him, he was a generous person with great boxing knowledge and was highly regarded on this forum. Despite the trolls, most users here speak positively of him and he is still well respected by the vast majority of this forum. I'm sorry that you can no longer come to this site.

  • MMW
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm sorry that this forum has turned this way. All I can say is that your husband was a very special man and he managed to inspire and in some way change many(including me) with his intelligence in boxing. I'm glad to hear that while he was still here, he found a way to forget about his problems with this section. I didn't get a chance to talk or have contact in any way with Santana D, but I have seen his answers and you can tell that his love for the sport was something admirable. I have rarely thought so highly of someone I've never met or interacted with, but it is safe to say your husband was a GREAT man with a great mind. I can't ask you not to mind the person who did this that made you upset but I believe it is better to just look at all the great things that are said about Santana D. If you look at that you will see that all the Beautiful things we think of your husband widely overshadow the inept kid who made a fake account.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi Ma'am, simply reading a post from the late Santana D's wife is an honor for a new regular like me in this boxing section. I will not go on pretending that I know you husband, because truth be told I have never read any of his question or answer. But I am impressed that all the older regulars here have nothing but respect for Mr. Santana D. Even the people here who I look up to all look up to Santana D. Never have I encountered an "anonymous" person in the Internet to get so much respect. It's easy to be popular in the Internet, but to be respected in a world of anonymous people, not so much.

    I am confident that your husband's name and memory will forever remain in this boxing section. The community of regulars here will try their best to keep his name untarnished. As for the imposter, he will not get any success trying to gain anything that is rightfully Santana D's. He might just be another immature kid who knows nothing about respect and honoring.

    This forum has indeed fallen into a pit hole with these extreme racism and disrespect. Even in my short stay here, I have witnessed how the quality has degraded in this boxing section. I know I am in no position to say this, but trust ma'am that you husband's name will always remain pure and true to us regulars here.

    Have a good day ma'am. From the bottom of my heart, I wish I could have had the opportunity to have interacted with your great husband.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Mrs Santana I'm sorry you had to post under these circumstances. I myself would also be very upset. In a way, I'm a Johnny come lately when it comes to Santana. But from what I have gathered from some of the 'old schoolers' he was a great contribution to this site. My loss for not having the opportunity to have known him.

    In life, with so many things, there seems to be some bad along with the good. This site proves to be no exception. With this in mind I'm sorry that you feel you can no longer come here to remember your husband. But keep in mind ma'am there are still many serious great contributers here. So to hell with the punks (pardon my Irish). Santana seemed the type of man of be damn.d the idiots but would plow on and thru to sow and reap the good from here.(I do presume and if I do so wrongly I apologize) So don't give up on all of us.

  • I am Joshua Mbngo Dmbungo TONGUE-CLICK Jnr. Jnr.

    I have been on this forum for several months now, I've been banned, become a top contributor, been banned again and most importantly learned alot.

    The most intrguing and touching thing I learned was the deep respect and admiration the people of this forum who interacted with Santana D have for him, and his continued effect on the members and true boxing fans.

    When I saw a question being asked by somebody immitating Santana D I was irked, and sunk to their level, asking a vulgar question about who it was. I'm ashamed I was baited so easily by this individual and offer my most sincere apologies. If for whatever reason you do choose to look at this website again I'd like to add again how sorry I am.

  • When I saw the fake account, I was ENRAGED, and reading your message only makes me hate whoever did this more.

    Your husband, who I (unfortunately) never got the chance to interact with, was, from all accounts, one of the nicest, kindest people here with a built-in boxing encyclopedia. He still is the king of this forum as far as I am concerned, no one compares, then or now.

    You have nothing to apologize for, it's these gutless cowards who have these sick, twisted minds to do things such as this because they are complete buffoons who can't fathom the idea of a poster such as your husband getting the respect he deserves and thinking that other users made up Santana D, when he was in fact a real person who really did pass away and leave so many friends behind.

    Whoever did this, how can you sleep at night? How can you live with yourself? You should be embarrassed to call yourself a human being, because your actions, fool, are the actions of a sub-being.

    If I offend anyone, I don't care. Let the man rest in peace, and acknowledge that he is number 1 all-time and always will be.

    Take care,


  • sorce
    Lv 4
    5 years ago


  • 1 decade ago

    I am so sorry that you had to come here and be apart of someones ignorance. I am sorry that you gave this idiot the attention that he or she desperately craves. I think of your husband every day and the way he touched mine and everyone's life that he brought into his life. he was truly a remarkable guy and it was a pleasure working with him and picking his brain, stories that the media never got wind of. The play by play of when he sparred with Barry McGuigan and awe he felt of being in the same ring with Salvador Sanchez when Sal was in his prime and "Santana" just a snot nosed kid winning the golden Gloves for the first time a meeting set up by his Uncle cut man Miguel Diaz.

    To the impostor, shame onto you.

  • 1 decade ago

    My sympathy's to you and your family. I never had the pleasure of talking with your husband myself, but if you visit this forum from time to time you will see the massive respect everybody has for him. He left a legacy that has lived on. Hopefully the fake sees this and sees the error of his ways, it was a very disrespectful thing to do.

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