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Claimants That The Bible Was Altered, Where Is Your Proof?

Before getting started, I respectfully ask that all comments remain to the point and free from insults, ranting or deriding others. I don't think that's much to ask.

We've all heard a million times by now the claim that The Catholic Church has somehow altered The Bible, which they created by the way, that it is "not from God" and that it was to their own ends, or some other drivel. Where is your proof? Why do I have such a hard time finding a person who makes such a claim, but can actually point to something to back up their claim?

Look at this, just one of my claims here ;

"The "catholic bible" is not a true Bible, since the "catholic" one has missing and changed verses, and then added 7 books that aren't from God." (you can follow the URL;_ylt=AuGlL... )

Where is the proof of this? Actual proof, not just citations from the websites of people who say the exact same thing you do.

If you do manage to find some proof (which will be hard), how does it compare the proof that this belief is entirely false?


Edit : To "numbnuts222," the Sinai Codex is an old version of The Bible which does include parts written in the margins which can be attributed to copyist errors, but not parts being scribbled over or pages having been ripped out. The copyist errors can be and have been rectified by other complete and proper existing texts used to make later copies.

Now perhaps you can try to relate this to the question I was asking about people claiming that The Church altered The Bible at a later time. I am sure, by now, that people here operate under the faulty claim that The Church altered the Bible in the 16th century.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Catholic bible is the complete bible with all 73 books. The Protestant bible only has 66 because Martin Luther removed 7 of them.

    The books Protestants will call the Apocrypha are actually called deuterocanonical books Tobit,Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, 1 & 2 Maccabees. The Catholic bible also include chapters in the books of Esther and Daniel not found in the Protestant Bibles. They will say Catholics added them but they have always been in the Bible.

    They can be found in the Greek Septuagint bible used by Jesus and the Apostles and the Codex Sinaiticus bible, the oldest surviving bible.

    The Greek Orthodox Church has had these books in their bibles since their split in 1057, 500 years before the council of Trent. They are also found in the dead sea scrolls from the 2nd century B.C. Kind of hard to say Catholics added them when they have been there all along.

    The only record of Hanukkah is in the deuterocanonical books of 1 and 2 Maccabees.

    1Machabees 4:56 And they kept the dedication of the altar eight days, and they offered holocausts with joy, and sacrifices of salvation, and of praise. 57 And they adorned the front of the temple with crowns of gold, and escutcheons, and they renewed the gates, and the chambers, and hanged doors upon them. 58 And there was exceeding great joy among the people, and the reproach of the Gentiles was turned away. 59 And Judas, and his brethren, and all the church of Israel decreed, that the day of the dedication of the altar should be kept in its season from year to year for eight days, from the five and twentieth day of the month of Casleu, with joy and gladness.

    2Machabees 10:6

    And they kept eight days with joy, after the manner of the feast of the tabernacles, remembering that not long before they had kept the feast of the tabernacles when they were in the mountains, and in dens like wild beast.

    Peace be with you

    <<<Devout Catholic>>>

  • 1 decade ago

    Lets see. We correctly have over 2300 manuscripts of the books of the New Testament in the original Greek language that predate the first church council (Council of Nicea in 325 AD). These are mostly word for word identical to the text we use today. If the Catholics "altered" the Bible did they somehow go back and plant all these thousands of altered manuscripts for us to find? Including the ones stored by groups like the Coptics and the Aremians who were hostile to the Catholic church?

    Of the roughly 7000 lines that make up the New Testament, fewer than 40 of them have any question as to the original reading. Where there are questions, many are different spellings of the same word, a change in word order (Christ Jesus instead of Jesus Christ). The number of differences that are significant is very minor, limited to a handful of verses. Not a single one of the variants changes a Christian doctrines.

    Historically, there is no textual evidence to support the claim that the New Testament has been altered by the Catholic church (or any other group).

  • 1 decade ago

    Notes in the margins are the glossalia notes of the text copies of doctrinal scholars & saints, who did not make changes but noted variances between Doctors whose own written documentaries varied.

    Glossolia is referred to in the Decretals of Gratian and seen in decretals of Doctors & Saints writings, (sermons) the glossalia was correctly discerned by the eventual unaniminity of the Doctors of the Church and eventual clarifications made by the time Gutenberg invented the Press. Thereupon, the Douay New Testament was translated to English in 1582 with all glossalia removed, and the Rheims Old Testament was translated to English in 1609. But these texts had been in use through the previous 12 centuries as corrected, coordinated texts originally found in either Augustine, the Tripartita, Bishop Ito, Ireneus or other Doctors of the Church. Glossalia was not considered heresy, but translation variances.

    Traditional Catholics at

    The Making of Gratian's Decretum, 2000, Anders Winroth, Cambridge Univesity Press

    Work of Human Hands (exposition of V-2 heresy) Fr.A.Cekada,2010,Philothea Press.

  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The Bible is a collection of religious texts assembled first by Jewish councils and later by the Catholic Church. Jesus gave the Church the power to bind and loose (Matt 18:18), which includes the authority to separate true accounts of the life of Jesus from imaginative counterfeits.

    The "extra" books of the church in the OT were quoted by Jesus and provide antecedents for his teachings. It makes sense to go with the Church's collection rather than a collection of later Jews who hated Christianity or Protestants more than 1500 years after the fact.

    We have more copies of the scriptures in the Bible than any other book from the ancient world. If one copy was altered by an overzealous scribe, we have literally thousands of other copies to make the correction. In addition, the ancient texts are available to any scholar who wants to to reconsider the current translation. There are over 100 translations in Bible Gateway at the click of a mouse.

    Modern people try to make changes in the Bible. For instance, Obama translated the Golden Rule as "Do unto others as they do unto you," which is from Chicago politics rather than from Jesus. Still, the Church Jesus authorized and empowered retains the apostolic authority to reject false and tendentious translations.



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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it is not hard at all. you should do some research about the council of nicaea and how they had a vote over what books to include. also it was only decided then that jesus was the son of god and not just a prophet, as some of the early sects of christianity taught. making him the first democratically elected god

    if you want to read some of the christian books that were left out the bible look at the dead sea scrolls and the Nag Hammadi library. these paint some very different pictures of christianity than what is known today. you should really read these as they are rather interesting and very easy to find on the net. and some of these sects of christianity where quite strong until they were burned alive by the dominant sect.

    and as for your last question. Absolutely nothing. i didn't have a clue about anything of what i just said when i first read the bible and understood just what primitive bs it was. i was christian when i picked up the bible and 2 weeks later when i had got to the end i was atheist. it was only after that i learnt about all the other inconsistincies

  • 5 years ago

    "If the non-believer does now not suppose the bible is 100% real, infallible and the direct phrase of God, quoting from it could not quite PROOVE whatever for that person. Would it not?" How do you name yourself a non-believer when you be a element of the bible, even if beneath 100%? Plenty of things that a identified now were handiest theory at one time. A variety of things that are concept now might be prooven some day. If one rates the Bible to offer an explaination to you, it's simply to show a part of the supply of which they answered you. I know I cannot offer you religion, (if I might i would supply it to everyone,) I offer no proof. However I encourge you to appear for yourselfs and you can to find the solutions. The place you your search is up to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Look up the Sinai Codex, its one of the earliest Bibles known and contains loads of corrections over time as new ideas entered Christianity

    'For those who believe the Bible is the inerrant, unaltered word of God, there will be some very uncomfortable questions to answer. It shows there have been thousands of alterations to today's bible.'

    I think attributing the differences to copy errors might be a bit over optimistic

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't worry about that with tens of thousands of ancient manuscripts worldwide and the dead sea scrolls to confirm the scriptures as unaltered

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The proof that the Bible (i.e. Gospels) was altered is in Luke 1;1-2. It clearly reveal(s) who the true 1st century messiah was.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Whether or not it was altered has no bearing on anything, because no one has yet proven that the biblical god exists. All claims attributed to that god are unfounded until credible, scientific evidence for god is posited.

    Source(s): Meta-Logic: It's what you do when you're brilliant.
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