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if you have an ovarian cyst and your grandmother has it can you get ovarian cancer?

if you have an ovarian cyst and polycystic ovary syndrome and your grandmother had ovarian cancer can you get ovarian cancer?

3 Answers

  • Q
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. Ovarian cysts are very common. And PCOS is quite common too. They do not lead to ovarian cancer and having them does not increase risk of ovarian cancer.

    However, there is a gene that increases risk of ovarian cancer. If your grandmother had it, and you have it, then your risk is increased. But you can get genetic testing for that. And 90% of ovarian cancers are NOT related to that gene, so the vast majority of women who have ovarian cancer don't have that gene. If your grandmother was older when she got ovarian cancer, then it's less likely she has that gene.

    If you are worried about this, then one thing you might want to do is to go on birth control pills. Birth control pills decrease risk of ovarian cancer, and they also can help women with PCOS have more even hormones, and then can also cause ovarian cysts to shrink and go away.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    New Medications Are Constantly Being Taken Off The Market Due To Horrible Side Effects... A Good Idea Would Be To Go With Medication That's Been Around For Several Years.

  • 1 decade ago

    its a high risk yes.

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