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Kite asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

Do hermit crabs make good pets?

I've always been curious about hermit crabs as pets. I think crabs are interesting and may consider getting hermit crabs someday - not now, but someday. I've done some caresheet reading, and spoke to a friend of mine who has some and whatnot, but I'd like to hear from some other owners. My friend summed them up by saying they're fun to watch for a few minutes, but that's all - he says he can't put his hand in their aquarium without being pinched, and they don't really do much as far as watchable activities go. Is this true for everyone?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Those that are boring to watch or pinch are lacking proper care. Given the right climate, housing and care they're fun, interesting and possessing their own personalities and antics. I've owned land hermits since 2005 and have small and mediums in a 29g and large and jumbos in a 72g. Since in the wild they travel in large numbers, cross long distances and have been found in the tops of 100' trees (also why they're sometimes called Tree Crabs) it makes sense that those housed alone, that live in tiny little kritter keepers or aren't fed well wouldn't be capable of or feel up to demonstrating the qualities that make them fun to watch and own.

    Regarding those that pinch, there are a few reasons for this:

    -physical stress: Land hermits are harvested from their native beaches, sent to a collection facility in a stop which may be brief or may last a long time. Eventually they're sorted, packed tightly in a shipping sleeve which can lead to broken limbs or shells and sent to a store, usually to be deposited into inferior conditions of hot dry tank, lack of humidity, foreign food, expected to drink from a damp sponge (they drink by dipping their claws and bringing water droplets to their mouths) and have no salt water which their bodies require.

    -mistreatment along the way or at store level

    -hunger and your hands contain a food scent

    -you were holding them and moved too quickly causing them to fear falling and grab on.

    Come visit us at the family friendly website below and I'd be happy to share more including pics of my tanks.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It depends on the species of crab you get - some species are more prone to being shy and willing to pinch than others. Of the various species available, PPs (Purple Pinchers) are usually the most docile and least likely to pinch. That said, you can encounter some PPs that won't hesitate to pinch.

    Hermit crabs make great pets. While some crabs may live sufficiently in a small container with a thin layer of sand, commercial hermit crab food, and some freshwater, this is not the essential needs of hermit crabs.

    Minimally, land hermit crabs need:

    1) consistent and stable heat/humidity (75-80 degrees/75-80%)

    2) a balanced diet (most commercial hermit crab foods contain copper sulfate which is an insecticide; hermit crabs are very sensitive to insecticides, and although feeding commercial food may not have a fast-acting effect, in the long run it may shorten a crab's life)

    3) a layer of sand a few inches more than the tallest crab (kept at sand castle consistency, so the tunnels do not collapse - most hermit crabs will burrow in order to destress or molt)

    4) freshwater/saltwater (both water dishes should be deep enough for the crabs to get water into their shells; the freshwater should be dechlorinated and the saltwater should be made with marine sea salt, not table salt)

    5) extra shells (to help prevent shell fights, and to allow for sufficient growth; but not painted shells, as hermit crabs may eat the chipped paint)

    6) a hide/hut

    7) and an additional crab (as hermit crabs are social creatures, benefitting from the presence of another crab)

    8) a tank/aquarium large enough to house all items and crabs (taking in consideration their growth)

    With proper care, hermit crabs can live many years (several hermit crabs in captivity have lived 30+ years). As with any pet, research is important. Most people don’t realize the extensive care that are required by hermit crabs. Providing them with the proper care can help reduce the likelihood of PPS (Post Purchase Syndrome). That said, if you are willing to put in the required time, money, and research, they make wonderful, fascinating pets.

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Do hermit crabs make good pets?

    I've always been curious about hermit crabs as pets. I think crabs are interesting and may consider getting hermit crabs someday - not now, but someday. I've done some caresheet reading, and spoke to a friend of mine who has some and whatnot, but I'd like to hear from some other owners....

    Source(s): hermit crabs good pets:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've had hermit crabs for about 4 years once. They're nocturnal creatures so they're really loud at night crawling around. Also, if you get a male, the crab sometimes squeaks a mating call.. At night. Hermit crabs are also easy to forget about. You always have to keep their sponge wet, so they have water to drink. Finally, you have to fill their food bowl every day.

    P.S.- I would also recommend the hermit crabs that DON'T have a painted shell. Get the crab with a natural shell, and also ALWAYS have a back-up shell that's a little bit bigger than the one they are using at the time so they can molt when that current shell gets too small and cramped!

    Hope this helped!

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Very nice good pets not hard to take care of and easy to care for. I owned a hermit crab for about 1 year now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Very good I owned my pet hermit crab for about 1 year now. They are cool to watch and easy to care for.

    Source(s): Hermit crab owner for a year.
  • 1 decade ago

    yeah hermit crabs are good for a few minutes, but will bore quickly. You're better off with a fish tank.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My friend had hermit crabs. She loved them for about 1 month... then they died off and she gave the rest to a friend. There very cute at first but get very boring after awhile.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ive had a couple hermit cramps in my younger years. One of them would let me hold it and crawl on my hand. The second one used to pinch so hard, sometimes it would get stuck and left marks. That one actually I remember how it died.I was taking a vacation with the family and brought him along with us and we left him inside a tank in the car right next to the window for a couple hours...not realizing it was so hot outside and it literally fried to death :-/. Any way they are cool to have once in your life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was able to put my hand in the tank without being pinched when I had them a few years ago. However, because they require a wet sponge in there to provide them water, mold tends to eventually breed and before you know it, the tank begins to smell. I have had hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, and rats and none of them smelled as bad as the hermit crabs did.

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