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  • Do crafting pipe cleaners rust?

    If I were to use crafting pipe cleaners for a project that would involve them getting submerged in water for short periods of time, would they rust? If so, how badly, and how easily/quickly?

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts10 years ago
  • Is this a wolf or a coyote tooth?

    There's a penny for comparison. The total length is roughly one inch and a half, while only about a half of an inch would be exposed from the gums. It was sold as a wolf tooth, but judging on how cheap it was and small it is, we're thinking its coyote?

    3 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • What species is this? (Taxidermy warning)?

    A few years back, my father gave me what was sold to him as a coyote face. I've looked and looked and haven't found any photos of coyotes with this particular coat color - is this indeed a coyote, or did the salesperson make a mistake? What else could it be? Its slightly bigger than my brother's red fox face, but only slightly.

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Lexmark All-in-One Scanner Jamming?

    I have a Lexmark x7675 All-in-One printer/scanner/copier/faxing. I've had it for a couple years now and recently when I try to scan things, it seems to get jammed. It'll make this "tick tick tick tick" sound over and over, say "scan failed", and won't turn off when I press the power button. I have to unplug it to make the ticking stop. This happens 70% of the time when I try to scan something - it usually takes 2-3+ tries to actually get something scanned. Its irritating, to say the least. Couldn't find any info on this issue online anywhere that I looked, and my dad won't call anyone for troubleshooting because we can't afford a repair.

    If it helps, I have Windows Vista and I use the software that came with the scanner, "Lexmark Productivity Studio - 7600 Series".

    Does anyone know why it would be doing this, and if its fixable at home?

    1 AnswerScanners1 decade ago
  • Are gray tree frogs social?

    I recently got a gray tree frog, and was wondering if he'd mind/want a companion? I couldn't seem to find much information on whether or not they're social critters, but my mom has a "two of everything" policy. I just want to make sure they wouldn't fight or have territorial issues.

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Does this sound like tonsillitis or strep throat?

    I've had a sore throat for 3 or 4 days now, but no one took me seriously when I said how sore it was. This morning something didn't feel right, so I looked in the mirror, and my tonsils have big white spots on them and the right one is swollen.

    I have a doctor appointment in the morning, but I have OCD so I wanna know as much as I can before I go in..

    I've heard mixed answers as to whether or not strep throat will produce swollen, spotty tonsils. I've had strep throat once before, but didn't look at my throat in a mirror, so I don't know what it looked like. I know for strep, I'd be given antibiotics and sent on my way.

    I read that tonsillitis can't be treated and they pretty much say to let it run its course.

    Does it sound like strep throat or tonsillitis, or is the only way to tell a culture? Also, is there any treatment at all for tonsillitis other than getting tonsils removed?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • What can I do to make it stop?!?

    My neutered papillons have been potty trained for a year and a half. They've been very good about it...that is, until recently.

    Every time I have my boyfriend over and we leave the room, even for a few minutes, Sysco will pee on my floor. He'll even come inside from being outside, go straight to my room, and pee. Its gotten to the point where whenever we leave my room and come back in, we don't wonder IF he's peed - we look for WHERE he's peed.

    I'm 100% positive its Sysco every time. He's the one acting guilty with a wet belly every time we find a puddle. I always check, and Pocco's always dry.

    I've tried letting him outside to pee more often, and it does no good. I'm buying him a belly band as a last resort, but I'd rather he stops altogether. What else can I do?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Are grape vines toxic to dogs?

    The vine itself, not the grapes? I've taken to making dreamcatchers out of grape vine and I'm concerned that one of my papillons may somehow get ahold of a scrap or something.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is the name of this condition?

    Someone I know has a condition relating to his testicles and scrotum, and I was trying to find out more information about it, but I can't remember what it was called. Please be mature with your answers, this is a serious question.

    Basically, what happens is one of his testicles will go up into his body extremely far - he was rushed to the ER in an ambulance because one of his testicles was inside his body as a visible lump diagonally above his hip. It hurt him to move, he ended up passing out from the pain.

    The doctor in the ER pushed the testicle back down into the scrotum while he was unconscious. He then saw a specialist, who said his testicles weren't properly attached to the scrotum (or something to that effect) and that is why they're able to go up abnormally far into his body. It was recommended that he have surgery to attach his testicles to his scrotum so it won't happen again.

    Does anyone have any idea what this condition, and the surgery to correct it, is called? Thanks in advance for any help!

    3 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Why would this happen with a DVD?

    I got Jurassic Park: The Lost World on DVD for Christmas. I watched it on my computer and it worked fine.

    Then recently I tried to watch it in my DVD player. It worked fine for about 20 minutes, then it started skipping like a CD with a scratch. I took it out and cleaned it (though I couldn't see any scratches or fingerprints) and tried again. This time the skipping started before it even made it to the main menu.

    I tried it in our PS2 and it did the same thing.

    I just tried it again on my computer and it works fine.

    It wasn't pre-owned, it was brand new from Wal Mart. Unfortunately we don't have the receipt so we can't exchange or return it.

    Anyone have any idea why its doing this? Is this something common and fixable or just a bizarre glitch?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • What color morphs are my corn snakes?

    I have one corn who has been confirmed as a sunglow.

    I have two others who haven't had their morphs confirmed. I've guessed what their color morphs are, but I'm not sure if they're a variation from the "normal" morph or not. It doesn't really make a difference what colors they are, I just like to know :D

    Sokka - believed to be a snow: (ignore my dad's stained shirt)

    Zuko was thought to be amelanistic, but she looks very identical to my sunglow Moeru, so I'm wondering which she is.

    I don't have a fullbody picture of Zuko unfortunately, she isn't very cooperative and doesn't like to be handled.

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Who is more at fault?

    This happened years ago to my half sister's mother, I've always been curious as to who was more at fault, and whether or not her neighbors could have gotten in trouble.

    She had a dog that she let go outside in her unfenced yard - there are leash laws, she didn't obey them. That said, he never left their yard and was usually supervised.

    A dog from down the road of where they lived was also let loose, except this dog wandered around the neighborhood. This dog looked very similar to my stepmom's dog.

    Her neighbors saw a dog pooping in their yard and assumed it was her's. They complained to her about it and she assured them it wasn't her dog, because he was usually supervised and was trained to stay in the yard.

    They saw a dog in their yard a few more times and kept complaining to my stepmom. They never called animal control or anything.

    My stepmom's dog was found dead in their yard. My stepmom had gone out overnight and her daughter was supposed to be watching him, but she admitted to just letting him outside and forgetting about him.

    It turns out their neighbor put chicken out in the yard to bait him in, and poured antifreeze on the chicken to poison the dog, instead of calling animal control.

    Now I know my stepmom should have obeyed leash laws and has to take blame for that. At the same time, her neighbor should have called animal control instead of purposely poisoning and killing the dog.

    My stepmom never reported the neighbor because she was afraid she would be the only one punished by the law because she didn't obey the leash laws.

    Out of curiosity, if she had reported the neighbors, who would have been punished? Would they both have, or only my stepmom?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What colors are my Papillons?

    I've been curious for awhile. I'm suspecting the breeder wasn't correct on the colors of my Papillons, but since there's so many similar colors, I'm not sure what they are. Please only answer if you know what you're talking about, no offense, but I'm not looking for guesses :D I want to finally know for sure!

    Pocco was said to be a tri-color.

    Sysco was said to be sable. (He was overweight in some of these pictures, rest assured he's a healthy weight now! The cone was for a skin condition that has been treated and cleared up.)

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What are the chances she'll live?

    My chinchilla is dying.

    I posted the other day about her showing signs of tooth problems. It took a sudden turn for the worse and she's laying there, breathing, but unresponsive. I don't know if there's something else wrong too, but there has to be, this happened so fast...she only just started showing signs of having something wrong on Friday. The vet offices were closed over the weekend and mom and dad worked too late to bring her to the vet yesterday.

    Dad called one vet today, they wanted $80 to put her to sleep, charging us an extra $50 just for walking through the door because we had never brought her there before. That's preying on our misfortune. Its BS.

    We called another vet, explained the situation, and they immediately set us up with financial and and she has an appointment at 8 tomorrow morning. They're going to do a mouth exam to see if its anything easily fixable that she could recover from, and if its not, they're putting her to sleep.

    I have my doubts as to whether or not she'll be alive tomorrow morning, and even if she is, if she'd survive the exam. She'll have to be put under for the exam. I don't think she'd survive it.

    What are the chances that a chinchilla that seems to be dying already would survive being put under for a mouth exam? Please be honest. I'm not holding false hope. I know the chances are probably slim.

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Do hermit crabs make good pets?

    I've always been curious about hermit crabs as pets. I think crabs are interesting and may consider getting hermit crabs someday - not now, but someday. I've done some caresheet reading, and spoke to a friend of mine who has some and whatnot, but I'd like to hear from some other owners. My friend summed them up by saying they're fun to watch for a few minutes, but that's all - he says he can't put his hand in their aquarium without being pinched, and they don't really do much as far as watchable activities go. Is this true for everyone?

    13 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What does an orca's skin feel like?

    Its been a dream of mine to see and touch an orca. Their skin is usually described as "rubbery, smooth, slippery". Anyone who has been lucky enough to get the opportunity to feel an orca's skin, what's the closest thing you could compare it to? I've read hard boiled egg, and wet car tire.

    1 AnswerZoology1 decade ago
  • What kind of caterpillar?

    Found this little guy on our weeping willow tree. He's about a half an inch long. We live in Maine. Anyone know what kind of caterpillar it is?

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • What kind of catfish?

    My sister's house has a pond and I caught some baby catfish on accident with a net. They're about an inch to an inch and a half long, pinkish orange color with yellow irises in their eyes, and they have black whiskers (two on the top of their head, two on the sides of their head, and four on their chin). Any idea what kind of catfish they are? My sister just bought the property and wasn't aware that there were catfish in the pond.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Rigor mortis/rotting in severed body parts?

    My mom found the tail of a chipmunk that a stray cat killed. At the time we could move it and everything. Now after a few days its gone stiff.

    My mom says that the skin in the tail isn't going to rot, and we don't have to skin the tail and let it dry in the sun in order to have it stay preserved. Is this true?

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Ringneck Dove - Baby Question?

    I'm pretty sure my Ringneck doves mated earlier today. Just in case, I figured I'd ask a question that, to me, is important.

    If I touch the baby dove(s) once hatched, will the parents reject them? I know a lot of bird species do this, but I'm not sure if domesticated doves would. The female, Raine, doesn't mind human contact and will fall asleep on my shoulder. The male, Keiko, was born and raised in a barn with no human contact before I bought him and therefore is afraid of people.

    Also, at what age is it safe for me to handle the baby(s)? I'd like to handle it/them as much as safely possible while its/they're young so they don't end up like their poor daddy.

    (I know Ringneck Doves lay 2 eggs at a time. I say "it/they" etc because I may replace one of the eggs with a wooden egg if they're fertile because I'm not sure if I want two babies and my mom thinks it'd be a smart decision since I don't want to rehome any babies that they hatch out. I only plan to let them hatch 1 or 2 babies max their entire lives, and will replace the fertile eggs with wooden eggs after that)

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago