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Kite asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

What can I do to make it stop?!?

My neutered papillons have been potty trained for a year and a half. They've been very good about it...that is, until recently.

Every time I have my boyfriend over and we leave the room, even for a few minutes, Sysco will pee on my floor. He'll even come inside from being outside, go straight to my room, and pee. Its gotten to the point where whenever we leave my room and come back in, we don't wonder IF he's peed - we look for WHERE he's peed.

I'm 100% positive its Sysco every time. He's the one acting guilty with a wet belly every time we find a puddle. I always check, and Pocco's always dry.

I've tried letting him outside to pee more often, and it does no good. I'm buying him a belly band as a last resort, but I'd rather he stops altogether. What else can I do?


I don't ignore him while my boyfriend is over. He still gets attention, but my mom thinks he's doing this out of jealousy/for attention.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A few years ago I owned an Italian Greyhound who was VERY skittish. She would go outside and then come in and pee in the same spot every time. It IS a matter of marking territory, but the best way I found to stop it was by marking your OWN territory. No, I DON'T mean pee in your room. Go to your local pet store and ask if they have a citrus spray for this exact situation. Dogs naturally dislike the smell of citrus, so when we bought it and sprayed it where my dog kept peeing, she veered away from that spot. Spray your bedroom carpet and see if that helps. What might happen is she might pee in a different room, but if she does just spray all the flooring in your house at least once and your dog should learn to hold it for outside time. Hope this helped! :)

    Source(s): personal experience :)
  • B!nd!
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would be very careful when using the words 'jealous' 'attention seeking' or 'guilty' when referring to dogs. None of these behaviours are dog behaviours- it is just people assuming that dogs act like humans which is not the case.

    It does sound like Sysco has a problem, but it is not so much a 'jealousy' issue- he is marking his territory. He probably looks 'guitly' because he gets into trouble every time you come into the room to find that he has marked- he doesn't associate the punishment with the behaviour- he just knows that you come in and he gets into trouble- of course he looks nervous.

    How much attention do your dogs get normally? Are the dogs particularly demanding? Especially Sysco. Does he tend to get in your face a lot, or try and get attention from you when your boyfriend is getting attention?

    I am guessing that this is an issue with a dog that is not fully aware of where he stands in your family. This kind of behaviour is common in dogs that are treated more like children than dogs.

    They tend to display these habits because it is normal dog behaviour- another male comes in, and the dog feels the need to mark the area so that the new male knows the area is claimed by him.

    I would recommend a behaviourist in this case to properly diagnose the problem, and offer training solutions to help you.

    I would also recommend enrolling in obedience lessons, as this can help you build an appropriate bond with your dog, and the training can be implemented in the home, as well, which should help out with some of the behavioural issues.

    In the meantime, I would suggest that you do not leave Sysco unattended in your room for any period of time- if you are going to leave him alone then put him outside where he is safe to mark his territory.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, he is upset by your boyfriend's presence. He feels insecure and threatened around him.

    Either keep him outside when the bf is around or see if bf is willing to work to gain the dog's trust.

    If he's willing then have him toss Sysco a morsel of his favorite treat every time he comes over and comes in contact with Sysco. Soon the dog will associate the bf's arrival with good things (he gets treats!) and warm up to him.

  • 1 decade ago

    He is either showing his dominance over your boyfriend telling him "This is my area" or it may be submissive. Since it only happens when you leave the room I would bet it is dominance. You may wanna check out one of Cesar Millan's books. They helped with my dog. I would try washing everything off with vinegar. Dogs do not like the smell or taste of vinegar, this should re-pell him. If it still persists I would call a behavior specialist or see your vet for tips. Did your boyfriend come into your life after you got the dogs?

    Good luck to you!

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  • 1 decade ago

    He's marking his territory. I suggest going to your boyfriends house and leaving Sysco home or dealing with it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your dog is probably just very excited. Some dogs when they become excited, they pee. My friend's dog does the same too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cook him and eat him, he is a gross creature! At least you can make a meal out of him. That will put an end to the matter.

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