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Kite asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Who is more at fault?

This happened years ago to my half sister's mother, I've always been curious as to who was more at fault, and whether or not her neighbors could have gotten in trouble.

She had a dog that she let go outside in her unfenced yard - there are leash laws, she didn't obey them. That said, he never left their yard and was usually supervised.

A dog from down the road of where they lived was also let loose, except this dog wandered around the neighborhood. This dog looked very similar to my stepmom's dog.

Her neighbors saw a dog pooping in their yard and assumed it was her's. They complained to her about it and she assured them it wasn't her dog, because he was usually supervised and was trained to stay in the yard.

They saw a dog in their yard a few more times and kept complaining to my stepmom. They never called animal control or anything.

My stepmom's dog was found dead in their yard. My stepmom had gone out overnight and her daughter was supposed to be watching him, but she admitted to just letting him outside and forgetting about him.

It turns out their neighbor put chicken out in the yard to bait him in, and poured antifreeze on the chicken to poison the dog, instead of calling animal control.

Now I know my stepmom should have obeyed leash laws and has to take blame for that. At the same time, her neighbor should have called animal control instead of purposely poisoning and killing the dog.

My stepmom never reported the neighbor because she was afraid she would be the only one punished by the law because she didn't obey the leash laws.

Out of curiosity, if she had reported the neighbors, who would have been punished? Would they both have, or only my stepmom?


Yes - they are sure it was the neighbors who did it. The neighbors called them later that day and informed them that they baited and poisoned the dog.

They are also sure it wasn't their dog doing it - at least most of the time. Most of the days that the neighbors called and complained, the dog had been under supervision and hadn't left the yard.

My stepmom is pretty sure that the only reason the dog went to their yard that day was the temptation of the chicken. He was always very good about staying in their yard.

8 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Not obeying a leash law is a simple citation. Killing a domestic animal is a much larger offense. She was wrong, and should have done something about it, but it was not his place to kill the dog.

    He was, by far, more in the wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    It think the law will vary depending on where you live. In some areas, if you see loose or "stray" dogs on your property you are allowed to shoot them. As far as assigning blame, your neighbors should not have poisoned the dog. But the dog was off leash and not in a fenced yard. Did the dog have to go into the neighbor's yard to eat the chicken? Can you PROVE that the neighbors were the ones who did it? Proof beyond a reasonable doubt might be hard...

    But in the hypothetical, it is their fault that the dog is dead, but your half sister's mom shares some of that by not leashing the dog, especially since she knew the neighbors were having problems (even though it was not her dog pooping...)

  • 1 decade ago

    the neighbor is punishable by law because although your step mom was in the wrong, it is ilegal to take the law into your own hands by killing the dog. It is also ilegal to kill domestic animals. They would have been charged in court.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They would've been given a stricter penalty than her. She should've reported them. Killing an animal is a way more serious offense than a leash law.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Some dogs have to be trained differently due to certain natural instincts. Learn here

    This is how I trained my dogs, hope it helps:

    Throw the toy, give the command "fetch" or whatever you use and have the dog bring the toy back. Don't let her know you have the treat. (If she knows, just hold it behind your back.)

    Grab the toy still in her mouth and say "thank you". She should release, if not hold the treat in front of her nose. When she lets go, quickly praise her and give her the treat. Pet her alot too. Do this over and over. Then after a week or two, give her a treat one time, but not the next, giving her praise both times. If she does not bring you the toy, ignore her. When she does bring it to you, do as above.

    When she plays tug of war, do the same, tell her "thank you" and put a treat under her nose and when she lets go, praise her and give treat. Give the toy back, sometimes they don't want to bring you the toy because they think you wont give it back (hence the "throwing it" part of fetch).

    If she runs away with it, let her go. To her it's a game, "watch me make them chase me" is what she's thinking. If you don't show interest in it when she runs, she'll stop, but this will take time too.

    Enrolling in training classes can help too. Just be consistant.

    I play tug of war with my two Great Danes and there is never a problem. When I want them to let go I say "thank you" and they drop it immediately. Sometimes they win, sometimes I win when I say thank you. Its all about training and dominance. They know I am Alpha in the house, there is no question about it and I am consistant with training.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the law depends on the state. Some states have almost no animal protection laws.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Training your dog is not difficult specially if you have a good guidance on how to train him/her, I have read a lot of dog training guides for advice and I have learn many tips and tricks for training my dog. Training your dog is fun and rewarding for you and your dog. Watch this video to learn more.

    Source(s): Dog Training Video
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hello i see you are looking for some good and helpful ways to train your dog.My friend got got great success using the dog training academy.Goodluck.

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