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Would this bother you as well?

My ex and I broke up Dec last year, so not long ago. We are still friends and get along most days.

We have a mutual friend (well, friends a couple with a son). The wife has always said that we'd still be friends no matter what, she even told me the other day that she still considers me a friend.

BUT she and her husband (well, I think it's more just SHE) has invited my ex over to their house at every special occasion since we've broken up. New years eve, Xmas lunch (which wasn't even on Xmas day I might add), soon Australia day (I am in Australia) and now he's there tonight because they invited him.

Now I can take the fact that maybe they just don't like me and never have, though not sure what I have done wrong, the break-up wasn't bad and as I said, we're still friends, which they know, but why can't they just stop inviting him and not me. I have told them we are still friends and if they were to invite both of us it wouldn't matter because we get along fine (actually we get along better now we've broken up). If they don't want to be my friend, why can't they just say that???

Has this ever happened to anyone else? How did you deal with it?

Please, no rude comments.


Also, they are happily married so its not that she wants to be with him.

Update 2:

They WERE friends with him first, but why say to me 'yeah, we are still friends/I still consider you a friend' and just not be? Why can't they just say 'look, we were his friends first and I think it'd be awkward or whatever if we continued being friends with both of you, so we chose him' I think things would be easier if they just said that instead of leading me on, so to speak.

Update 3:

Oops, sorry Praveen I accidentaly pressed thumbs down :( very sorry, was meaning to press thumbs up.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    some people are very tacky and heartless. I'd ask the ex if he could find out why they are excluding you after they said you'd still be friends.Let him know you are hurt by their actions. Is it possible that he is bringing a new girl over so they aren't inviting you to prevent any social awkwardness? If it turns out to be all lip service on their behalf then maybe you'd be better off without them as friends. With friends like that who needs enemies.

  • Finezt
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Its never happened that way for me i usuallu take my bfs friends cuz im cooler n i get along w guys better...i dont do it on purpose it jus happens (n no its not fukkkk ppl im one of the few girls that can have guys friends without screwing them) neways mayb she figured since it was gonna b the last time she seen u itd b easier to jus say ya we can b friends n never talk to u again. mayb shes not an upfront person. if they were his friends first then u gotta accept that either way i wouldnt worry too much about them uve got to move on n meet even better ppl. if it bothers u that much then y dont u ask ur ex like sooo they dont like me anymore or did they ever cuz they said we were friends but i never see em ne more. thats all u can really do is ask him or the friends. it wont kill u to try.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to avoid these type of people. I just maintain Hi and bye relation with these types of people. They just consider you as friends. But they have are not your friends. They just want to play around with you. They want you to involve in some kind of relationship and they want to just have fun. It is better to stop the relationship and find any other friend who value you. They act as friends. Well be away from them and try for a week and go for some trip with new friends and just make friends and do not get into relationship. Anyone ask about in detail about your life, just say going great. Nothing in depth.

    Source(s): My own.
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