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A question to Theists about evidence?

I am starting to come to the conclusion that there is no evidence that can be presented that would persuade you that God is improbable thus when discussing theology with a Theist, the best I can hope to achieve is disprove the propaganda surrounding Atheism and help you understand why I can't believe in God. Am I correct in this surmise?

What would it take for a Theist to accept that there probably isn't a God? What evidence would you accept? I know that it is not possible to disprove the existence of an entity beyond our current understanding, but what would make you think that God is improbable?

I could list a number of things that would allow me to believe in a God, can you list one that would stop you from believing in a God?

Many thanks for any polite answers.


@an_gel_on - So the only evidence that you would accept can't be presented in the future. Is that the same as saying "There is no evidence that can be presented."?

Update 2:

@ jon- Funny enough, I don't believe that humans came from rocks.

Update 3:

@micky GG - Thanks for that rant and preach but you neglected to answer the question in any way, shape or form. An event does not need to have a cause. If something is hot enough, it can spontaneously ignite. A ball placed on a hill will naturally roll down hill, Maybe absolute nothing naturally explodes into time and space. But I digress. What evidence would you accept that makes you think there is no God?

Update 4:

@krazyabouthim - Despite your snide starting comment, you appear to be the first one to openly admit that there is nothing that can be presented that would make you think otherwise.

Update 5:

@Khalil Ullah- Yet again, you make no attempt to actually answer the question. It is not difficult "Is there anything that if presented would make you lose your faith?"

Update 6:

@ The Coach - Fan analogy would be fine if the fan was invisible, existed outside time and space and claimed to have created the universe. i have a fan, I can see it and touch it and if my wife turns it on I can feel the effects which is nothing like your God. Oh, and you totally failed to answer the question.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just a suggestion. If you say "Faith is one of our main tenets; we are instructed to believe without limit" or some such thing, people have to take you at that. If you try to make a scientific claim for the existence of god, you are just going to look bad and open the flood gates to a million attacks on your failed logic. A god is not required for life. We'll soon find life elsewhere that was never mentioned in the bible. Earth has been almost sterilized of life multiple times and life has always returned. Stick to faith as an answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is through faith and action that the truth is revealed. Truly knowing God requires a strong spiritual connection with Him. If you do not believe in God how can you expect to receive His Holy Spirit and understand.

    It's like not believing that your fan will work if you plug it into the wall.You can sit back and debate whether or not it will work all day but if you never take a leap of faith to actually plug the fan in to find out for yourself you will never know. You will just be hot, uncomfortable and waste your time searching for other ways to cool the air when the answer is right in front of you. Until you have that faith, which in turn leads you into action, you will never know the truth. Faith comes before understanding.

    Source(s): Experience, common sense.
  • Jon
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The biblical answer for evidences of God is the creation itself and conscience. The amazing order of this place that we live in. Actually, regardless of what you think of the "big bang theory" one then has to believe the story in the biology text books for the beginnings which goes like this:

    Six billion years ago (give or take a few hundred million) the earth was a rocky hard terrain. It then rained for around 2 billion years. The rock eventually became an ooze that sometime later formed the first living organisms.

    So, for me to dis-believe, the creation would need to not be here. What would you say would need to happen to believe? God coming down and talking to humans? He did. With external non-christian accounts of the events. Also raising from the dead (with over 500 documented witnesses). Any court in our land would have enough evidence. I can provide more if you need it.

    In closing, You believe that rocks turned into us, I believe that God made us. Which takes more faith?

    Source(s): Holt Biology 1996
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I look at the evidence with the presupposition that God made the universe. Archeology, biology, chemistry, and astronomy all reinforce my worldview. Nobody was there at the time of the creation of the universe and all we are left with is the evidence to interpret. And creation is not a repeatable event. But, we have the written word of the Creator, who was there.

    I noticed that you said "improbable". That tells me that you know that you are not omniscient. Most who wish to prove to me that the existence of God is improbable arrogantly state it is "impossible". Then usually they assume that I am uneducated. Or they use a bunch of logical fallacies. It is refreshing to see intellectual honesty.

    In my case, if you were to show me a dead body of Jesus, then I would no longer believe. If Jesus did not conquer the grave, then it is all a waste.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I was kinda 'agnostic' when I did not know about the Bible (the reason I was agnostic). Then as I compare the Bible with what I know (versus theories or what I did not know), I found it to be true, and thus my faith in the God of the Bible, Jesus, the LORD, grows. Many people do not believe in the Bible because they compare what they know little about the Bible with empty theories and conjectures instead of true knowledge.

    1) True science and archeology either confirm the Bible or neutral. In the world of science, animals vary within kind or devolve (such as mutation), confirming the Bible that God created them according to their kinds, and devolve since the fall of mankind. Evolution, Darwin's idea of a whale turning into a bear, is against science and the opposite of scientific devolution.

    2) Jesus vision is world peace and goodwill in men (Luke 2;14), producing modern science, modern medicine, mother Teresa's, reverend Harvard University's, the Red Cross'es, Salvation Army's, Newton's, Pasteur's, etc. It was Christian values that stopped the Dayak of Borneo from eating each other rituals and other wickedness of the world.

    3) Look at Bible prophecies as scientific hypothesis written thousands of years ago. Abraham, meaning "father of many people" will have many children? It was ridicuous when foretold, but now you are witnessing it. Extinct Israel would be the epicenter of the world at end times? Crazy at the time it was foretold, but after 2000 years of non-existence, Israel was born in 1948, only 62 years ago against all odds.

    4) Magi of Eastern Religions bowed & worshiped Jesus? Is Jesus in other world scriptures? Read "Eternity In Their Heart" and "Building Sustainable World Peace under Jesus CEO." And don't just believe but go to the library to verify that only the Sacrificed God Purusa (the Person), creator of the universe, can give you immortality, etc.

    4) Those are just few reasons why I went from 'agnostic' to Bible believing. They key is compare what you know about the Bible with what you know to be true. FYI: I have been wondering about where Jesus was in the OT. Now I know as I understand that no one has seen God the Father. Thus, God In Person in OT was Jesus. Jesus, the LORD, was one of the 3 persons visited and dined with Abraham in Genesis 18.

    Triunity in OT:

    Jesus in OT:

    The Holy Spirit in the OT:

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not the cold-blooded abstract idea of 'a God' that interests me. I have become persuaded that the One who created heaven and Earth has revealed something of Himself to various people over the centuries, and supremely in the person of Jesus Christ. It is this relational aspect of the Creator to humanity that convinces me as to His reality. If there was absolutely nothing in history that could fit with this kind of revelation from outside of our control, then I would have to doubt whether God existed. Or, I might be reduced to thinking the Creator has just left us to get on with it and has no dealings with us now.

    However, the existence of this universe and life in it convinces me that it was all intelligently designed and brought into being. The historical accounts of people experiencing God and entering into covenant relationship with Him makes this God personal and shows that He has a purpose. I find myself in covenant relationship with God by a miracle that happened some 30 years ago. I did not initiate this event either. I wasn't even looking for anything to happen! But happen it did. And my life has been transformed as a result. This means I have evidence on three fronts. You might not call it evidence, but I do.

    Matter does not spontaneously arise out of nothing. Even the intensely condensed atom that suddenly expanded to become our universe had to have a cause. Where did that atom come from? Why did it compact? Why did it expand? Yet I find the Bible fitting in with the science of the Big Bang because it states that God created what was seen out of what was not seen. (Hebrews 11:3)

    The historical records of the OT show God breaking into history in tangible ways, and the NT shows God lifting humanity up by becoming one of us. The theological explanations then work themselves out in my personal life and show themselves to be meaningful to me. I just don't know how you could begin to unravel all of that, and why would you even want to?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lol! One thing that would stop me believing in God? Since there are millions of reasons why I believe in God, eliminating one would not change a thing! lol!


    I'm just saying you can't disprove the existence of someone after they've made themselves so obvious in a million ways. Read John 7:17 and apply it and you will understand what I mean.

    It would be like you trying to disprove the existence of my late mother. It can't be done because I have already experienced her life, love and protection in my life. I am here because of her. We had a relationship. It is the same with God. I already have an on-going relationship with Him. He does what He promises He will do in His Word. I obey, He blesses. There is a joy within me that could come from nowhere else but God. The unbelievers know nothing of this joy. They know nothing of the joy that comes from obedience to God's Word. God manifests Himself in response to our obedience...

    John 14:21

    "Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him. ”

  • Karl
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well you try to sound intelligent, why the pretense? lol

    You know neither side is provable, yet. You can not disprove God, and we have not proof. God gives us proof once we believe. But we can not pass this a long, but to tell you it is so.

    We start with faith and then God proves he exists to us inside. Faith is just how it starts. So now that I know God, nothing can make me think he does not exist. I wonder why things are happening to me that typically do not happen. Then God puts a thought in my head to remind me why this is.

    Before you know God/Jesus you can read the bible and try to understand it or make it say what you want. After you come to God and read the bible meanings pop into your head. So as you read it, unlike before, it makes sense. God gives us understanding as we read it now, and before it was just words in a book that we could only hope to understand.

    We all can know God if we want to, seek God and God will prove he exists to you as well. Jesus died for sins so we all can know God now. It is beyond our understanding and knowledge how God does this, but once you come the bible makes sense as you read it. God's meaning not one we try to understand and make up ourselves.

    God opens our minds or something to that effect, so we can understand the bible. It is weird at first reading and having the meaning come to you and God teaches you what it means. And I have been where atheists are, not knowing God or even wondering if he exists. But one day I got tired of wondering and sought God, thinking no answer is no God. With all the religions out there I did not know which was right. So I figured if I go straight to God I will find out who is right and if he exists. So I truly wanted to know if God existed once and for all.

    God are you real and there? and which religion is right? for I know little about religions. Like I said I wanted to know, and figured I would not get a response. But like I said earlier, God proves to us he exists after we seek him. So now I know God through Jesus.

    Jesus died for sins so we all can have eternal life and know God right now. Most never seek to know God even after accepting Jesus and being able to.

    So you choose, do you really want to know if God exists? if so seek him and then see where you end up, which religion or what beliefs you have after. Most do not really want to know, I did so I sought and did not expect what I found.

    bless you and email with any questions.

    I can understand why one does not believe in God. But an atheist denies one can exist, a God can exist. Seems you are more agnostic, unbelieving but a God can exist beyond us and our understanding. Even you say so, when you say:

    I know that it is not possible to disprove the existence of an entity beyond our current understanding, but what would make you think that God is improbable?

    But a God can exist.

    I was there, so I sought to see if God exists or not. What will you do? you have to want to know or do not bother. I wanted to know, really wanted to know. I was tired of wondering and the fighting on both sides.

  • 1 decade ago

    Disprove for me that science does not exist. I base my faith that God exists on science, which is reason and logic. Everything didn't "just" happen. So, disprove science and you will disprove the existence of my God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Theists are stubborn people. Still, it doesn't stop me from trying to convince them on Y!A. It's actually kinda fun.

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