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A question for Christians and Atheists?

OK, here's my dilemma:

I'm an Atheist. Not a militant atheist, mind you, I begrudge no one their personal beliefs. My only problems with religion (any religion) arise when it's used to circumvent scientific fact or theory, or when people hide behind it to justify their own warped sense of morality (i.e. gays are evil, evolution is a hoax, abortion is evil even in the cases of rape or incest, etc.)

Again, no problems with religion whatsoever. Worship whomever or whatever you like, just don't pass off falsehoods as pure scientific fact, and don't treat people as lesser than you because they're different. Simple, right?

Well, my girlfriend happens to be a conservative Christian girl. She's not particularly bright though; I mean, of course, that she's definitely intelligent when it comes to academics. She's a smart girl. But the moment her beliefs are questioned or looked at objectively, she goes on the defensive, no matter how much evidence or contradiction you expose that opposes her world view. I'm not entirely sure if she believes the theory of evolution is false or not, she's flip flopped on the issue a few times. She definitely thinks being gay is immoral and a choice, but doesn't think we (as people) have the right to judge them; only god should. I'm OK with that position of hers (politically) because she's keeping her beliefs to herself.

My predicament is that we have fights over it sometimes. I guess that's to be expected, but I'm over here in the camp that doesn't care as long as everyone is treated like a human being and not force fed misinformation, and she's in the other camp trying to indoctrinate me all the time. And while I can put up with it (I know it sounds arrogant, but I'm pretty firm in the belief that I'm correct, so I've never found a reason to argue my point of view unprovoked) I fear that it's going to escalate to proportions I can't handle if we end up having children. For example, if she teaches my kid that being gay is a choice, I won't stand for it, because it simply has no basis in scientific fact, and it justifies the mistreatment of gays for some people. Not to mention that, if I somehow foster a gay or lesbian child, they're going to think they're evil or some bullshit, and that's simply not true at all. Same goes for intelligent design, etc.

Is there any possible way this can be averted while remaining together? I really do love her, and I don't want this to turn bad because of something so unbelievably trivial, but I'm at the end of my rope. Is there a way to compromise with her?

16 Answers

  • Finn
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I just read the whole thing and where are you going with this

  • nosson
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Marriage is about making a family. And when you are in a partnership with someone to do something you need to make sure your goals are compatible. If her goal is to make you a Christian then your goals are clearly not compatible.

    If however your goals are compatible - what ever they are – and the fact that she argues with you about these things is because she loves you and she believes in these things and she wants you to see it too, then it might be an opportunity for growth.

    So here is what I suggest if you find that your goals are compatible then what you need to do is, is work through the different issues.

    When it comes to her attitude towards gays it might be beneficial to meet up with a gay guy and have a chat and I’m sure many of her preconceived notions will disappear. This could be a bit risky so if you do this make sure you think it through.

    You will also need to work through many things like what school your kids will go to, how you educate them at home etc.

    Whether or not you believe in intelligent design or whether or not you believe in evolution is completely unimportant, it has no practical implications for your future family.

    What is important is that if they are interested they can research the facts in a relaxed and calm environment and they can discuss the subject openly.

    BTW I believe in intelligent design. And if you want to email any questions I’d be glad to discuss it. Otherwise I hope you make the right choice and I with you all the best.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell me about it. I'm non religious and always argue back at religious people at how they are brain washed and politically incorrect about life, lol my friends think I'm possessed, since it's a sin to question authority. One choice is to leave it alone. Never touch that subject with her. Respect both sides of the argument. Do something else. However if you're looking into marriage then worry. Another choice is to convert her but that wouldn't work. Another choice is to convert you but that most likely won't happen because you're smart enough not to be trapped in the walls of religion. The very last straw would be break up if you really can't handle it because sometimes if were not on the same ground as someone else, it doesn't make sense to continue life on different pages. Good luck.

    Source(s): Strong opinions about religion.
  • 1 decade ago

    I am not sure there is room for compromise here at all.

    If it helps any. I "suffer" from the sin of lust. Just as any human being could...

    Only. sometimes. (even as a teenager) sometimes I had lustful dreams of WOMEN. How did that get into my subconscious? I was not thinking that at all during the day, in fact, I day dreamed all day of Prince Charming... and yet.. wow... somehow, I was very drawn into that dream... of women? wow.. it was incredibly exciting. Even more exciting than men, as it was "forbidden". Anyway. apperently, I am bisexual! The true 100% lesbians will have nothing to do with me! I am not "lesbian" enough for them! and the Fundamental Christians dislike me as well! What's a girl to do? well. I choose celibacy!

    Every person on this earth has different God given talents. Does your Girlfriend remember that Bible Parable? about Talents? well. I can draw. I'm artist! Yeah! fun! Does your girlfriend draw? Does she attend a University? what is her best class? I best she has some interesting talents that are different from your talents. Perhaps. That is why men and women fit so well together. She can fill in the areas that you may be lacking skills... ?

    Please, allow your girlfriend to understand. Is she practising celibacy? is it difficult? Some people find this more difficult than others. Is she a hypocrite? Is she having sex outside of marriage? what of the other so called Christians that do choose sex outside of marriage? what does she think of those people? who give into lust? Are they better or worse than the homosexuals?

    anyway. Everyone has different talents. Some people are weaker than others. Who is she to judge the person?

    Only God will judge me!

    I accept This!

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  • Ridney
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    That doesn't sound "unbelievably trivial" at all, and your point about future children is absolutely correct. If I were you, I would try to talk to her about your concerns. It seems that you are willing to compromise (you put up with more from her than it sounds like she would put up from you), but you need to know if she is willing to meet you halfway.

    My parents are in a similar situation. My mother is a conservative Christian, and my dad is an atheist (although, a right-winger too, which puzzles the **** out of me, but probably helps them get along.) They have their religious disagreements every now and then, but they've been married for almost 30 years. They work it out mainly by not discussing religion at all, ever. My mom is conservative, but not incredibly "churchy." She never even goes to church, and isn't very openly religious. She believes evolution is a lie and homosexual marriages would ruin the free world, yes, but is usually very private about religion. My mom brought us up telling us what she believed, and my dad told us what he believed. We just left it at that, without getting into debates.

  • Esraa
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    This type of relationship will never work out. She doesn't respect you. She doesn't even love you. Religious crazies love only for the sake of their gods as they hate for them. Do you really want to go through all this drama and bring children into this type of dysfunctional relationship where they're exposed to her irrationality and bigotry? They will have to deal with enough of this with strangers, why have to deal with it at home as well? Move on and find a fellow atheist or at least an agnostic. Good luck.

    Source(s): I'm an atheist who went through a similar problem with a muslim man. I'm glad to have moved on and to now be married to a fellow atheist.
  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If she's trying to indoctrinate you and you're going around saying 'she's not too bright' then the relationship is obvious lacking in respect which spells disaster.

    And respect is the ONLY way you two will be able to work this out and compromise.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, for one thing, you can show her that the Bible do contain mistakes, like these verses_1)And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world. (John 9:39)

    I came not to judge the world (John 12:47)

    2)Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

    Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 6:1) .3)Jacob said, 'I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.' (Genesis 32:30)

    No man hath seen God at any time. (John 1:18)

    4)We should fear God (Matthew 10:28)

    We should love God (Matthew 22:37)

    There is no fear in love (1 John 4:18)

    These contradictions show that it could not be the original word of God: Because the Bible itself says, that you have to prove it- (I Thessalonians 5:12): “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”

    And I Corinthians 14:33 says: “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” Doctrines made by men create confusion.

    And then I also found these verses_In his sermon on the mount Jesus was quoted as saying(Matthew 5:9): “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”

    Islam means also Peace: peace between the Creator and the worshiper. Jesus could not mean his mission as peacemaker as he did not come for peace. (Matthew 10:34-36):”Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.”See also Luke 12:49-53

    ..She might just understand that Christianity is not perfect and contains many errors

  • Ryan
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think that differences in beliefs like this go down to the foundation of who we are as people, and it will probably cause even more problems in your relationship down the road. I'm sorry, but I just don't see if working out well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In all honesty I would say no.

    The biggest flaw with religion is that their followers have there thoughts drilled into their heads {I hate to say this, but I consider it to be like a person who suffers from hallucinations, they wont believe you if you contradict them}

    ask her this; "If you had a son who was gay, would you disown them"

    that is how I got my Religious mother to fess up.

  • 1 decade ago

    If God does not exist, then two people are not made for each other and only your hormones determine your love for her. It should then only be logical to find somebody with who you will not quarrel, and because you do not have a soul you will not even miss her if somebody else can fulfill her role.

    I cannot believe that.

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