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Should I apologize to him?

Sorry about the length! I really need some advice.

There was a guy (I'll call him Fred) I liked since I met him in 4th grade. I thought he wasn't interested in me all those years, so in my junior year of high school, I started dating someone (Bob).

Although I honestly did like Bob, Fred was always in my mind. I always wanted to be with Fred more than anyone else; Bob was kind of just filling a void.

So Fred and I had a couple classes together that year, and we became good friends. It became fairly clear that Fred had strong feelings for me. I wasn't entirely sure, but I knew that I wasn't happy with Bob and that I should take a chance with Fred.

I broke up with Bob about 5 months after we started dating, and then starting dating Fred a month later. Bob was really crushed (I told him the truth why I was breaking up with him), and I felt awful even though I was much happier without him.

I was physically faithful to Bob, but in an emotional sense, I was quite unfaithful. I was in love with Fred, but stayed with Bob until I was more certain things with Fred would work out. I guess my mentality was that if Fred didn't like me, I'd always have Bob to fall back on. It is wrong, I'll admit.

Which brings me to my question. Even though it's been 9+ months since I talked to Bob, I still feel somewhat guilty for being emotionally insincere and unfaithful.

Should I apologize to Bob? I'm not trying to salvage a relationship or even be friends, I just feel like I should atone for what I did to him. I was never fully committed to that relationship, and it's wrong to do that to another person.

It's an abstract thing to apologize for. I don't know if it would do any good. I guess it would make me feel better inside, but I don't want to hurt Bob's feelings even more by telling him that I never really wanted to be with him in the first place.

Should I say I'm sorry, or should I focus on trying to forgive myself instead?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ask yourself what good would come of the conversation with Bob. Would it truly make it better for "him" or would it somehow absolve you of the guilt you think you feel. Guilt is something you get over, but do you truly need to feel guilty about your past relationship in the first place? Your new relationship looks wonderful and he seems to be a wonderful guy, why look and act backwards and possibly make things worse. It's done and over, move on. If you feel that you might have done something wrong to Bob, then don't ever do it again if there is a next time. But my feeling is...why go back there?

  • 1 decade ago

    You should probably say you're sorry, but don't say anything that would hurt him more. I would keep him in the dark about your feelings for Fred. Chances are that he will be mad at you or try to act like he doesn't care, to build up a wall of defense. Some things are hard to heal, but you're young and when you're both older you will probably hardly remember it and have no bitterness. You did the right thing. Don't feel bad, you should be proud of your rare faithfulness and compassion.

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