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Fasting glucose level 116, should I be concerned?

I have been experiencing extreme thirst/frequent urination so I got a NovaMax meter. I have done 6 random tests and none of them were <100. This morning I did a fasting test (9 hours after eating) and I got a reading of 116.

I have a history of autoimmune thyroiditis and I take synthroid. I am 5'7'', 130lbs, and 25 yrs old. I have had genetic testing done and have an increased risk for T1 diabetes and a decreased risk for T2.

I lost my health insurance at the beginning of the year and at this point I can't afford the copay at the doctor. I don't really want to pay $200 to find out there is nothing wrong. So if worse comes to worse I will figure out how to come up with the money but until then I would like to know if I need to be concerned at this point.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obviously, nobody can make a diagnosis off a single reading, but that one fasting number is concerning since non-diabetics fast <99 mg/dL and usually in the 80s. If accurate, you fasted in pre-diabetic range, defined as 100-125 mg/dL.

    116 mg/dL is not high enough to cause diabetic symptoms like frequent urination/extreme thirst, but if you are a honeymooning Type 1 (fluctuating pancreatic function), then you could be spiking very high after meals and returning to the low 100s by morning. That could explain the diabetic symptoms despite the elevated, but not dangerously high, fasting blood sugar number.

    I am also hypothyroid and, from what I've read, autoimmune disorders like Type 1 and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis often go together. Well, let me clarify - there's a stronger correlation than in the general population. And because you're more susceptible according to your genetic screening, I think there's reason to see a doctor sometime soon. If you are Type 1, your pancreas could just stop making insulin at any time, and your blood sugar would climb very high, very quickly.

    Look into community clinics in your area. They operate on a sliding scale and even their most expensive rates are cheaper than your co-pay. They're not going to be as detailed as your regular GP, but they can run some tests on you for a lot less money and make a firm diagnosis.

    In the meantime, you might consider doing a home A1c test:

    The A1c is a three-month average of your blood sugar. It's measured as a percent that correlates to an average glucose level. If your A1c is in the high 5.x% range to 6%, there could be something going on. If you are over 6%, that's more definitively diabetes. The test is only $9 at Wal-Mart. You prick your finger, bleed onto a piece of paper provided to you, and then you mail it in and receive your result a week or two later.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Reverse Any Diabetes Easily -
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): 30 Days Diabetes Cure :
  • 1 decade ago

    116 fasting is at the very low end of high. Could mean borderline DM (diabetes Mellitus). However at this point, I would keep testing in the mornings and write them down. If they continue to be high but on the low end of high (>110 but < 130) I would not be too worried because a doctor would probably only recommend diet changes and not even any meds at this point. So the $200 would be wasteful in my opinion. But it does bear watching cuz if these numbers go consistently above 130 then an md would recommend meds if diet changes do not work. Some of the diet changes would be not more than 30-45 carbs per meal, and smaller frequent meals during the day. And yes a snack (15-30carbs) at night before sleep. When you sleep and do not eat your body (liver) senses a starvation and will automatically make sugar making your blood glucose rise. That's why high in the morning. Especially after 9 hours of not eating.

    If you wanted to check a glucose tolerance to see if the sugar goes high after eating do this. This is called a post prandial blood glucose. check your sugar before you eat, then eat and test your sugar again 2 hours later. The blood sugar should be back to normal by then. If not, then you may want to see an md. This would mean that your body is not processing sugar efficiently. Diet and exercise are the key to controlling blood sugars. wieght control also. However you do not have obesity as a problem. But even a 15 min brisk walk can help high sugars. hope this helps.

    Source(s): I am a registered nurse for 15 years and an insulin dependent diabetic.
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  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Diabete Natural Reamedies
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Fasting Blood Sugar 116

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I'm a 45 year old woman and was recently diagnosed as being a borderline diabetic. My doctor prescribed some medication, but before filling it I decided to do some research on the internet which led me to the methods. After reading this ebook and applying the methods, my scepticism turned to 100% belief. I noticed that my energy levels increased significantly and I felt more rested in the morning, my symptoms started going away.

    I am very happy to tell you that I have been feeling better than I have felt in years and my doctor informed me that he will be taking me off my prescriptions if I keep this up.

    I recommend you use the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer to naturally reverse your diabetes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Manifestation of diabetes generally appears the same as the signs of other illnesses. The only signs that are exclusive to diabetes are not readily visible without thorough medical testing. However, this does not mean you should discontinue looking for any signs of the illness. There are many different methods diabetes can use start showing the syndrome of itself. This answer will talk about some of the major symptoms of this disease.

    Has your weight been bouncing up and down? Are you losing weight regardless of what and how much you eat? Has this just started to happen recently? Did these fluctuations start even though your diet hasn't changed? Weight fluctuation is the most visible sign of diabetes. Diabetes causes this by wreaking havoc on your potassium levels which controls the amount of water in your body. As your water levels fluctuate so does your weight. If you notice your weight fluctuating wildly, contact your doctor immediately.

    Excessive thirst is one of the diabetes indicators that are well known. Because of books in which trendy characters discuss their diabetes diagnoses, a lot of people compare excessive thirst with diabetes. Everybody gets thirsty. Excessive thirst means you are drinking a bunch of water - way over the recommended daily amount (64 ounces) and you continue to feel as if you could die of thirst. Nothing can get rid of this thirst. If you endure thirst like this, you should contact your medical professional. It might be dehydration. More likely is that something is messing with your potassium level (which is one of the major symptoms of diabetes as well).

    Is concentration difficult for you? Do you pass out for now apparent reason? These symptoms too may signfy diabetes. Diabetes prohibits the body's ability to regulate insulin and blood sugar levels. Before you get diagnosed, it is not uncommon for your sugar levels to fluctuate wildly which can cause fainting spells or light headedness. Your well being depends heavily on you knowing what to do when you experience these symptoms especially if your energy levels are fluctuating along with them, see your doctor now. You might have a condition refered to as hypoglycemia. A few unlucky suspects will require insulin treatment to regulate blood. Your doctor will help you figure out what is going on. There are different signals of diabetes, but they can be powerful. The most pronounced indicators (the lack of insulin production) are complicated to discover without thorough medical testing. Different indicators are quite visible. At the same time, many of the obvious symptoms of diabetes are also obvious symptoms of other problems and disorders. It is critical for you to observe your body (and the bodies of your loved ones). You don't want your illness to be diagnosed improperly. Find someone to give you a second opinion if you are concerned that your physician may have diagnosed you or your children incorrectly.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid function, is a silent epidemic, according to many functional medicine doctors. How to cure hypothyroidism naturally

    People can suffer for years with symptoms that our conventional medical system frequently doesn’t know how to treat because complaints seem scattered or vague and often there is no pill for the ill(s).

    What’s worse, in most cases, hypothyroidism isn’t rooted in a thyroid problem in the first place. It’s rooted in an immune system gone awry, but most doctors don’t test for the antibodies that show the presence of autoimmunity.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

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