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"DOZER" asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

2 year old Sheba-Inu eating grass and vomiting for two days now?

He's an outdoor dog.

He's been very healthy and active as I walk him every day and he has a pretty big back yard to play and run around in.

There are no neighbors to speak of, or any kind of poison in the area. (rural living)

I noticed yesterday morning he was vomiting up foamy clear fluid, and he won't eat much, if at all.

He does this kind of cough thing like there's a tickle in his throat. "HACK...kkkk"

I guess my question is, umm....I'm not sure what I'm asking.

Maybe what's most likely the issue.

No, I don't have a thousand dollars to spend on a Veterinarian for something that may be simple

Could it simply be a hairball or something?

I feel like an idiot and worried a little..

Yes I know my question is vague...I'm looking for some guidance BEFORE I take him to the Vet.

I have two other dogs, well, my wife does. Two Chihuauas that are just fine.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cats get hairballs, dogs don't.

    A dog who's not eating and has been vomiting for 2 days needs the vet. This is only going to get more serious the longer you wait.

    We can't possibly know if he's eaten something, or if he's got a respiratory problem, etc. He needs the vet.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no "guidance" anyone here can give you.

    Simply, you just have to take him to a vet.

    It's not going to be "a thousand dollars to for something that may be simple". Quit exaggerating.

    Please just get the dog to the damn vet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    try your best to keep him from eating the grass. dogs usually eat grass becaue they hae a stomach ache and they dont digest grass so thy throw it up. make sure he has plenty of food and water and make sure you dont give him anything out of the normal (table scraps). hopefully he will get over it in about a day:)

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