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Lv 733,100 points

The Liberal Mutt

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'Tis me.

  • Question about divorce laws with kids in the state of Michigan? ?

    Alrighty. I don't know much

    about divorce laws so bear with


    Mom & dad split up. Dad takes

    kids cause mom said "take the

    kids & get out". A couple

    months later mom sues for

    custody of all 3 kids. If a child is

    of a certain age may they decide

    which parent they'd like to live

    with the majority of the time?

    This is in the state of Michigan.

    Thanks for any help.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Question about divorce laws with kids in the state of Michigan? ?

    Alrighty. I don't know much about divorce laws so bear with me.

    Mom & dad split up. Dad takes kids cause mom said "take the kids & get out". A couple months later mom sues for custody of all 3 kids. If a child is of a certain age may they decide which parent they'd like to live with the majority of the time?

    This is in the state of Michigan.

    Thanks for any help.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Best dollar store hair dye?

    I need to re-dye my hair (dark brown). I don't want to pay to get it done professionally again because hair dye in a box is so much cheaper, but I need to know which ones are the best so it doesn't look cheap or fake. Thanks.

    3 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • How do I connect automatically to wifi?

    Whenever I turn my computer on, I have to manually connect to my wifi network by clicking on the button in the bottom right hand corner. I know you can usually check the little 'connect automatically' box, but my network doesn't have it (the other networks, like my neighbor's, DO have the box).

    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Problem with Android videos..?

    I took a video on my phone then used the Youtube app to upload it, but it said file format not supported.

    Apparently Android records in .3gp but Youtube doesn't accept that, so is there a way to convert the video to .avi or .wmv or something?

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds9 years ago
  • How to make something 'friends-only' on Facebook?

    I want to make photos that I'm tagged in visible to my friends other words I don't want people coming to my profile & being able to view photos that others have tagged me in. Are these already private or is there a way to change it?

    1 AnswerFacebook9 years ago
  • How do I change the password on my wifi?

    I have Windows 7 Home Premium.

    4 AnswersComputer Networking9 years ago
  • How to see vaccine requirements for your state?

    Okay I guess I suck at Google lol, cause I cannot find anything.

    I am pretty sure that most states just require rabies, but I think it varies state to state how often, if you can have waivers or not, etc..

    Can someone provide me with a website to see dog vaccination requirements state by state? Thanks!

    2 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Dog section: Breeders, how did you come up with your kennel name?

    Random question, just wondering. You don't gotta post your actual kennel name if you don't want, I just wanna know how you came up with it.

    6 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • My phone won't turn on..?

    Okay..background info. This is an LG Rumor Touch I've had since March. Virgin Mobile.

    Alright, so I was in the middle of sending a picture message, then all of the sudden my phone randomly turns off.

    I went to turn it back on, but once the welcome screen came up, it just stayed there. It's been sitting on the welcome screen for about 20 minutes now..

    I tried taking the battery out & starting it again, but it's just doing the same thing.

    I didn't drop it or get it wet or anything..all I was doing was sending a message. What happened??

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • Can you actually "over-charge" a cell phone battery?

    I've had my phone since March. Nothing too fancy, just an LG Rumor Touch, not a smartphone or anything but not a complete piece of crap.

    Lately, it hasn't been staying charged long, at all.. like today. It had a full battery this morning, & I hardly even touched it throughout the day..then at 11pm, it's almost dead.

    Is this from "over-charging"? Did I "kill" the battery?.. I often charge it when it's not fully dead, usually when the battery's about halfway gone. Recently I haven't been leaving it plugged in for a pro-longed time AFTER it's done charging, but I did for a long time when I first got it.

    Should I buy a new battery, or what?

    Please tell me if any of that's confusing, I'll try to clarify.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • Is the Samsung Solstice II better than the LG Rumor Touch.?

    Do NOT recommend other phones, long story. Just tell me.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • Does anyone have the Samsung Solstice 2?

    My mom & I were thinking about getting these phones, she got an offer from ATT for 2 free ones with a 2-yr service contract, so....

    Me: I currently have an LG Rumor Touch from Virgin's alright. I don't make calls very often, mostly just text & use mobile web.

    My mom: She has a TracFone at the moment, she doesn't text alot but wants to learn how to. She doesn't make TOO many calls, but maybe a couple a day, not really to talk just to ask someone something, get info, etc. so not actual conversations..

    **Don't recommend any other phones, unless there's any with a $40 or under contract + 2 free phones..

    2 AnswersAdolescent10 years ago
  • Samsung Solstice 2....?

    My mom & I were thinking about getting these phones, she got an offer from ATT for 2 free ones with a 2-yr service contract, so....

    Me: I currently have an LG Rumor Touch from Virgin's alright. I don't make calls very often, mostly just text & use mobile web.

    My mom: She has a TracFone at the moment, she doesn't text alot but wants to learn how to. She doesn't make TOO many calls, but maybe a couple a day, not really to talk just to ask someone something, get info, etc. so not actual conversations..

    **Don't recommend any other phones, unless there's any with a $40 or under contract + 2 free phones..

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • Is there a way to hide your wall from certain people on Facebook..?

    I have a couple people I want to keep as friends, but I don't want them to see my wall..

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • DS: I need some help making a decision?

    Well.. long story short, my mom called the vet as me, & made an appointment on Wednesday for my dog to be neutered. [I'm a minor & live with my mom, however he's under my name at the vet; he's my dog though I am under 18, I provide for him etc. just providing an explanation so it's not so confusing lol]

    Now.. I don't know. I wouldn't mind having him neutered, but he IS 11 years old after all.. I mean he's in great shape & all, never had any health problems before, it's just.. is there any point? The surgery's already scheduled. Apparently my mom really would like for me to neuter him, & is willing to pay for it [why, I don't know].

    The vet I go to is wonderful, I trust them, & as he's never been put under anesthetic so I'm going to have them to the testing etc. if I do decide to go through with it.

    I'm just at a loss of what to do. I KNOW if I cancel the appointment, I'm gonna get in a huge argument with my mom [she thinks it'll solve behavioral issues.. she's wrong. Neutering doesn't solve behavior issues, training does - which, I AM working with him & he's getting better]. However I'm more concerned about the well being of my dog..

    So, what do you guys think? I'm sure he'll be fine but.. I don't know. I need some guidance here. Sorry for the length.. thanks to anyone who takes the time to read & give an opinion.

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else having trouble upload a new profile picture?

    For Y!A?

    It keeps giving me an "invalid response" message.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Is there anywhere I can download Microsoft Word for free?

    I don't care what version I just need Microsoft Word & I need it for free. It used to be on my computer but it's not anymore. I have WinXP. Thanks

    6 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What are those things called that have a bunch of places for plugs..?

    It's like this long stick thing that has a bunch of power outlet plug spots.. I need to know what it's called, I forgot.

    & if anyone knows where I can buy these for cheap, that'd be nice. Thanks.

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • REPOST. My camera says my memory card is locked?

    I looked on Google & it said move the little switch on the side of the card.. but there ain't no switch!? -_-

    I've used this memory card before & it worked just fine, but I haven't used my camera in awhile & the memory card hasn't been in the camera for awhile..

    24 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    aldsfjasldkfdklsf DAMN.

    It's an f-ing SD, with NO switch on the side, I said that in the question!!

    The kind of camera I have shouldn't matter, but it's a Casio Exilim EX-Z33.

    Thank you.

    1 second ago

    3 AnswersCameras1 decade ago