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The Liberal Mutt asked in PetsDogs · 10 years ago

Dog section: Breeders, how did you come up with your kennel name?

Random question, just wondering. You don't gotta post your actual kennel name if you don't want, I just wanna know how you came up with it.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When we registered our kennel name first, we'd moved from the UK to Canada and we used a version of the Roman name of the town near where we had lived back in the UK. Unfortunately when we returned to the UK, as there is no reciprocal agreement between kennel clubs, somebody in the UK, in another breed, had already been granted the same name by the KC here so we had to think up another one. I wrote to the people concerned to see whether they were still breeding and if not, if they would be prepared to allow us to take it over. All I got back was rudeness. I was heartbroken at the time and quite honestly have never felt the name we chose, which was kind-of similar, was 'us'. And for that reason once we stopped breeding we let it lapse - especially as you have to pay an annual maintenance fee which hardly seemed worth while doing!! It has caused some confusion because in some old pedigrees, both names appear.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    i would choose something that have a meaning too us, that would sound good and easy too make dog names with without the full name sounding goofy

    and it would need too not already be listed somewhere in here

    hence not descided yet, still got some time, i know many choose either something too do with their names, mythology or history, or something to do with the place they live or the vegetation there, or some favourite movie, book, music or so on...based on what i seen as such it comes down too something that have a meaning too the person or persons involved, and not just a random pick as such

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Our kennel club requires us to provide 6 alternatives, in case there are objections to one or more favourite choices. My answers will relate purely to kennels in "my" German Shepherd Dog breed.

    • My wife put SHIRALEE first, because she liked that Australian movie and her parents grew up in Australia.

    • I put LORELEI second because

    (1) my breed is German and the Lorelei comes from German mythology,

    (2) I am a fan of Ella Fitzgerald who sang "The Lorelei" about that German siren who sits on a rock under an overhanging cliff on the River Rhine and lures sailors to their death, and

    (3) because I thoroughly enjoyed the Marilyn Monroe + Jack Lemmon movie "Some Like It Hot", and Marilyn's character in her 2nd-best movie, "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", was Lorelei Lee.

    • Between us we invented 4 more, mostly forgettable anagrams of our names.

    LORELEI was approved - Yay!!!

    (When the breeder of our first import later visited Germany, she sent us a postcard showing the Lorelei Rock.)

    Puns and anagrams are quite popular.

    Ces Goodwin registered WINGOOD.

    Col Bayley registered LEYBAY.

    Jenny Yuen registered DJENUIN - guess how THAT idea popped up!

    Hermann Martin registered ARMINIUS, that being Latin for "Hermann".

    Some use their own name: BERTHA's, COBERT's, KUPFER's.

    Do you think that the breeders of AARDOUIN expected it to be easy to win classes? Or were they merely claiming "Our Doing"?

    BAYREUTH was named after the breeder's favourite League club - and her early litters were named for players in that club's teams!

    Some breeders use the name of their district (AACHEN, ALLEMANIA), or something characteristic of their breed (ALERT, ALSACE, ASTUTE, KRIMINALPOLIZEI, SECURITAS), or their high hopes (AMAWINNER, FAIRWIN, SIEGERHAUS), or blend the names of their original brood & stud (KARLAHEIN, KEYBEAU).

    Les P, owner of GSD_Friendly:

    "In GSDs" as of 1967

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I named my Kennel after my Niece, she was 11 yrs old when she passed of Leukemia, and I wanted to name it after her, she loved dogs so much.......

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  • 10 years ago

    I don't have one but most people I know that do seem to do an anagram of their name or sections of several people's names which usually sounds quite nice.

  • 10 years ago

    Mine is the genus name of a common grass found in the area.

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