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Lv 6
bowen asked in Science & MathematicsMedicine · 1 decade ago

Would you die of some other cause...?

....secondary to the sleep disorder called "sleep paralysis". I mean, I do feel intense,uncontrollable fear and panic when during bouts of sleep paralysis and am wondering if in the event that I had a heart condition, I could die. I've read that sleep paralysis is not fatal...but could it off a heart attack and thus an indirect cause of death (definitely it won't be known even in the autopsy)?. Just a thought. Any advice or comment is most welcome. Thank you.


...not really the regular type of panic attack.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    that's a panic attack.

    every one has sleep paralysis otherwise we would wake up exhausted from REM sleep.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you suffer from panic attacks, then you know how traumatic and even terrifying they can be. Quite a bit related to panic attacks depends on how frequently they occur. Some people don't realize they are experiencing a panic attack, especially if they don't have them often. But rather, you think the particular symptom is the real thing. Depending on the particular symptom, this can lead to a great deal of stress and fear. The duration of a panic attack is usually not very long. Most of the time they last about ten minutes, approximately. But it is possible for some symptoms to last for much longer.

    Some of the more strange signals of a panic attack, entailing less physical sensations, at least in the gist we generally think about them. Some people endure symptoms involving sensations of being artificial. There is a consciousness of emptiness, or feelings of marked disentanglement from one's actual person. As you can conceive, that must be a really tough set of feelings to have to be faced with, plus it can only cause a person to be incredibly worried and tense. Some people describe their symptoms of a panic attack as similar to coming down with the flue, i.e. having the chills. So all of that can cause confusion in addition to those symptoms. There are other such feelings that can be related to panic attacks. Only part of the reason to discuss these symptoms with your doctor is because you think you might be sick. Symptoms that only last for a short time and don't happen again soon were most likely due to a panic attack.

    Probably one of the worst types of panic attack symptoms are chest pains. This symptom is the worst because everyone knows what chest pains mean. People will think they are having a full-blown heart attack, for obvious reasons. People with this symptom will either call for an ambulance or make an appointment with their doctor in most cases. Panic attacks can happen frequently or not, so this will most likely lead to the person getting their heart tested to make sure that there isn't a problem. Infrequent chest pains can also be indicative of a real heart problem. This is why it's important to have this symptom checked by your doctor as soon as possible.

    When it comes to the disparities of the sexes, women contend with panic attack manifestations twice as common as men. Evidently, it is unknown why that is so. Nevertheless, the most vital consideration is you need to know how frequently your manifestations come about. Quite often, indicators of panic attacks will manifest in young adult years for women. Come what may, if you assume that you are undergoing manifestations of a panic attack, then meet with your medical professional.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Of course not.

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