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Adam Green asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago


Ok, so im gona be adopting a baby dwarf bunny from a mommy that just had babys! :D I did all the research… but! Yeah just have some questions!

1) should a first time owner get a male or female dwarf bunny?

2) Do female rabbits get there period?

3) And does the males genital “ball” area get Huge?!?

4) Plz let me kno some general info oon dwarf bunnys :D

5) and plz feel free to add ANY info :Dthx !!

Ill add more questions in a sec! plzz help tho!

5 Answers

  • catx
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Remember, don't pick up your new rabbit until it's weaned and over 8 weeks old! Any younger needs to still be with it's momma!

    1. No real difference but I recommend getting them neutered (usually from around 4-6 months old), this will remove any hormone issues - unneutered males spray to mark territory, unneutered females can be VERY grumpy!

    2. No.

    3. See above re neutering!

    4. They need a lot of space despite their size! Do lots of research on proper bunny housing here:

    A small breed rabbit really needs 36-40 square feet of space 24/7 - they are very active even at night!

    5. Do lots of research on a rabbit's diet, it's a complex thing and can't be messed up. Rabbits are very fragile creatures prone to so many disorders and can be a bit accident prone too. So find a good local bunny vet, not all vets know rabbits, you need to ring around and find a specialist, you will be visiting them!

    Join some rabbit keeping forums, I like this one:

    I did months of research before I picked up my pair, and I'm still learning (had a rabbit as a kid, but did so much wrong, was no internet back then though!).

  • Lily
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    1) I don't think the gender of the bunny makes a difference in their behavior much. I have a female dwarf rabbit and have had her since she was like 8 weeks old. She is high maintenance....when I let her out of her cage I have to be there watching her 'cuz she gets into everything.

    2) No.

    3) I actually don't know

    4) + 5) Use treats to your advantage (i.e. as a reward for the bunny doing something you want it to, like peeing in it's litter box)

    - They love chewing on things ! So put everything valuable away before you let it run around. And also unplug all cords 'cuz it WILL try to chew on them.

    - Average life span is 4-10 years.

    Good luck and have fun ! They are really funny animals :)

  • 1 decade ago

    eatcrack and Cheyenne have great answers. Most of the time they don't spray. Either have great personalities. No they do not get a period, Not in a dwarf bunny sometimes they will let it all hang out when they are hot. But in a dwarf its no problem. Rabbits do like to eat cords and electrical cords Some folks in case their cords in PC pipe. They are quit the characters. The more they are loved the more they love you. Handle them gently and secure. They need to feel safe and loved. Hope this helps you to decide. I am sure what ever you decide you will love. Let me know what yu do

    Source(s): raiseing rabbits for years.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    1. It doesn't matter. Each rabbit has a different personality.

    2. No

    3. No

    4. Here is a great website

    5. You will want to get it neutered. Females have an 80% chance of getting reproductive cancer if not fixed. Both males and females will spray.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1)dude get a male because u can collect its semen

    2)dude yeah they bleed everywhere

    3)yeah man thats why they blow up

    4)they are small and usally are singlw colored and smell bad

    5)dude get a dog

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