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Nintendo 3DS UK release... are you as disappointed as I am?

Are you UK citizens also peeved that Nintendo decided not to release an official launch price for the 3DS so they have allowed trade companies to charge as they wish? resulting in prices of £229.99... seeing as how the NA price converts to about £156 ish I just wanted to hear opinions :P

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah I am so annoyed at the price tag. Release date is end of March I think, but im not so bothered about it cause im doing my gcse's and I don't want to be distracted XD

    But the price tag is jsut WAY too much, you could buy a ps3 or a TV for that price. At first I looked and said £156 is a bit steep, but I paid £190 for my ipod so I thought I would still get it, but when nintendo said that the retailers will make up the price, that took the p***. Of course they are gonna be greedy, but sheese £230?!?!

    I will wait off for a while, nintendo have never dissapointed before, but come on... :l

    I am not paying nearly £100 more than other people in the US to get this

  • Pupp
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It's all relative though, cos $250 us in the USA is like us having £250 in the UK.

    So they pay "less" for everything really.

    I am happy to wait, I got a DSi XL for Xmas (25th anniversary edition) and enjoy it, but I am really looking forward to a new Zelda and Kid Icarus game to play, but the games are £40.

    I'll be waiting till November (my birthday) to get a Nintendo 3DS, so there might be some cheaper games out there to play.

    I am thinking of going to the USA in August with my sister in law, and so might get a couple over there to sell on Ebay, get my holiday money back...

  • 1 decade ago

    Companies would still be able to charge as they wished.

    The RRP is a guideline price, recommended. They could charge higher if they liked, but they never would because people would buy it elsewhere.

    There will still be price wars when it is released, and because of that, nobody is gonna end up paying more than about £170 anyway.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well it is a new console so you would expect a high price for release but Nintendo drop their prices rapidly to stay ahead of the game like they have always done.

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  • 1 decade ago

    america officially confirmed the launch price as $249.99 so thats about £200-£210

    the technology in this device should make the price almost double in a way its generous that nintendo are charging this much.

    im probably gonna get it eventually just for MGS3 and resident evil

  • 1 decade ago

    What US Price is $249.99 lol I'm happy with my DSi

  • 1 decade ago

    I am :(, but i'm still going to buy it by trading in my dsi xl in HMV :)

    Source(s): Me!!
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