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I answer questions on here, all the while studying at college on a video games development course. I have a national diploma in graphic design also. I am in a long term relationship with my boyfriend Marc. I work 2 days a week as a sales assistant. In my spare time I play video games, preferably the Wii and DSi, as I'm a dedicated Nintendo fan. I also draw, and occasionally write. I love Pokemon, and collect merchandise and games etc. I now love xbox 360 as well :D

  • GTA V update has glitched my story mode?

    Hi so before the online update today, I was about to start the Bureau heist, and for some reason I can't switch characters at all of my own accord during the heist. The giude says I'm supposed to be able to switch to Franklin to shoot the people out on the left hand side, yet I can't switch, so Franklin keeps getting killed, and I have no idea what to do. When I press the switch button, nothing happens, the dial never appears, nothing. What can I do?

    3 AnswersXbox8 years ago
  • A good seed for my Minecraft project?

    Hey, so I'm planning out to build the entire Kanto Region from Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow in Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition, and I need a good seed for it to be started on. Any ideas? Thanks.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • turtle beach chat is very tempermental?

    The chat cable is plugged in securely both sides. Yet sometimes the chat will not work and I'll spend like ten minutes unplugging, plugging, switching ends, resetting the beaches until the chat finally responds. Some mornings, it will work straight away, then if i unplug them and then plug them back in later in the day, they won't respond and I have to go through all this again. It's not the controller because I have tried it on different controllers and the same thing happens. It's not my chatpad because I've tried it with and without. Any suggestions? Once I get it working, it's fine. It doesn't randomly cut out or anything, it just takes a few attempts to get it working. ¬¬

    2 AnswersXbox9 years ago
  • my hard drive in my xbox 360 slim is stuck?

    hi, so i can not remove the hard drive from my slim... its stuck fast, i'll pull on the tab but it will not budge, and don't want to rip the tag off... any suggestions?

    5 AnswersXbox9 years ago
  • how do i access my genki suit and stuff on Saints Row the third?

    hey so i redeemed the codes for my genki suit, octopus gun and the car.... where do i get them in game? when i go to a clothes store the suit isnt there, where do i go? thanks

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Is it true the slim PS3 will run PS1 games?

    Hey guys, so I read a while back that the slim PS3 does not run PS2 games, however I read also that the slim models will run PS1 games... is it true?

    To me it doesn't make much sense that it would run something of much earlier tech and not something that's only slightly earlier, but if it does run PS1 games that would be awesome cos I want to play my old PS1 games :D thanks

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Taxed for a second part time job?

    Ok, so I had just the one job where I was only earning just above £50 a week. I now have a second job where I only earn £49 a week. This means I should have no tax at all, yet my second job has taxed me 20% gross pay. NI have taken nothing, which is correct, but i dont understand wh i'm being taxed on a job where i only earn £49, and where my first i only earn £50. it must have something to do with the p46 i had to fill in. do i ring the tax office to let them know i only earn this much?

    4 AnswersUnited Kingdom10 years ago
  • Dead Island, multiplayer issues?

    I have Dead Island for the 360, and my friend was able to join my game without a problem at all yesterday, it was suggesting games to join throughout... Today however, my friend can not join me, nor can he see me in his friends list on the game lobby. I can see his name, but it is greyed out. If i send him and invite, it comes up with an error saying "unable to connect to this person's game, please try again later". The only way I can join his game is by selecting his gamercard and joining the session in progress, but i wanted him to join my game as he is further than me and wanted to help me out.

    I also can't join random matches now either, as they are all greyed out, and if i try a quick match, it tells me there are no matches with similar progress.... yes there are, it found 300 with similar progress, but it wouldnt let me join them.

    I heard the PS3 got a patch recently, is the 360 version going to see one? I'm quite disappointed with this.

    2 AnswersXbox10 years ago
  • How to place an animated GIF over a still image?

    What software is the best to use for this? If I try it on Photoshop, the GIF is no longer animated when on top of the still image. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersComics & Animation10 years ago
  • Royal Mail still no delivery?

    Hi, so i ordered a game from GAME UK and it was dispatched from them a week ago today. It was an estimated 2 day delivery. It still hasn't arrived. I've found that since I have moved to this area of somerset, everything i have ordered has been later than usual. My question is this:

    Is there anything else I can do while waiting the 15 days before I can claim it lost in transit? Can I got to the sorting office just down the road and ask, or can I ring them and try to chase it?

    1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses10 years ago
  • action replay dsi not working on fat ds?

    so i know that the action replay is compatible with the fat ds, yet when i put it in to my bfs DS, it stays on the "Datel" screen, where it says how the product isnt licensed by nintendo... on other models it stays there for a second then boots the list of codes, but on this it just gets stuck on the "Datel" screen. please help? the ds is quite old, and it was preowned, yet it has no problems running games.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • issues?

    ok, so had a bad experience with their website at the beginning of the year, its clear their communication with the new website is rubbish. The last time i ordered it was still telling me it was unshipped, even though it had already arrived at my house!

    so, i decided to use them again friday evening, after seeing a game i had wanted for a while and being able to use my elite card points. Sure enough, i got an email confirming my order and my elite card points, but like last time, i have had no email on dispatch, and it still says unshipped,like last time. Yet i have a feeling it will still turn up, only time will tell.....

    my question is, what experiences have u all had with the website? The store is fine but the website is utter crap! It has no communication whatsoever with customers, and i had to reset the website several times to actually get to my basket and checkout cos it kept taking me back to my profile page.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Wii remotes will not stay synced?

    Hey so I have four wii remotes (all genuine official nintendo remotes) and they all used to be synced with no problems. Recently however, i am finding myself having to press the red sync buttons over and over again. then the moment the second player remote is synced, the other one will cut off while booting a game. It has only just started doing this, and i cant get more than one synced at the same time! Please help!

    1 AnswerNintendo Wii10 years ago
  • Can't access my dlc for LA Noire?

    So I downloaded the Rockstar pass this morning, it downloaded and is on my hdd, but when i go to the game and go to xbox live marketplace in game, it says "no downloadable content available" wth?? my friend didnt have a problem and his full list of extras appeared, but because some of them are pre order it says coming soon... but i dont even get that!! i tried downloading it again but it still wont appear?!?! please help!!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • So... its 6 o clock here... and no earthquake?

    any views on this? its been predicted a few times in my lifetime now :P

    10 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Withdrawing a student finance application form?

    hi the thing is is that I have already submitted my online student finance application, where it was going to be supported by my dad and his partner, yet after I have sent it off, it turns out they will not be supporting it, so I need to know how I can withdraw this spported form and re apply, changing my preference so it gives me my loan without basing it on the household income?

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Pre-ordered Pokemon Black from Gamestation about 2 weeks ago?

    It's now the day before release and I still have had no email saying it has been despatched/posted, and when i go to order tracking it is still on un shipped.... how unlikely is it that I won't get it tomorrow? I feel quite let down by them at the moment.

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Sore throat soothers?

    I have had a very painful sore throat for 3 days now... today i have now lost my voice. I have tried so many remedies to kill the pain but nothing is working... also, just when my throat is slightly less painful it tickles, causing me to cough, which is the most painful ive ever had, and this takes my throat pain back to square one...

    so any ideas? Ta

    11 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Nintendo 3DS UK release... are you as disappointed as I am?

    Are you UK citizens also peeved that Nintendo decided not to release an official launch price for the 3DS so they have allowed trade companies to charge as they wish? resulting in prices of £229.99... seeing as how the NA price converts to about £156 ish I just wanted to hear opinions :P

    7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago