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How to place an animated GIF over a still image?

What software is the best to use for this? If I try it on Photoshop, the GIF is no longer animated when on top of the still image. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


Also, this is when I have saved the entire project as a GIF, yet it still doesn't animate. What am I doing wrong?

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I might be able to help you but I haven't used this in a while. Go to lunapic (dot) com and upload your animated GIF. Then you save that to your clipboard. And then upload your still image and then add your GIF from your clipboard. Sorry the instructions aren't very good because I haven't used this site in a long time and I mostly self taught myself in spare time when I tried to make myself a sig

  • 4 years ago

    The animation could be saved to DW's challenge folder (desire you made one) as a GIF photograph. then you certainly could use the elementary photograph tags to have it shown whilst the website is seen in a browser. occasion code: <p><img type="width: XXpx; top: YYpx; border: 0;" src="course to photograph" alt="textual content fabric Description">/p you may exchange the "p" tags to div tags and charm as mandatory. Ron

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


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