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ok, so had a bad experience with their website at the beginning of the year, its clear their communication with the new website is rubbish. The last time i ordered it was still telling me it was unshipped, even though it had already arrived at my house!

so, i decided to use them again friday evening, after seeing a game i had wanted for a while and being able to use my elite card points. Sure enough, i got an email confirming my order and my elite card points, but like last time, i have had no email on dispatch, and it still says unshipped,like last time. Yet i have a feeling it will still turn up, only time will tell.....

my question is, what experiences have u all had with the website? The store is fine but the website is utter crap! It has no communication whatsoever with customers, and i had to reset the website several times to actually get to my basket and checkout cos it kept taking me back to my profile page.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I never liked the redesign. The old one was better. I'm unsure on the comms between the website and emails, but there doesn't seem to be any logic to how they set the website out. It says the new price or the used price for what you are looking at, but not both together. Like it really should. And you also have to click on more information to get the full game info. The page is hardly even used up! And most of that is for the 'People who bought this also bought...' section. Who really wants eight large icons saying what other people have bought with the product that you are viewing when you want the info on what you are looking at.

  • aidt
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I only use one website and that's Amazon it rocks.

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