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action replay dsi not working on fat ds?

so i know that the action replay is compatible with the fat ds, yet when i put it in to my bfs DS, it stays on the "Datel" screen, where it says how the product isnt licensed by nintendo... on other models it stays there for a second then boots the list of codes, but on this it just gets stuck on the "Datel" screen. please help? the ds is quite old, and it was preowned, yet it has no problems running games.


Im not on about a gameboy im on about a nintendo ds

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It could be ur ar have u tried it on another gameboy? I have several different gameboys and the same ar unit will not work on all of them. So if u have an older model gameboy u might need an older model ar because of the difference in the technologies. Try going to datels website and sending them an email they r really good about trying to help u with their products

  • 4 years ago

    It does artwork!!! i attempted that... The AR for DS Lite does not artwork the DSi! yet there is no diference between the unique DS and the DS Lite, so which you're able to despite if it!! fairly propose it, and often for Pokemon

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