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Taxed for a second part time job?

Ok, so I had just the one job where I was only earning just above £50 a week. I now have a second job where I only earn £49 a week. This means I should have no tax at all, yet my second job has taxed me 20% gross pay. NI have taken nothing, which is correct, but i dont understand wh i'm being taxed on a job where i only earn £49, and where my first i only earn £50. it must have something to do with the p46 i had to fill in. do i ring the tax office to let them know i only earn this much?


king gamer - actually according to direct gov website, you dont pay NI until you earn 139 a week.

also ta for answer, i spoke to some people and it has something to do with emergancy tax code because they dont know my earnings from job one, and i have to ring up tax office and get them to split personalallowance across both jobs i think...

4 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is normal, get the employer reference from each job (on pay slip or from employer)

    get the HMRC contact phone number from the website (use the 0345 number if it is up as it is cheaper). Have a rough estimate of the earnings in each job to hand.

    Phone in, say what you said here and say you want your allowances split.

    They will re-allocate your allowances (sorry tax-speak) and issue a new code to each employer.

    The tax deducted will be returned with your wages once the code is operated by your employer. Done and dusted.

    At most 5 minutes once you get through.

  • 10 years ago

    I think you should be paying NI now as for tax you are doing 2 jobs but are making 99 a week is it so when I had a part-time job earning around the same I did have to pay NI but I did not get taxed so I would just call them and see what they say

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    desire this helps, declare one pastime as your major earnings (frequently the better paid one) and also you'll receive all of your tax allowance's hostile to that, the 2d pastime you declare to the corporation that this is more advantageous earnings and also you get taxed on each penny! i'm no longer particular what the present elementary cost is sorry yet when this is 20% then you definately pay 20% of your second earnings in tax. if you're required to fill in a tax go back all you may might want to do is declare both earning and so long because the 2d pastime has been taxed properly you ought to no longer have any more advantageous tax to pay you may even get a small tax refund if you're fortunate. it truly is what i have carried out contained in the previous and that i have had no problems with the tax workplace.

  • 10 years ago

    ou will pay full 20% tax on your second job because your employer (who has the job of working out how much tax to deduct) has no way of knowing how much you have earned in your other job.

    At the end of the tax year (April 2012), you can show HMRC your p60 from both jobs, and if you have paid too much, get a nice juicy cheque for any overpayment..

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