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my hard drive in my xbox 360 slim is stuck?

hi, so i can not remove the hard drive from my slim... its stuck fast, i'll pull on the tab but it will not budge, and don't want to rip the tag off... any suggestions?


seriously? 360 slims been out for quite a while.... might want to get out the house a bit more... ironic coming from me, playing video games and all...

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm not too sure on your problem but don't listen to the first answer. Xbox 360 Slim is the nickname for the "Xbox 360 Model S"

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Did it come out a little when you first tried to take it out and then get stuck? As in, could you push it back in a little and then try and take it out again?

    I dont have the slim so cant be of much use with a solution but if you cant get it out easily then theres a problem, you might want to have a look around town in game shops of currys/pc world or something and see if they could remove it for you.

  • 9 years ago

    If you can get your fingers on the end of the HDD try pressing alternately on the corners - effectivley rocking it from side to side, that may loosen it up a bit. If not you'll have to take it to a reair shop and they'll get it out for you...

  • 9 years ago

    What's an Xbox 360 slim? You mean Xbox elite? I know there's a ps3 slim but there's no such thing as a Xbox 360 slim!

    Source(s): I deal with idiots all the time :)
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Pull harder

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