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Lv 6
Vixie asked in Education & ReferenceFinancial Aid · 1 decade ago

Withdrawing a student finance application form?

hi the thing is is that I have already submitted my online student finance application, where it was going to be supported by my dad and his partner, yet after I have sent it off, it turns out they will not be supporting it, so I need to know how I can withdraw this spported form and re apply, changing my preference so it gives me my loan without basing it on the household income?


Thanks Armz and believe me i tried but their decision has been made final :/ one of those things. i'll just go for the loans, its not like theyre a bank, ial just pay it back gradually.

2 Answers

  • Phil
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    call them tomorrow its simple

  • 1 decade ago

    call them and tell them. but really you should have it based on household income unless your folks make more than 30k there's not really much point maybe for an extra 100 up to you but really if its below 30k I'd really urge you to try get them to do it as you will receive more.

    Source(s): done all this
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