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turtle beach chat is very tempermental?

The chat cable is plugged in securely both sides. Yet sometimes the chat will not work and I'll spend like ten minutes unplugging, plugging, switching ends, resetting the beaches until the chat finally responds. Some mornings, it will work straight away, then if i unplug them and then plug them back in later in the day, they won't respond and I have to go through all this again. It's not the controller because I have tried it on different controllers and the same thing happens. It's not my chatpad because I've tried it with and without. Any suggestions? Once I get it working, it's fine. It doesn't randomly cut out or anything, it just takes a few attempts to get it working. ¬¬

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    All turtle beaches ( official turtle beach products ) come with a one year warranty... Amd unfortunately a lot of people experience issues with their beaches no matter what model. The best thing to do is make use of the one year warranty. If you have the reciept from the shop you bought them then bring it back and they will honour your warranty too. I had ear force foxtrots and they were great then the left ear just decided to stop working. I dug out the reciept and took it back in and they gave me the bravo edition.. ( way better and with way more extras ) and also gave me a new 1 year warranty. I asked them what would have happened if i didnt have the reciept and they told me i could still have sent it to the manufacturer as they also have a product warranty.What ever you do don't open up your turtle beaches. It voids the warranty. Hope this helps.

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 9 years ago

    unplug it all

    start again

    Source(s): my nan
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