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A good seed for my Minecraft project?

Hey, so I'm planning out to build the entire Kanto Region from Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow in Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition, and I need a good seed for it to be started on. Any ideas? Thanks.


Its the Xbox 360 Edition. there are no mods for this version :) Its just an arty project I want to do.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You could always use a superflat world - if you use the 'Customize' option when you generate it and set it to 'Overworld', it won't get covered in slimes. Also switch 'Generate Structures' off. This is the PC version BTW, but it should be the same.

    Note there are already several Kanto maps available to download, and mods that add Pokemon to the game - Google 'pokemon minecraft' and they're fairly easy to find.

  • 8 years ago

    my seed is "******" (not racist) lol and it's really good there are mountains, flatlands, forests(?) desert and snow. or you can just do it on a superflat world

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