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emp04 asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Getting flat abs in 5 weeks?

I'm going on vacation in 5 weeks and am attempting to get my beach body back. I'm currently a size 2, generally in shape, but about 5-10 lbs from my normal size.

I was planning on doing a 1500 calorie, gluten free, high fiber/fruits and veggies diet and working out six days a week. Days 1, 3, and 5 would be 35 minutes if cardio, then arms and legs strength training. Even days will be 60 minutes of Pilates. Do I sound like I am on the right track?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


    Source(s): BREAKTHROUGH in Weight Loss Research
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey, I tell you awhile back I was in your shoes and if I had have to do another situp or crunch I think I might have cried but a guy a my gym told me the truth about abs and since then I've never been happier.

    All the best, I hope it helps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good Morning, sometimes trying to lose weight and improve our health can be confusing. I felt like I was running in circles and getting no where fast when I discovered the diet solution. for me it was the balanced approach I'd been looking for. Maybe you could find your answers there, definitely worth the look.

    This should help

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, you do- and good for you for trying to get back on track. Try this to help you with your weight loss:

    There are dozens of things you can do to lose weight quickly, efficiently, and safely, without sacrificing yummy foods :) Here are the ten best, easiest ways. These are all-natural and don't involve you having to buy any weird foods, shakes, or miracle diet pills or follow any tedious diet plans. I cannot tell you enough to DRINK LOTS OF WATER! It keeps you full- sometimes when we think we're hungry we're really just dying for a drink! Plus, studies show that increased water intake can boost metabolism. Water is one of the best things you can do to lose weight. The best of luck to you!

    1. Eat lots of protein. (cheese, Greek yogurt, lean meats like chicken and turkey breast, egg whites) It keeps you full and protein has only 4 calories per gram. Eat lots of fiber. It improves your digestive health and helps keep you full. These two changes alone may take a while for your body to get used to, so increase both in small increments.

    2. Try to cut refined carbs (white rice, white bread, white pasta, soda, sugary cereals, sweetened drinks- anything with added sugars or processed flours, etc.) from your diet. Instead, fill yourself with healthy carbs (fruits, vegetables, whole wheat bread without high fructose corn syrup, quinoa, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta). Instead of orange or apple juices, eat the actual fruits. Use Truvia in your coffee instead of Splenda or sugar. Once you get used to it, you'll learn to appreciate the hearty tastes and textures of unrefined carbs, and they have fewer calories per amount of volume, plus they make you feel fuller faster.

    3. Do cardio (running, vigorous walking, stairs, swimming, heavy cycling, rollerblading) at least 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes. Alternate those three days with yoga, anaerobic exercises like weight lifting, etc. for at least an hour.

    4. Drink lots of milk, preferably skim. Calcium has been shown to help with weight loss.

    5. Always fill your plate with half fruits/ vegetables, a quarter protein, a quarter carbs. Try to not go back for seconds on the carbs.

    6. Exchange the plates in your house for smaller ones. Studies show that we eat less when we eat from smaller plates because we feel like we're eating more.

    7. If, on a scale from one to ten, ten is how full you feel after Thanksgiving dinner, you should eat a 4 for breakfast, a 5 for lunch, and a 4 for dinner.

    8. Don't eat until you're full, but until you're satisfied. Eat slowly- it takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain that you're full.

    9. Learn to love cooking. When you cook your own meals, you can know exactly how many calories you are consuming- no restaurant chefs to hide fats and empty carbs in your food! Visit a website like They have tons of delicious recipes that are relatively low-calorie, even desserts. However, make dessert a once-a-week treat. You will learn to appreciate it more, and you'll be consuming less calories per day.

    10. Snack smart- almonds, even only ten of them when your stomach is growling at work before lunch can satisfy your hunger for hours. A slice of cheese has protein and can fill you right up also, especially if you drink a bottle of water afterwards. Also, try a handful of Triscuts with salsa or hummus (no dressings like ranch or bleu cheese- dressings and condiments like these and also mayonnaise can RUIN your diet. Stick to oil and vinegar for your salads, salsa, homemade guacamole, mustard, steak sauces, and no-high-fructose-corn-syrup ketchup). Limit yourself to two snacks a day, and only if you're hungry- one midmorning, one before your workout at night/ in the afternoon.

    Find it in you to be disciplined and stick with these ten tips. They're the key to healthy living and a healthy lifestyle choice- and very effective! Good luck! I believe in you!

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