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  • Getting flat abs in 5 weeks?

    I'm going on vacation in 5 weeks and am attempting to get my beach body back. I'm currently a size 2, generally in shape, but about 5-10 lbs from my normal size.

    I was planning on doing a 1500 calorie, gluten free, high fiber/fruits and veggies diet and working out six days a week. Days 1, 3, and 5 would be 35 minutes if cardio, then arms and legs strength training. Even days will be 60 minutes of Pilates. Do I sound like I am on the right track?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How to deal with a jealous roommate/boyfriend problems?

    When my roommate and I moved in together, she was in a fairly serious relationship and I was single and actively looking. I hated my job and she was just starting a job she was excited about. Six months later, she is single (and not over her ex/regrets breaking up) and I am in a great relationship that is getting serious). I also have come to enjoy my job and life and she is miserable in hers.

    As background, my boyfriend comes over 1 or 2 nights a week and always comes late and leaves fairly early, this is the same amount of time her ex would come over. I am over at his place 1 or 2 nights a week, so we split hosting.

    I am sensing that my roommate is jealous of me and my relationship. Initially, when my boyfriend came over, she would sit on the couch next to where we were eating and would watch TV. She would add to our conversation and would come over uninvited to taste the food I made. This was annoying, because I always gave her and her ex space when he was over, but I could deal and my bf and I were always polite wit her.

    Over the past week it got worse. First, she is giving me advice that would pretty much guarantee that my boyfriend and I would break up over a non-issue (she told me to engage him in a long talk over a minor issue). Then she decided not to go to a holiday party on the night of my bf's birthday (she knew we were coming back to my place late) and placed all my clean laundry on top of my bed (she was the one who decided to stay in, the laundry was wet when I left, and if I knew she was staying in and doing laundry, I wouldn't have started a load of laundry). Finally, when I get home before her and clean up the place (her dirty dishes). When she gets home, she makes sure to leave all of her dishes out so the place will look messy when he get here.

    How would you suggest that I deal with the situation? I like her, she is a great roommate, and it is clear that she is just miserable and jealous and taking it out on me.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My new boyfriend is really worried about birth control...?

    My new boyfriend and I had sex together for the first time last night. During the whole time and afterward he seemed very nervous about me getting pregnant. It was to the extent that I don't think he was enjoying himself because he was so worried about me getting pregnant.

    I could understand this if we were virgins, but we aren't (I'm in my mid-twenties and he's in his early thirties, we've both been around the block). I could also understand this if we were being irresponsible, but we aren't. Neither of us have had a pregnancy scare in the past. We have dated a couple of months, we're monogamous, and STD free. Also, it wasn't like we weren't using protection-- I'm on the pill and take it perfectly, we used a condom, AND he pulled out. I could also understand if it was a case where we were teenagers and could not afford to have a child and are still in school, but we both have terminal degrees and high paying jobs. Getting pregnant is far from the desired goal at this stage of our relationship, but we are both at the financial and career stage where it wouldn't destroy us.

    Does anyone have any advice on how to help him worry less so he can enjoy it more?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How long should I wait for my date to show up before assuming he blew me off?


    I made plans for a lunch date, and the plan was that he was going to call in the morning to confirm for a 1 pm lunch, and if all was well, we would meet at my place at 1. It is now after 1 and he has not called or shown up. How long do I wait before I decide that he stood me up? If he shows up late, should I still go out with him?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Celiac diagnosis while in college?

    For the past year and a half, since I had viral bronchitis during a high-stress period, I have been dealing with these problems:

    - constipation, especially after eating bread/bread products or beer

    - sharp abdominal pains in times of high stress

    - headaches

    - mood swings

    - digestive pain after eating bread and beer

    Do these symptoms sound like celiacs do you? I am currently a college student at an out-of-state school and will not meet with my primary care physician for a month and my gastroenterologist for two and a half months.

    If this does sound like celiacs, should I ask my primary care doctor to do the tests or wait until I see the GI specialist? How long does the diagnosis process normally take?

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • The mouse on my Dell Latitude D610 is frozen. How do I fix it?

    My tech support center is closed for the weekend and my mouse (both the touch pad and blue ball) on my laptop is frozen. I can still used the computer with tabs and the arrow keys, but it is a pain. Is there anything I can do to fix it?

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • My goldfish has ich and I am treating with salt, but I don't have a heater?

    I came home after Easter dinner only to find that my black moor goldfish had developed a nasty case of ich. Because all of the pet stores were closed, I was told to do a water change (I did about a 30% change) and to add 1 tsp of salt per gallon of water every 12 hours for a total of 3 times and to raise the heat in the tank to 80 degrees. However, I don't have a heater in my tank and was unable to acquire one. My questions are:

    1. Will just salt alone work (my tank is about 70 degrees right now)

    2. How long will it take before the white spots come off?

    3. How long should the salt stay in the water?

    4. Should I do water changes during the process?

    5. Will the ich from the black moor affect my other fish (a smaller black moor, a calico, and a feeder)?

    Thanks so much in advance!

    10 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Should I take the new GRE in Sept or take the old one this July?

    I am planning on going to graduate school in the fall of 2008 and need to take my GRE sometime between now and October. However, the test is being completely revamped in August and it will no longer test the old material. I had originally planned on studying this summer and taking the test in August, but it is no longer offered then and the new study guides won't come out until mid-July. Should I take the old, time-tested version, even though I won't have as much time to prepare for it as I feel I need, or should I take the new version this September?

    Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • I'm Catholic and my hubby-to-be is Atheist... can we get married in a Catholic Church?

    I am madly in love with a guy and we are planning to be engaged soon. I am a Catholic and from a very religious family. My boyfriend is an Atheist from a non-believing family (he is as Catholic as can be in values, just hasn't found God). We are both very strong in our beliefs and accept that we don't agree about whether or not there is a God. Both families support the relationship and think that we will be a wonderful couple. Can we get married in the Catholic Church? It is very important for my family. We both agreed that we will raise our children in the Church but they will not be confirmed until they are 16 and can make their own choices about their religious beliefs. Even with this will we be able to get a priest to marry us?

    20 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • I'm Catholic and my hubby-to-be is Atheist-- can we get married in the Catholic church?

    I am madly in love with a guy and we are planning to be engaged soon. I am a Catholic and from a very religious family. My boyfriend is an Atheist from a non-believing family (he is as Catholic as can be in values, just hasn't found God). We are both very strong in our beliefs and accept that we don't agree about whether or not there is a God. Both families support the relationship and think that we will be a wonderful couple. Can we get married in the Catholic Church? It is very important for my family. We both agreed that we will raise our children in the Church but they will not be confirmed until they are 16 and can make their own choices about their religious beliefs. Even with this will we be able to get a priest to marry us?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How expensive is it to live in Oxford?

    I am studying abroad in St. Catz and I was wondering what my day-to-day expenses will be like. I know it varies from person to person, but any rough estimates of the cost of food and any extras would be helpful! Also, what are absolute musts to do/see/eat while I am over there?


    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • How do you get Emergency Contraception in Maine after hours?

    For a bunch of complicated reasons, we need to get an EC pill tonight (I know you have 48-72 hours, but we need it before tomorrow morning) and planned parenthood has closed. Does anyone know where you can get one (in Southern Maine)? I heard some pharmacies can give them out OTC, but the laws have changed so much in the past few years.

    3 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago