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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 1 decade ago

how can i get my former friends to leave me alone!?!?

they won't leave me alone!! i met the first one (let's call her A), along with my other former friend (let's call her B) in the 3rd grade and A and i really didn't get along at first up until the 8th grade, but B and i were best friends up until the 9th grade. anyways, in the 8th grade A, B and i were all a trio, and we were inseparable. we went to the same church, and we would always hang out and text each other all the time. well, last year in june, my youth group kinda sucked because we had gotten a new youth pastor who was bad news, and everything went downhill. A and B were being jerks on top of all that, so i decided there wasn't really a reason to stay, so i started going to my boyfriend's church, and it's so much better. but, when A and B found out i was leaving, they started sending me these really mean texts calling me a traitor and telling me i was a jerk and that they didn't want me there anyway, and i was hurt because these girls were my best friends. but i had been making new friends at my new church and i just moved on. i am not friends with A and B on facebook anymore, but A still often sends me random messages on facebook, being all sweet and everything. i still see her sometimes, because both our churches do things together. she was really nice the first time i saw her after i left the church. i decided to forgive her. bad idea. she started to be a jerk again, and so did B. the next time i saw them, they gave me dirty looks, but for some reason they wouldn't leave me alone. they followed me everywhere, and i heard them saying mean things about me to other people. i was so pissed. but i just stayed away from them. but now, A keeps sending me messages on facebook. and my boyfriend created this chat thing on facebook and added me, A, and B, and i saw a conversation between all three of them (my boyfriend, A, and B) and A and B were totally dissing me, but thankfully my boyfriend told them off. but what can i do to get them to leave me alone?

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    nothing beyond telling them to leave you alone.

    There is a saying that 'Murphy' coined:

    "Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate"

  • 1 decade ago

    You have a couple of choices:

    1. Honesty: Calmly talk to them individually and let them know how much you cherish having had relationships with them. It hurts, though, when they are mean to you and say things behind your back. What you're looking for are relationships that lift each other up - rather than tear down. And, for whatever reason, the friendship is no longer like that.

    2. Ignore them: with time they will realize that you're not going to react to their negative behavior - and it isn't worth their energy.

    3. If you think that it's become a case of bullying - check out this site:

    Good luck!


  • 5 years ago

    looks like he's stalking you. i think of you could tell him which you're actually not attracted to him and that he's scaring you. possibly the ideal factor is to now no longer confer with him and forget approximately him. Delete his messaging and don't even make eye touch with him. bypass him as in case you do no longer even understand him. while he tries to call you purely dangle up and walk remote from him while he tries to talk to you. i think of he's a variety of adult males that feeds on your reaction of you to what he does and says. attempt your toughest to stand your floor and stick to those classes. If that doesn't artwork then, you will get the police in contact. Stalking is crime in maximum states.

  • 1 decade ago

    They're just petty and immature, hopefully they grow out of it but for now the best thing you can do is ignore them. They just want to see you fall, they want to know that their words and actions are affecting you negatively, and making you sad, or angry, really, all they want is a reaction out of you. Don't give them that satisfaction, just ignore their taunts and keep doing what you're doing, eventually they'll get bored of trying to bring you down.

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  • 1 decade ago

    ok, YOU NEED TO BE UP FRONT. tell these bitches off ok. who do they think they are. they are just some two faced hoes. lol. let them know how you feel. block them. and before you block the on face book. let them know how you feel. you are steadily letting them into your life and they know it, that's why they continue to do it.and that chick boyfriend id right with them. he knows what he doing. black his *** TOO!! And if they keep hashing tell some authority on them. just do it until they leave you alone. or you can just get each of hem by themselves and beat their ***.

    ok hope everything works out

    Good day

    Source(s): ME
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just ignore them. They want to see you sad and upset because you have shown that you can go without them. Next time, don't be so quick to trust them. Forgive but don't forget. People like that only pretend to be nice so they can get close to you and treat you horribly.

    Source(s): My highschool experiences
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just say to them straight up "Look I don't like what your doing to me, I don't want to be your friend anymore, leave me alone." These girls are just trying to get you cause they miss you and are jealous of you. Hope this helps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wow these girls sound like really bad news. i would do somethign to try and scare them away like telling them they are going to get reported to the police for harassment lol. and if they don't stop. actually report them! try asking them to leave you alone first!!

    Source(s): only do it if it really feels right though.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    1. restraining order

    2. tell them to leave you alone

    3. ignore them and they might stop

    people like that want to see how you react, so maybe ignore them first, then if that doesn't work then tell you to leave you alone, and if that doesn't work, get a restraining order.

  • 1 decade ago

    remove them completely from your life. block them. facebook. phone. everything.

    ignore them.

    They should get bored with it eventually.

    in the mean time. make new friends who have nothing to do with them

    Source(s): same thing happened to me. this worked.
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