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dyno testing result different?

when you dyno test a car and get a specific result. then put smaller radius wheels on will it make a difference in the dyno test , i think it would up the bhp slighter as there would be more torque at the wheel cos of the smaller diameter

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes and no. Real life, what the dyno roller sees, yes the HP will be diff.

    But no, not in the readings cause the dyno's computer uses an SAE std correction factor to correct things like wheel/tire size, gear ratio, trans type, stall speed, weather cond., temp, etc

    That away its a fair playing feild no matter if you test when its 40* or 90* in the shop

  • 1 decade ago

    tire dia. would be taken into consideration in the correction factor, other things such as barrometric pressure, ambient air temp, humidity, effect the figured bhp on a chassis dyno, the whp may change because the effective gear ratio has changed and you may get a better part of the power curve. My engine dyno even has a correction for innertia, the energy stored/consumed in the rotating mass of the engine, driveshaft, and stator wheels in the brake

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think so, power is from engine and transmit to the wheels, changing the tire/wheel only change the speed in relation to rpm. torque and horse power are from engine and transmission. you tune the engine to increase power, not changing wheel/rim, kind of funny in your logic

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