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mnw1989 asked in SportsHockey · 1 decade ago

Did anyone watching tonight's NHL All-Star draft like it as a format for picking players ?

Should it not happen again next season ?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I liked it! I didn't expect that I'd like it, but the lighthearted tone (Ovi taking a pic of Kessel) and making star payers sweat a bit was really fun to watch.

  • The All Star Game is what it is- it's a glorified game of shinny with the best players in the world.

    If the draft component attracts casual American fans to tune in and they think "wow, that's pretty cool!" then mission accomplished (especially if they stick around to watch actual NHL games and become fans). The NHL has tried other formats...East/West, North America/World, this can't be any worse.

    If they adopt it for next year...great. The ASG isn't going away (it's a huge vehicle for the league and it does get ratings) so by my thinking...embrace the beast for one day and make it fun.

    Source(s): Lifelong Leafs fan, STH.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    properly at the starting up it would properly be in THAT 3 hundred and sixty 5 days'S draft, no longer "whichever 3 hundred and sixty 5 days they opt for". easily they ought to take care of it the way the NFL does. provide the team a repayment draft p.c.. contained in the later rounds. merely because the guy develop into drafted in a larger round would not advise they were strong, and also in the adventure that they p.c.. the three hundred and sixty 5 days they might watch for that strong draft type. extra acceptable to apply the NFL's repayment Draft theory. that is like third round they commence putting some in. Then it is going by potential of value of losses to the team. If the team lost some major participant they get a p.c.. in position. So merely upload that any time they lose a participant to demise that counts for giving the team a p.c...

  • 1 decade ago

    The format change I'm starting to like more and more. But I could have done without the dramatic music. I thought the Royal Family was entering Buckingham Palace everytime a selection was made.

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  • James
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Too much hype.

    All they should do is this: Elect a captain, Then an hour before the game have everyone put there sticks on the ice, and split them up to two sides, and thats how the teams are formed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah it was good, but having each player come down and say something was, at least for me, a little redundant and pointless. But besides that yeah, good idea

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it was pretty cool.

    And I think they should do it like...every 2 years or 5 years or somethin'.

  • jay k
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You haven't been around in forever. Or maybe I'm just not very observant....

    I liked it actually, and think they should keep it up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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