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halestrm asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

help with newly adopted dog fighting are other dog.?

Saturday we adopted a 2 year old female (fixed) Heeler mix (think greyhound). We took our our 2 year old male afghan mix to meet her. They played for over an hour at the shelter and played for hours when we got home. All seemed great. Last night at around 8 pm, the newby attacked our boy. He was laying in front of the fireplace sleeping and she just went after him. I called a trainer for help. He said do another leash intro and if all goes well, keep leashes on in case of another fight (easier to separate them.) My daughter and I sleep downstairs with the dogs just in case. Then this morning, as I was coming in from the garage, she attacked him again. He fought back both times but now he is limping and she got a cut on her face.

Trainer is coming by in about 3 hours but would love some feedback before then. I have her outside and our boy inside. Anyone out there that has dealt with this?


Could any of this have to do with the fact that she keeps trying to get on the furniture and is repremanded. She also keeps trying to eat our shoes and my daughter's stuffed animals while leaving her own on the floor. Riley barked to get my attention. Maybe she thinks he ratted her out.

Update 2:

RE the advise to return her, her intake at the shelter was 7/3/10. I hate the idea that she won't have a forever home. Would love to try alternate options and save that for the last option. When I adopted her I knew she would need training. I know that not every dog can fit in, but I need to try everything else first.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your trainer is on the right track. Take both dogs off your property and on neutral territory. If they are fine, start to walk them back to your home. If everything goes fine, take them in the home.

    It will take 2-3 weeks for both dogs to get used to each other. In the meantime, make their time together very positive. Pet and praise when they are together and behaving properly. Also, take the time to have one-on-one time with each dog.

    Good luck.

    ADDITIONAL -- I think you're giving dogs too much credit. If you're making a big deal about getting the dog off the sofa, your male is picking up on it and may feel a need to protect you. When your trainer sees it, he should have a better idea about what is going on.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Your newby wants to be dominant? Perhaps she just is a poorly bred dog genetically. I hope the trainer and you can work this made a HUGE first step in getting it resolved. It is pretty sad when you are trying to give this dog a new home and this dog aggressive behavior shows up out of the blue like that. Pay attention to the trainer's advice will have to work this out so everyone is safe. Yes I have heard of this...and it ended not all that well. Good luck to you and I hope it can work out.

  • she is trying to dominate him and he is not gonna let her. they fight to see who is gonna be the higher ranking dog between the two of them. when things start to get tense or hostile between thew two of them, make a loud noise and take the female out of the room (since she is the initiator and is the new member of the family). when she is calm and quiet you can bring her back into the room again. both the dogs should be on a leash during training and whenever they are loose around each other for better control of both of them. you and your daughter should work together to crate train them to be in their crates at night out of sight of each other so you don't have to watch them at night. assert yourself and your daughter as the alpha members of the family by always putting yourselves first and the dogs last. a good way to keep the jealousy down between the dogs to is after you and your daughter eat, feed your boy first in his usual eating spot and then feed the newbie somewhere away from him. since he was with you first, he gets his food first. same goes for everything you do with the dogs. it does not always work (keeping jealousy down) but i have found that it does help quite a bit with my dogs and the dogs that i rescue and re-home. your trainer should give you other tips on how to keep yourself as the highest ranking member and what to look for in the dog's body language before things get nasty.

    Source(s): animal owner/trainer/handler/behaviorist, dog rescue
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Return the dog to the rescue. Things won't get any better. Trust me, we purchased a dog from our trainer and he beat up my established on a daily basis. The trainer returned our money.

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