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What are your best tips for staying safe on the Internet?

Yahoo! is joining forces with INSAFE, to celebrate Safer Internet Day and to help raise awareness about safety online.

This year, efforts will address safety around “virtual lives” encompassing online gaming and social networking. The slogan for 2011 is, “It’s more than a game, it’s your life.” Staying online and being connected has become critical for today’s youngsters, and not being connected frequently means social exclusion.

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154 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Using Anti-virus and a Firewall. It's the Internet equivalent of a condom.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Numerology Life Paths
  • Rogue
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    How to stay safe on the Internet

    1) Never divulge your personal information like your name, address, phone no. , password, bank account no. ,etc

    2) Be anonymous . Never use your primary email account for online services like forums. Instead, make a gender neutral account and use it.

    3) Update your system. Make sure, you have latest firewall, antivirus(updated), spyware, malware ,etc

    4) Don't go for mouth watering offers. Most website out there are scam and before buying anything from any website, do take time to have a review of that website and customer experience. Use google or yahoo , search " Website name review" or "website_name scam".

    5) Use secure passwords. Make a password which is hard to crack. Don't put your name, mobile NO., DOB , spouse name or just any random number as password. It's better to add numbers too along with special symbol

    6) Don't put your password on HTTPS server which certificate is not valid.

    7) Don't open any file downloaded from Internet. Before doing so, scan it with antivirus. That also includes attachments. It's better to use or yahoomail or any other popular email service provider since they have all the files scanned first.

    8) Report. Get a habit of reporting user with inappropriate behavior .

    9) Don't fall into trap of website selling screen saver on any random site. They most often includes Trojan, Spywares too.

    10) Use latest browser and install a Internet monitoring software for your children just in case.

  • 1 decade ago

    I thought I would give 5 tips on ways to stay safe while on the internet. These are some very simple tips, but you would be surprised how many people fail to do these things. Anyway, let's get right to them.

    First off, never give your passwords out to anyone. I don't care if someone instant messages you claiming to be from AOL, you shouldn't give your password out. You also should be careful of websites that look like official websites that ask for your password. If you are uncertain about the website, just type in the regular homepage address. That way you are sure you are on the actual homepage.

    Make your passwords difficult for people to guess. This is such a simple tip, but you would be surprised how many people forget to do this. It's usually recommended to pick a password that has letters AND numbers in it. If you just pick a word in the dictionary, it is easier for someone to guess. Putting letters and numbers together makes it much more difficult. Also, putting special characters in your password is also good.

    Do not download software from pop-up boxes. I'm talking about those boxes that sometimes come up when you go to a website. Often times they will pretend to be a warning message that says your computer is infected with Spyware. Don't download those software programs! They are most likely Spyware. If you want to know some legitimate Spyware removers, check out my blog where I have some listed. My blog address is at the bottom of this article.

    Do not click on links in spam e-mails you receive! I cannot stress this enough. There is absolutely no reason that you should click on a link in an e-mail from someone you don't know. What is the worst that could happen if you do? Well, the link could take you to a website that will infect your computer with a virus through a security hole. That can happen just by visiting a website. Seriously, there is no reason to click on a link from someone you don't know. If you've got an e-mail from someone claiming to be from eBay wanting your password, then log in from the main website. If eBay really needs you to log in so bad that they are e-mailing you, I'm sure there will be a big notice right on your account when you do log in through the actual website.

    And finally, be careful with what personal information you put on the internet. Unless you are ordering something, you should not need to give out your last name, home address, or home phone number. If I sign up for a website and they need something like my phone number, I just give them my cell phone number. Even that though I don't generally recommend.

    Like I've said, there are a lot of people that are taken advantage of through the internet. If you make sure to follow these tips, you should have no problem.

    Stay safe!

    I have been into computers for over 10 years. I enjoy helping people stay safe on the internet from viruses and spyware. If you would like download links to legitimate spyware removers, software reviews, tips, and other program links, then check out my blog at

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    These are just a few:

    Find and regularly use a good anti-malware program and anti-virus software

    Do proper computer scans and updates regularly.

    Be careful how much personal information you share online.

    Don't share sensitive information with strangers

    Be cautious of what kinds of photos of yourself you put out there for everyone to see.

    Don't open emails/attachments from people you don't know.

    Hope this helps!

    Source(s): Common sense and experience.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well all I can say is that Im glad Im not a young kid using YA or the internet in general, because there is no help for you whatsoever if you are getting bullied. I myself have been the victim of a "cyber bully" on YA and got no help when I told you about him. He openly admitted to hacking my account and got my home address off it and my email address, so I tried cyber911, and they were as much use as the YA staff, which was absolutely none. It got so bad that in the end I tried to befriend him, thinking that if I had no help then I had to take matters into my own hands, but he is a psycho and threatens me whether Im nice or nasty, so my tip to anyone is if you are getting bullied on-line then put up with it or delete your account, because that is the only option as nobody will help.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For me to be safe a few step i should take into consideration :

    1. Use the original software especially your Operating System.

    2. Keep update the patching.

    3. Install Anti-Virus system (buy original)

    4. Avoid downloading unknown software, files

    5. Stay away from giving your personal info

    6. Use longer password for more protection.Write somewhere else.Not to save at your pc.

    My 2cent advise.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Experts in numerology use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life. Numerology is used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate. Numerology is an occult science and for me it's fascinating. It is perhaps the easiest of the occult arts to understand and use. All you need is the birth date and the complete name of an individual to unlock all of the secrets that the numbers hold.

    If you want to know more about numerology and get a personalized report visit

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A GREAT and probably one of the GREATEST anti-virus programs is called Microsoft Security Essentials.

    It's easy and monitors your computer actively. It also (for me) scans anything and everything before I download it. It's amazing, great, awesome, excellent, smart, easy, and SIMPLE. You can easily set it to do a daily/specific day(s)/weekly/monthly/etc scan and you can scan anything at any time. Quick scan, full scan, and custom which scans a specific thing(s) of your choosing. It's amazing and works spectacularly.

    I highly recommend it for an anti-virus.

    I used to use AVG but Microsoft Security Essentials works SO much better for me (at least) and is much easier to use and more organized and it watches your computer at all times. And if it sees a threat it will immediately let you know and ask to unable it and/or delete it |etc|

    You also have a history folder which shows all the threats it has ever detected. It will say when you saw it, what it did with it |ie| remove, unable, allow, etc. and the description of it, what it's called, what it is |ie| spyware, virus, advertisement, etc.

    Also it doesn't JUST look for viruses but also unwanted advertisements and stuff! it's simple and works GREAT!!!

    highly recommend it :-)

    Source(s): My experience Microsoft Security Essentials is great! :-)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I try to avoid using my name online. I have one private account to manage all my real life relationships and everything else is kept out of that picture. So that way i don't get in trouble between both of my lives. I can explore other worlds usining the internet without my friends wondering why i'm friends with "emo" kids or "attention hogs' or anything like that. I sometimes let my location slip but really its more of an area. Anyways if someone wanted to find you they could by what you say the weather is it. Process of elimination. Or if you say you have a concert. If i haven't slipped i like to randomly say Ohhh its so cold outside when its really hot. :D

  • 1 decade ago

    If a parent is truly concerned about their child's internet safety there is only one sure fire way to do so: do not allow them to get on the internet. There is really no possible way to make the internet browsing experience safe for a child, and honestly there is no reason whatsoever a child should even be on the internet.

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