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Lv 5
? asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 1 decade ago

Did Hitler and his Nazi party actually started the state Israel with the transfer agreement?

There was actually book written in 1984 by renowned author and Zionist Edwin Black

And this report written by Slavoj Zizek of what happened in 1937,7340,L-3337805,...

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes of course he did. An unfortunate fact of history for the Israelis , but true none the less, is that the zionists after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany (die Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland), the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the orders of the Jewish Agency, an official executive agency in then Palestine) and the economic authorities of the National Socialist government of Germany signed the Haavara Agreement. The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. Approximately 60,000 Jews emigrated to Palestine under this agreement. The main proponent of the Ha'avara Agreement was Haim Arlosoroff. Arlozoroff wrote articles on Zionist matters, such as getting money to the settlers in Palestine. Arlozoroff became a leader of Mapai, the most important Jewish political party of the time, and was a close friend of the Jewish scientist and statesman, Haim Weizmann. Arlozoroff was soon appointed head of the political department of the Jewish Agency. At first he believed that the British would help settling Jews in Palestine, so he worked with the British government which was in charge of running that territory. Soon Arlozoroff came to feel that the British could not be trusted and that the Jews must risk angering them in order to rebuild their own homeland so he enlisted Hitler's help. The leaders of the worldwide Jewish community formally declared war on Germany. The front page of The Daily Express of London of March 24, 1933 read "Judea Declares War on Germany - Jews of All the World Unite - Boycott of German Goods - Mass Demonstrations." The Haavara Agreement which allowed for the emigration of Jews to Palestine along with most of their property overcame these attempts at a boycott of German exports. Via this agreement, the Jews had to put their money into a special bank account. This money was then used to purchase German goods for export to Palestine The proceeds of the sale of these goods were given to the Jews on their arrival in Palestine. For the Zionist settlement, this huge influx of capital gave a much-needed economic boom in the midst of worldwide depression. In this way Hitler avoided the jewish boycott and the zionists managed to infiltrate Palestine to lay the foundations of their plan to expropriate the land covered by the British mandate. Arlozoroff once he had become of no further use was assasinated by zionist terrorists. A sad tale.

  • 1 decade ago

    Black isn't a zionist, he's a good researcher.

    A lot of antisemites use it to claim zionists were supporting Hitler. The actual story is that Zionists made a deal with the Nazis to get a number of Jews (I don't remember how many) in exchange for money. The Jews were good for their cause because they needed people, but their primary motivation was they wanted to save Jews. The fuss when the book came out is that a boycott of Germany had been on & it was looking like it might work. So the Zionists undermined other Jewish efforts pre-war. However, the author Edwin Black has said in interviews that the boycott was a long shot & the Zionists were aware of that.

    It's a complex story about being stuck between a rock & a hard place. It has nothing to do with nazis starting the state of Israel. I didn't listen to your link - I've heard Edwin Black a number of times in person.

    Your Zizek article is a biting commentary describing the falseness to some new book by Zizek who is described as " by fashionable leftist philosopher Slavoj Zizek, a favorite among the post-post-modernist crowd. Zizek doesn't sound neutral to me, but off the edge a bit, & not thinking clearly. Particularly since what he claims was a meeting of values was a failed meeting that went nowhere. (That's all in your link.)


    It's a deep lie to claim Arabs were already in the Israeli region. It was a barren backwater of the Ottoman TURKISH (not Arab) empire, who'd invited Jews to develop this desolate area. Most Arabs moved in AFTER the Jews. They too were offered citizenship. Beduion & Druze took up Israel on it & are full citizens. Some Muslim Arabs did too, & make up some 20% of Israeli citizenry.

    Here's the Arab movement into Israel after Jews came:

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Maybe he was involved, maybe he was not. Jews created Israel as their homeland because they were facing persecution from europeans/ north americans and middle easterners. They were treated as second class citizens everywhere and no country gave them equal rights, so they started planning to go back to their "Holy Land" for years and the fall of the ottoman empire was the golden time for their move.

    Unfortunately, the land was already occupied by arabs (Muslims, Christians & Druze) but do you think they cared? NO, they kicked thousand out of their land and made a country even though the majority of the surrounding (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey) didn't approve it.

    They start applying the same persecution they faced (especially in europe) on the innocent people who were living in their "Holy Land", sadly the persecution is still applied on daily basis and when those people protest and answer back, they shut their mouths and label them as "TERRORISTS".

    The End.

  • Kevin7
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That statement is absolutely false, the Nazis killed 6 Million Jews.Israel has always been the Jewish homeland.Israel was being reborn as the Jewish state in the late 19th century from Zionist pioneers that did the hard work.Most of the land of modern Israel was legally bought from Arab landlords by Jews.

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  • 1 decade ago

    you obviously have no knowledge of history,the re-establishment of israel started more than 120 years ago.i suggest you do more study on the subject

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