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Why does the West deny Egypt democracy over unfounded fears of extremism?

The American government, among others, has openly supported a transfer of power in Egypt, but no one is calling for fair and open elections on the grounds that if democracy was allowed, the Muslim Brotherhood would gain power. All informed observers and specialists say that this group does not have enough support to gain power - indeed they would barely manage to gain a few seats in any parliament. Are western governments believing the scaremoungering by anti-Islamists, are they Ill-informed, or is there another reason for not supprting democracy, being covered up with this pandering to the uneducated's fears of extremism? I just can't understand why these countries are happy to support democracy (through force in some cases) in some countries, yet support continuing autocracy in others.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    why do think west want egypt with a democracy? where guys who put molbaert in power. democracy have bad Habit for doing what it good for then and what is bad for us. where guys who put saddam in power remember that

  • 1 decade ago

    You know, if the entire population of the WORLD, let alone the West, and not just politicians, but EVERYONE said "Egypt will have a {insert any kind of government here}", it doesn't mean a thing. Egypt will have the kind of government the Egyptians choose, or at least decide to tolerate.

    What happens next Egypt is completely up to Egypt. I hope they don't become another Iran, but it isn't up to me, and it isn't up to the US, and it isn't up to Britain, or Israel, any more than it is up to Czechoslovakia.

    Think about the Army out there. Yeah, they have tanks. They also probably have parents and siblings and cousins in that crowd. Maybe on both sides.

    It's up to the Egyptians, all anyone else can do is hope it works out to give us an Egypt that isn't going to make trouble for the rest of us.

  • 1 decade ago

    Free and open elections can be a problem. You need to have freedom to make them work. When you have a people that are anything less then free, then elections are pointless. The big problem with places like Egypt is religion.

    Sure, the experts say the Muslim Brotherhood is not a threat....that is if you trust the experts. And if I was an organization that wanted to take over a country to do my will, I'd do everything in my power to make the experts and everyone else think that I was not a threat....until it was too late.

    But remember the MB does not have to come to power, officially. If anyone who gets in power is friendly to the MB it can be trouble. Lots of people believe the same way the MB does, or worse are willing to turn a blind eye.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mr Happy above is dead right. The USA supports any mongral goverment as long as it does not threaten the owners of the USA.....the Jewish Lobby. America has spent a fortune on the Egyptian military.The Jews control all American influence in most of the world and Egypt could be a large foe to that disgrace of a country called....Isreal.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Simple answer........Look at the Gaza Strip.

    They had Isreal move out, they gave the land to the Palestinians and what happened ?

    Hammas won the election after a bloody fight with Fata for control.

    Hammas is a world wide known terrorist entity. And they have had no interest in a peaceful progression. They've many times said they want Isreal wiped out.

    So if your a 1/2 intelligent person at all, you should be able to answer your own question.

    Or as Carlose Mensea woudl say............Duh duh duh...........

    We do'nt want another terrorist country at the root of the government ? There ya go, was that so hard to understand ?

    America can't openly interfere with another country or the Democracy or lack there of, all they can do is influence the situation if it looks that radicals will be taking over. After all, terrorists never stay home, they are always looking for world wide targets. Any civilized world would put a price on thier heads throught the world without restraint since the killing of innocent people anywhere is not acceptable.

  • 5 years ago

    Any 'help' of ethnically different united states is in all danger to do greater injury than stable for the circulation, simply by organic mistrust of locals. relatively the popular professional Israeli stand of the U. S. is in all danger to generate greater suspicion approximately their roles! And US has plentiful classes already from its political / diplomatic encounters in circumstances of this variety. they might have already desperate their stands! Muslims have hassle-loose hostility even between denominations of their own (Islamic) followers! The radicals between them are particular to economic enterprise upon opportunities to push their respective agendas and stengthen their strikes, relatively than evaluate staggering for the folk's welfare! So all the greater significant for international locations different than islamic is, to stay away and supply their stable desires for ''an early settlement'' of the mess, interior the superb hobbies of the folk! We additionally recognize that politics does not brook such ethical reasonings and might require studied, strategic, diffused, intercessions, to make certain that no damaging communities (adversarial to their hobbies) benefit get admission to to skill! it rather is probably no longer wanted away, yet could be revealed purely after the dusts cool down. The efforts might already be afoot! enable us to for our area, wish nicely for the Egyptians and the international!

  • 1 decade ago

    Plain and simple: Because the aparthied state of israel is scared.Everything the U.S. government does in the Middle East is done in behalf of the murderous,aparthied state of israel.We will never allow a "democracy" to form that is unfavorable to the zionist regime in israel.That's because our government is controlled by those that favor israeli interests over American interests.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey Kit you can join the BNP now your hero Dave is out of the closet LOL!

  • 1 decade ago

    The West is not in charge of Egyption democracy. They have to determine their own fate. The Muslim Brotherhood is a hate group.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Kit-Democracy is the jewel in the crown.

    As long as it's our crown !

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