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Lv 7
cantcu asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

How are you Conservatives going to pay for the $6 Trillion the 2 wars you started are going to cost?

That includes the care of war veterans as outlined in October before the House VA Committee! So far, at least under Bush, they went directly too the deficit, bypassing the budget!

Those wounded who get government checks got no COLA this year either. So much for liking vets.


"The budget for this year was written and passed by a Democratic controlled Congress and a Democratic president. If the troops did not get a COLA how is that the fault of the conservatives"

Because you are the ones that set up the formula in which they were to be paid.

Update 2:

"You do know Obama has been President the last 2 years?"

Yes, but the budget until October 2009 was Bush's, not Obama's. Obama put the wars INTO the budget. That is part of the reason his seems so high!

Update 3:

"Obama and the Democrats have had two years to end the wars. If they were the illegal wars many YA liberals complain about, they would not have increased troops in the Middle East."

We are getting out of Iraq but Afghanistan is another issue, partly because of the corrupt government, and partly because al Qaida has moved into Pakistan where our troops can't go. If Bush had of killed Osama bin Laden at Tora Bora, where he had him trapped but let him go, then we probably would not be having this conversation. If you expect Obama to get out of two wars that are over 9 years old in his 1st 2 years, you are very naive. He can't do that, and you know it.

Update 4:

"The Republicans in Congress have proposed cutting $100 billion from the budget. That is a big start at paying for the war that continues under the current administration"

That is what the Republicans ran on but we are in deficit and they have scaled that back to $30 billion taken from the poor, not the rich. We are 1.5 Trillion in deficit a year, much of it tax-cuts to the rich and the wars you started. $30 billion isn't even a good start. It is nothing.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    by cutting spending, and attracting business to the US to create new revenue.

    BTW- democrats funded the wars.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama and the Democrats have had two years to end the wars. If they were the illegal wars many YA liberals complain about, they would not have increased troops in the Middle East. It is time for Democrats to stop blaming Bush and take some responsibility.

    The budget for this year was written and passed by a Democratic controlled Congress and a Democratic president. If the troops did not get a COLA how is that the fault of the conservatives?

    The Republicans in Congress have proposed cutting $100 billion from the budget. That is a big start at paying for the war that continues under the current administration.

  • 1 decade ago

    So far, at least under Bush, they went directly too the deficit, bypassing the budget!

    You do know Obama has been President the last 2 years?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Democrats and republicans both love to fund wars, expect our debt to get higher.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    ax owe bama....

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