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Lv 7
cantcu asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Republicans have been in office over a month. How many jobs have they created?

This is a simple question with a simple, really simple, answer. First to get the # gets the 10!


"How many jobs have we lost? Remember Bush. We were only $4 trillion dollars in debt. Since Obama we are now at $17 trillioin dollars in debt. You need to look at the facts"

Where do you get your FACTS? Obama has created 3 million jobs in 2 years. When Bush left office we were $14 TRILLION in deficit and until October 2009 we were operating on his budget. Sorry your information is factually flawed!

Update 2:

"Obamas wants to veto everything"

Really, and what has he vetoed? Republicans haven't passed 1 bill yet. They defeated 3 of their own so far!

Update 3:

"I find it mildly humorous that you think it's the government's responsibility to supply you with a job."

They give plenty of tax-cuts to business to create jobs, including tax breaks where places like GE, Bank of America and GE don't even pay taxes.

Republicans ran on the creation of jobs as their #1 priority! Duh!!!!!!

7 Answers

  • Jacara
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Republicans want to cut domestic programs by 20% (you can look up any news organization for this fact) that means less funding, less funding means layoffs, layoffs means increased numbers of Unemployed. WOW that doesn't look like their trying to reduce Unemployment, looks more like their trying to increase it then most likely blame someone else.

    @Stretch Armstrong

    Who do you think started the "runaway" spending? UP till the end of 2009 we were running off the Bush era budget, that the spending budget (the one you call runaway) that the...wait for it...Republicans came up with throughout the Bush era.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Obama has been in office over 2 years. How many jobs have we lost? Remember Bush. We were only $4 trillion dollars in debt. Since Obama we are now at $17 trillioin dollars in debt. You need to look at the facts.

  • dm
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well, I have been at my new job for 3 weeks now! I can't complain! Good pay, good job, seems like it will last...Ask again in 6 months. BTW, why all the hate? If people are finding jobs, then whats your beef? Oh, you will love the fact I get paid to go to wal-mart and make sure the employees are doing their job!

  • 1 decade ago

    If Republicans have been in office for a month, then I suppose the office of the President and the hundred or so individuals in the US Senate, where Democrats still predominate, don't count for anything, right?

    Jobs aren't created, a proper business climate is created so that businesses feel confident enough of the future that they want to hire people. People get jobs and keep them because they are doing something of value for the people who are paying them. There is no other reason to hire people.

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  • 1 decade ago

    We didn't elect Republicans to create jobs. Only liberals "think" that the government is supposed to create jobs. We elected Republicans to stop the out of control spending spree that's been happening for the last 11 years.

    Obama was the one that promised to create "shovel ready" jobs with his Stimulus Bill...funny how after the Bill was passed unemployment kept going up...

    So to answer your question...Republicans have created 0 jobs...THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I find it mildly humorous that you think it's the government's responsibility to supply you with a job.

  • John W
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Obamas wants to veto everything

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