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why are blacks seen as irresponsible deadbeats when plenty of white men do just as worse as...? men do?

Plenty of whtie men cheat on their women, hit them, leave them, etc, so why are blacks are often unjustly portrayed more so in that way, like in the US, UK and canada. why, when whites are just as capable. all races have good and bad, so why single out blacks more? Whites can be very bad too, so why single out blacks more?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    One place I've seen this is in the workplace where a black person, not just a man, is incompetent in their position. People assume he/she is in the position due to Affirmative Action or some quota system. But when someone of another race is incompetent in their position, no such assumptions are made. This is just one of the reasons I'm opposed to quota systems and Affirmative Action - also, the underlying assumption is that blacks can't get there on their own merits or due to discrimination. Now that we have a black man who may well be the next president of the United States, purely on merit and popularity, I feel things are getting to a level playing field.

    There is also a societal belief (and I don't honestly know whether or not statistical data supports this or not) that blacks are more accepting of teenage unwed motherhood, with the fathers not being held financially accountable. If this is not supported by data, then this also is just unfair stereotyping.

    The truth is, in my opinion, that both whites and blacks are keeping racism alive and well, unfortunately. I worked with a great black woman, we could discuss a lot of racial issues openly, she even thought O.J. was guilty, but after 13 years of working together and me and another coworker overlooking her lack of pulling her share of the work, and it was getting worse, and we had a totally informal meeting about it, nothing in writing, nobody from Personnel there, etc., and lo and behold she pulled out the "race card". I was totally shocked. Not only would I never have thought she would have done that, I think she really believed it. She and I had been friends for a long time and I had covered her a** so many times I couldn't count the occasions.

    But, trust me, I do see the other side, too. I will never pretend to know what it was like to grow up in the 60s (when I grew up) when integration in the schools was just beginning and in my elementary school they placed one black child in every class. How those children stood up to it I'll never know. As I recall, the other kids were pretty much okay at school but the black children weren't invited to outside birthday parties or anything like that. But some of the teachers were horrid. My Mom was teaching there at the time and she would tell me what some of the other teachers would say in the teacher's lounge, one I remember was "He can raise his hand all day but I'll never call on him". Another teacher thought it spoke to the (lack of) intelligence of a black child that his IQ score dropped 30 points during the academic year he spent with her. That's how dumb SHE was.

    So I know there's a lot of residual "baggage", and I know that people can't just "get over" horrid treatment like that. But one thing I don't understand is that, in my personal experience, younger blacks, especially men, seem unhappier with whites than blacks my generation (I'm 53) and older - the ones who experienced more injustice and racism in their lifetimes. I wish someone could explain this to me.

    Until blacks and whites can sit down at the table and freely talk and really listen to each other about the racism and bigotry and stereotyping coming from both sides without fear of not being "politically correct" and actually airing out the true issues, we will continue to have these problems. I know that black role models for success like Arthur Ashe and Bill Cosby have been disliked by some blacks for stating their opinions on some topics. Everybody should be able to freely express their opinion.

    I know I was upset by seeing rooms full of people cheering when the innocent verdict came in on O.J. Only God and O.J. know the truth, but we do all know that he repeated beat Nicole and that she was very afraid of him and that she was murdered, as was Ron Goldman, in a heinous fashion. So I don't think loud cheering was appropriate in any event; a murder trial is a somber event. If he had been found guilty and rooms full of white people cheering were shown on the news, what do you think would have happened?

    I think it would have gotten pretty ugly. Why can one race do this (cheer at a verdict) and another not?

    So I agree with you, the questioner. Black men are criticized more for being "ne'er do wells", etc., due to stereotyping, and it isn't fair. And it should be stopped. But the pendulum swings both ways and all of it should be stopped.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obviously something has raised this issue with you, but I'd say that whomever is placing blame on certain races should maybe be avoided. That type of old-school bigotry will only bring you down. Those of us with any brains understand that there are bad people and there are good people. Color has nothing to do with it. (Trash comes in all colors, just look in your garbage can). I think that to be a stronger country, (or world ... whatever), we need to realize that we are brothers and sisters beneath a single flag, (or of a single planet, if you will), and stop bickering over what race is better, smarter, more capable, more evil, yada-yada. I don't know where you're running into all of this racist hatred, but here in the U.S. we're starting to understand that race isn't the issue ... actions are what define the individual. After all, a person is how they act - not how they look.

    All the best,


  • 1 decade ago

    Follow the money trail. Who is making money by keeping the black man down? Jesse Jackson? Louis Farrakhan? And all the other "civil rights" activists. If black men were perceived as being treated equally, there goes a whole industry of rescuers. Might even improve the black man's perception of himself. Look at what Bill Crosby is trying to do: call a spade a spade.

    If you remember your basic psychology, there is a pecking order in any society. White trash needs someone to look down on. My time in the army taught me that a man's innate capability or his character has nothing to do with the color or his skin.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    although nobody disputes there are white men guilty of all these things, there is a far higher proportion of black men who do this.

    statistically, black men are eight times more likely to be irresponsible deadbeats than men of any other race, and fifteen times more likely than white men to be irresponsible deadbeats.

    As such, black men have a reputation for being like this.

    Another example is if you were to imagine a rich, hard working man, you would probably picture a white man. there are many rich, hard working black men, but of a far lower proportion than white men. in fact, black men are 65 times less likely to be hard working and sucessful than white men.

    Many black people, normally the unsucessful, lazy irresponsible deadbeats say this is because of racism. i.e. it is racism that forces them to not take responsibility for their kids, that forces them to not look for jobs and racism that forces them to hit women.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are correct, Personally i'm a white male from birmingham, UK.

    In my opinion the only ones who say that is the ones who are either racist or jealous.

    For Instance.. I Know many White's who imitate black's.. But do you know any black's that imitate white's :)

    Fact is Black's Are Cooler In Majority, Feared And Respected more. (Here Anyways)

    I Must also state a fact that from what i've seen, black's Are More Racist than White's.

    - There are areas here With sign's Up.. banning white's after a certain time -

    - This is no Joke, the Proof Lies In The Link's, But it's not just Black's It's Muslim's -

    Just take no notice, Anyone who think blacks are worse than white's need Their Head Testing as we are just divided by skin colour, we're all Human.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If there are 1,000,000 blacks and 500,000 of them qualify for a stereotype, and there are 100,000,000 whites and 2,000,000 of them qualify, the stereotype is going to stick a lot more readily to the blacks, because that is 50% versus 2%.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll shout from the rooftops. that the dregs of society come in a vast array of colors,sizes ,shapes,socio-economic background,sexual orientation,religous backgrounds,etc.,etc.,etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    White men are deadbeats too.

  • soul
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    because we are the most watched/imitated race in the world. people love to watch and be little because of skin color it sucks but its the truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree.White men should be concentrating on ourselves instead of wasting time and energy judging others.Well said.

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