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Are you Vegan or Vegetarian and why?

Teacher wants to know and I do not have the answer?

If vegetarain why? part 2 why not vegan?

if vegan why? part 2 why not vegetarian?

what makes the difference for you personally?

not intereested in the meat eaters reasons just vegan or vegetarian without

beef chicken fish ham or otherwise something with a face just non-meat eaters please.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, I am neither a vegetarian nor a vegan. I am an omnivore, because I believe that meat eggs and dairy taste ******* delicious.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was a vegetarian for 9 years, and then became vegan. I originally became a vegetarian because I do not believe that animals are there for our use, and the thought of eating flesh disgusts me. It took me a while to become vegan because there is a great deal of false information about how a vegan diet is 'bad for you' and i was concerned i would not have a lot to eat. However, I found some great resources and realized this wasn't true, so became vegan. The way animals are treated is appalling to me; it is not enough to just not eat meat.

    after becoming more aware and becoming vegan I am more disgusted with humans. I find myself having to bite my tongue a lot, because so many omnivores are so stupid. Some are interested and good about it, but i hate hearing things like "I wish i could do that, but meat is so delicious" or "animals don't matter" or worst of all "we're the top of the food chain, so why wouldn't we eat animals". It drives me crazy how insensitive people are

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a vegetarian becuase no animals deserves to be a killed to be put of a shop shelf its cruel. My opinion!!! It makes me sick to think a pig which was living a life was slaughtered and is now in front of me; on my fork. I dont believe animals should be killed.

    PART 2. I'm not really sure about not being a vegan, but I totally understand the reasons for being a vegan and totally agree with them, using no animals foods, products or items I think its good :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a vegan because I want to try to make the biggest impact in my capabilities. I am also vegan for health reason and because I feel that we have no right to kill a living being who has a right to live as much as I.

    I am not a vegetarian because I do not agree with supporting the veal industry ( by drinking even organic milk) and supporting the many deaths of male chicks by eating eggs (even organic). Plus, the chickens and cows get killed after he people are done using them for their milk/eggs, so that " the animals do not die directly from collecting eggs and milking a cow" saying is wrong to me. They do get sent to slaughter after the horrible lives they live serving us. There are many reason why I am not a vegetarian, though I am grateful they do not eat meat because any effort is good effort, I just can not find it in me to support cruelty. I also am not a vegetarian because I do not want to support animal testing and the fur/skin farms also.

    Me Turning vegan has giving me a sense of peace of knowing I am doing what I can. I love animals and wish no harm to them.

    Have a great day!

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  • 1 decade ago

    vegitarian, because i dont like to see how much animals are hurt(see Food Inc. the movie).Im not vegan because im not sure i could go without dairy and i dont really see how milking a cow is hurting it, but all the same i have nothing against vegans!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Dietary vegan- it is a small step to go from vegetarian to vegan if you consider that dairy products and eggs are still animal-produced and may be done so under questionable circumstances, even though I sought out organic and free-range products. My health is better now also.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I consider myself a vegetarian, I never eat meat and I don't consume much dairy at all. Although I do have moral reasons for not eating meat, I also find it truly disgusting to eat dead animals. I mean, seriously it's just gross.

    Source(s): Vegetarian since 5 years old.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Vegan because innocent life is more important than personal desires. When you say Vegan versus vegetarian it depends on what you mean. Veganism is a lifestyle (avoiding all animal products, animal-tested products, and other products/actions that harm animals) and philosophy while vegetarianism is just a diet. I assume you are referring to the dietary aspects, specifically milk and eggs. Cows and chickens raised for milk and eggs are raised in very bad conditions and murdered at a fraction of their natural lifespan when milk/egg production decreases (true even for 'free range' milk/eggs). Male calves born into the milk industry are sold to veal and murdered at a few months of age while male chicks born into the egg industry are murdered hours after hatching. Male babies are of no use to the milk/egg industries and this applies even to 'free range' farms, 'family farms', etc. And more fundamentally than these specifics, using cows/chickens for milk/eggs is exploiting innocent beings for personal gain and that is wrong.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm an ethical vegan. Dairy cows and laying hens are treated just as bad as animals raised for meat.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Vegetarian, healthier

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Vegan. Do the research on what they do to animals to produce milk.

    My health was the reason I went vegan.

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