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Uncomfirmed March 2011 banlist?


Goyo Guardian

Cold Wave

Mass Driver




Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow

Book of Moon

Gateway of the Six


Card Trooper

Archlord Kristya

Spirit Reaper

Debris Dragon

Royal Tribute

Overload Fusion


Solemn Warning

Icarus Attack


Chaos Sorcerer

Demise, King of Armageddon

Snipe Hunter

Dewloren, Tiger Prince of the Ice Barrier

Gold Sarcophagus

Skill Drain

Ultimate Offering

What do you guys think. I believe it's real, besides, V jump comes out today so...


heh, yea, this basically rapes Black wings, LS kinda, they do get card trooper at 2 now.

this ban list rapes, dandy warriors, six sams but they get shien dojo, gravekeepers, any FTK with mas driver, hmm, am i missing anything?

If anything, X-sabers are probably gonna rule the TCG format

Update 2:

I wish heavy was back, book of moon limited is gonna be interesting. Skill drain perhaps may be back in play

Update 3:

Yea, I was gonna put, my first question on yahoo answer and stuff. I was bored so i jut posted and see whats up and well, it seems i have people talking about the list, though i though it wuld be more people, but what eva

Update 4:

yup, many of our buddies left.

Update 5:

basically, im only stuck here cuz im bored, might as well answer random question or so. Damn the rain is annoying.

Update 6:

theres always cannon soldier to replace mass driver, but i doubt thats gonna happen really.

yea, this ban list does hurt the next structure but only a bit really.

Hey, goyo DT is still vauluable even if its gonna be banned.

Update 7:

limiting kalut and honest was pretty harsh, I can see why icarus was semi though

Update 8:


Update 9:

well other than the brionac thing, all of these cards are in the TCG, so any cards like these are comfirmed, of course stuff that comes out later may not, like the brionac thing, but the marik deck says otherwise so i believe trishisula well be limited

Update 10:

pot of duality should have been hit to 1 or at least 2, I guess fables will go up, maybe. Megamorph is gonan support morphtronic perhaps, ben kei.

Overload fusion, hmm dark machina fusin support I guess, altough there isnt alot of dark fusion machine monster, it can help quicken chimeratech otk if anyone tries to play like so.

Sad book of moon went bye bye, guess we gotta find a new replacement.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes...this is pretty much real...still i hope there will be more not 100% concinved until I see the list on Shriek. X-sabers will still be in top, but they probs wont be the best. Pretty depressed about the Book of moon and the Goyo. Dont forget that the Books limit will hurt Empty Jars lol.

    I can see that this will help with the Frog monarch decks, since they didnt really hit it, and the limiting of book of moon actually helps LaDD. Some people say that Demise will come back, I am still thinking that it wont come back, its probably only good as a fun deck, as it just isnt the same as before.

    This banlist is mostly aimed against Dandy decks, (i mean, hitting dandy, debris, and in return giving a trooper?), and blackwings, with the icarus and the kalut.

    After so many formats of asking, they finally banned cold wave and mass driver.

    So yeah..I am ok with the format...just not too happy with the books, other than that I am ok with the list.


    Edit: I kinda dont want heavy back...its too cheap and idk...I kinda wanted MST at 3 tho... and yes I agree skill drain deck may have come back, like the all famous skill drain beat down, haha too bad Blackwing skill drain decks wont really work now, without the kaluts.

    Edit: Meh card game section for yugioh was kinda down, so much people from my generation already quit this place or yugioh, the people from back then were awesome, if they were here, there would be much more discussion

    Edit: Yeah, that is partially the reason I half quit on this place too, now the people i only know here are You and Key.

    Edit: @Izen

    Yeah I am also pretty sad about the honest and krystia, since we get the deck in june, chaos sorc is usually run in 2's anyways.

    Edit @dude

    I can imagine the face of a blackwing player when they see the list.

    -2 kalut

    -1 icarus

    -2 book of moon

    Edit: The list is confirmed Shriek has officially posted the list on their site. THIS IS THE OFFICIAL BAN LIST OF MARCH 2011!

  • 1 decade ago

    Pikapika212's first question ...

    Proud to answer it :3

    Goyo, yay, that lv6 2800 beatstick sometimes change games and it's hard to get around it.

    Cold Wave - Well, this takes away all the fun :l

    Mass Driver - Not much to say, but why not just ban the cards that's causing the FTK ?

    Honest - Yay

    Dandylion - Yay

    Kalut - Umm ... about time ?

    Book of Moon - Wow, that's 1 less way to prevent explosive synchro summon

    Gateway - Yay

    Card Trooper - I don't even ...

    Archlord Kristya - Why? I'd like to see the reason behind this one, is it LS?

    Spirit Reaper - Not much useful limited anyways

    Debris Dragon - Should be limited

    Royal Tribute - o_0, I guess so

    Overload Fusion - Randomness

    Megamorph - .................

    Solemn Warning - Doesn't affect most decks

    Icarus Attack - :3

    Chaos Sorcerer - ^_^

    Demise, King of Armageddon - :l

    Snipe Hunter - With Fabled? Seriously?

    Dewloren, Tiger Prince of the Ice Barrier - I don't know why this was on the banned list in the first place

    Gold Sarcophagus - Moar Searcher !

    Skill Drain - Anti-Meta anyone?

    Ultimate Offering - Konami is helping Gadgets so much ...

    Is it me or did I miss Pot of Duality? Konami is so greedy ...........

    But to be honest, I like having good cards on the banned list so that way I can actually fit more cards in there.

  • Izen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I've got reasons to believe its real, and no reason to believe its not.

    Monster Reborn didn't get banned, but most everything else is fine with me. Not sure about Chaos Sorcerer at 3, and Blackwings have been a meta deck for a good long while and time and time again refuse to die. The limitation of Honest and semi-limitation of Krystia cater to a meta deck in Japan that we won't have access to until later in he year when we get the Structure Deck.

    And they finally banned Mass Driver, that card that serves no purpose other than to promote OTKs.

    Source(s): I guess its sucks how little my DT Goyo is worth all of a sudden, but that's a pretty biased criticism.
  • 1 decade ago

    OCG list might be confirmed if that's what you mean. TCG ban list has not been confirmed and won't be until march (hence being called the 'march ban list'. strange coincidence right?). TCG list does not always follow OCG list (given there are exclusives to both and things just plain not released in one yet that will be later).

    So yea we'll find out the tcg list when it is posted on the official site with the march update. Until then the TCG list is not confirmed.

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  • bondre
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Dandylion is probably not very broken. Lonefire Blossom, on the different hand, is ridiculously broken. i will see Lonefire getting positioned to a million, and that i would not be shocked if Dandylion went to a million besides, yet I doubt it is going to take place. Banned: chilly Wave Monster Reborn Mass motive force, because of the fact this card has actually in no way finished something yet sell o.ok. and FTKs. [I additionally experience that vast Trunade would desire to be banned because of the fact it in basic terms serves to sell o.ok.. that is an inherent minus in any non-o.ok.deck because it in basic terms clears the sphere for one play, and solitary performs in non-o.ok.decks are not many times mandatory for the deck to compete) restricted: Lonefire Blossom Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth Solemn warning Gateway of the Six Royal Tribute Tsukuyomi Tribe-Infecting Virus XX-Saber Darksoul [probable Pot of Duality. If it would not get restricted, then there is nowhere else on the banlist for it to circulate. it is not broken adequate to get banned, and only approximately each and every physique already in basic terms runs 2 because of the fact 3 tend to reason you to charm to them once you do not desire them] [additionally, Trishula will visit a million finally. that is only none individuals fairly understand while) Semi-restricted: debris Dragon infinite: Mystical area hurricane Magic Cylinder Magical Stone Excavation

  • Dude
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    This list SUCKS!

    Why limit kalut and honest? WTF

    And icarus attack semi limited? WHY?

    I hope this list isn't real or else I wont be running Blackwings for 6 months.

    Back to Machina Gadgets for me

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe I was pissed off beyond belief when I read this on Pojo. It's unconfirmed to me until I see it on the official site. Honest and Kalut don't deserve to be limited.

    Only time will tell. I'm trying to look on the bright side here and consider what I can do to keep my blackwings competitive with the 3 heavy blows they just took.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well if your playing twilight you have the 3rd chaos 3rd gold sarc and 2nd card trooper I don't see anything uber exciting but this format will be playable

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