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Please read, and help a sister out?

Salaam brothers and sisters,

Basically, I'm 16 years old and I've applied to the best college in London. My grades are good(mashallah), but I think I didn't do well in the interview yesterday =( I REALLY want to go to that college. What can I do in Islam, that will help me get the place in the college? Can I fast or do any special prayers? Please make du'a for me, and I will be grateful to you eternally. May Allah(swt) keep you all well, inshallah.

Allah hafiz


Hope: Me too! It's Woodhouse! I couldn't answer the questions I was asked, because I was under a lot of pressure =(

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Walaikum asalaam sister,

    What college you go to doesn't matter...uni is more important...Pray and ask for your best sis...I got an unconditional offer from Woodhouse [a good college] and I rejected the offer because I thought my own sixth form would be good...and I don't regret my decision at all, unis are trying to get more students from normal schools so maybe your chance of getting into a high uni is higher at a normal college...

    Always ask for the best from Allah (swt), you don't always know what the best for you is...

    May Allah swt give you the best ! Ameen

    Salaam x

    Edit - Oh lmao! As I was writing it I thought maybe you're talking about Woodhouse :P :P I never had to do an interview ;) I got an all I had to do was get B's at least for sciences and maths [as that is what I wanted to take]...Aww don't worry dear, I'm sure what will happen is the best for ya...I was intimidated abit by Woodhouse...Any top college/sixth form will be too competitive; besides I like to be lazy sometimes ;) Hehe..All the best dear...and I hope you don't take it too badly if you don't get in...Always ask for the best! Salaam xx

    Source(s): My opinion
  • wsalam :)

    i'm in the same situation applying for colleges but i'm 15 and my grades are mediocre XP. may i ask what went wrong in the interview?

    Being a muslim you'd know the six pillars of Iman with the last one being Qadr- Decree/Destiny

    Allah swt has already written what will happen therefore regardless of what the outcome may be even if you don't get the place just know it's for the best as everything that does happen is for a good reason we're just not knowledgeable enough to understand it. Like others have said make supplications etc for Allah swt to make it easy for you and inshallah His blessing will be bestowed upon you :)

    i'll make dua for you as well inshallah x

  • Make du'a following it's ettiquettes

    Wake up for tahajjud prayer

    And remember whatever happens is for the best

    And keep it in perspective thats it's just a dunya thing u probably won't care about in 5yrs or even 5months

    Xoxo walaikum salaam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

    Source(s): Ps it's good to do voluntary fasts regardless to add tours scale of good deeds insha Allah
  • Lina
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You can pray to Allah but at the end of the day Allah knows what is best for you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    unfortunately allah cant help you in this matter as allah is just a man made myth just like any other kind of god, hope you come to realize this soon :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm atheist so I've got no interest. Pray if you wish, but I would suggest you do the same thing you'd try to do with a job.

    Call every now and then and see if they've come to a decision and make sure they know you're definitely interested.

  • Celine
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You can just pray and hope that god listens to you :)

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