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I'm confused, conservatives think they do not need teachers?

I hear you say "All teachers are just there to molest children and get benefits." and "They do not deserve to be paid well and should not get benefits."

Do you really think comments like that make other people take you seriously?


Yes people are saying it. They may have been kidding and I may have exaggerated, but I didn't make it up.

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Before the teachers unionized we never had a teachers strike. At that time our education system was the best in the world. Teaching was looked upon as an honorable profession. Our students were the best in the world. We put men on the moon using slide rules and monitors. Slide rules were used to bring home th Apollo 13 crew. Those NASA employees were taught on our classrooms and did their jobs without the aid of computer systems we have today. Teachers work about half a year in work days during the school year and are free to seek an additional two months of temporary employment or enjoy two solid months of vacation every summer. They never work a holiday. Teachers are mandated and paid from government funds and taxpayers have no choice but to conform. This goes against the grain and the principle of the Constitution. Government workers and teachers should never be unionized as the people are not represented in opposition to them. In the last 40 years there have been teachers strike contrary to the interest of those wishing to enter college upon high school graduation. Don't even attempt to claim they have any regard for other than themselves. That is a lie. During all this time they have encouraged the federal government to increase support for our school systems and they are failing more now than ever. these teacher unions are no good.

  • 1 decade ago

    Home schooled children do not need unionized teachers, nor do private schools. What we need is actual teachers, not ones who skip class to attend protests and use fake doctor's excuses for time off. I believe you are the one confused because you fail to look at the bigger picture. Yes they deserve to be paid well, but not more than the private sector if they are not providing above standard services, they also do not need to have free benefits that the average private sector employee is required to pay dearly for. Now am I to take you seriously that you feel that some how teachers are doing such a great job in our schools that they deserve better than the average hard working American? Look at our school systems, many are in the red, cannot pay their bills, have substandard testing scores and passing students who cannot read or do simple math. they are not doing so well that they deserve to bankrupt states based on their demands. Change in needed and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are many views, some bogus like the ones that you mentioned. Try this, the state cannot afford to keep the current pension structure in place. Wisconsin will go broke. So, they ask teachers to pay 12% annually into their healthcare and pension. Not fair you say? Obamacare wants private citizens to pay a similar amount into healthcare. So tell me, are teachers just that much more special than other citizens? If they want their benefits, they need to pay a little that is all. One teacher at the protest said it is unfair that she would have to pay $500 per month on her $50,000 salary. My wife (a teacher in another state) makes $35,000 and pays just over $200 per month for benefits. If my wife took what was being offered to that lady, she would end up with a $6,600 pay raise, including paying the $500 per month. We live in a higher priced area to live in the Rocky Mountains. So tell me, who is being unreasonable?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Conservatives do value teachers. What they oppose is the current union system that protects lousy teachers and holds down the better teachers. They oppose a system where how much you earn is based on how long you have had the job for, and not how good or productive you are at that job. Finally, they oppose unions because they will always fight for more pay and benefits, and unfortunately, their pay and benefits comes from only one place: the taxpayers' pockets.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm sure there are good teachers. But when the vast majority of teachers belong to the same union, and our kids are dropping out, and we're ranked 25th in the industrial world, bullying and molestation, it's time to give another group a chance.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We'd like them in a system where they can compete and excel, instead of one that treats good teachers and leeches the same.

    When we see ppl having a hissy fit over contributing to their own retirement, that pisses off the rest of us that already fund 90+% of our retirement and pay a lot higher % of our benefits.

    Are you less confused now?

  • 1 decade ago

    How funny.

    I've never heard those sentiments voiced anywhere, but by you. Using the comments of some nut to make negative generalizations doesn't really support your cause, either.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wisconsin has a 43% drop out rate. That means almost half the students attending Wisconsin public schools do not graduate high school. It's time to rethink the system, stop rewarding teachers for failure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Teachers unions protect lazy, incompetent, tenured slugs and then whine that nobody sees them as professionals.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know what you're talking about. I havn't heard anyone say that.

    We NEED teachers...NOT unions

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